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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

How to Restore Your Virginity

And What IS Virginity, Anyway?

Dear Sacred Community,

Earlier this month I wrote about the importance of women ritually “restoring their virginity.” The post created an avalanche of responses, mostly by appreciative women who understood the profound meaning of this womb clearing process. Before I talk about one way to do it, let me address a fundamental question: What is virginity, anyway? Some women get triggered by the “V” word because of its old associations with control of women’s sexuality and repression of erotic feeling.

I talk about the sacred meaning of virginity and its connection with priestessing of a high order in my book The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece, but here I will just call upon Esther Harding’s definition: Virginity means being “whole unto oneself.” No shame, no blame. So when I talk about “restoring virginity,” I’m talking about a process of restoring your sovereignty as a woman.

On the energetic level, it’s about simple hygiene. Most of us wouldn’t have sex without bathing within 24 hours. Similarly, the womb needs bathing. This is an internal process that has to do with second chakra clearing.

Originally, the monthly moon time was used for this ritual inner cleansing. It is ideal for women to use the time of their menstrual flow to ritually work with the blood to slough off old energies that have accumulated in the womb through lovers and social relations, as well as through any violation. It’s not just about bleeding. It’s about releasing energies in this most porous of women’s organs. Hence the importance of the Red Tent or Moon Lodge for women. Since we have mostly forgotten this use of the menses time for ritual clearing, we have accumulated a good deal of stagnant and foreign energies into our womb.

Those who have been violated also still carry the trauma within them, unless they ceremonially release it. Now we have the added problem of pills that are ridding women of menstruation all but a few times a year. Beware.

Men do not experience the same retention of energies, because their sexual organs are external and not intended to enfold and incubate the way a woman’s are. Moreover, as I discuss in my webinar Reclaiming Our Starry Originsthe womb is a holographic replica of the Great Cosmic Womb, the Creatrix of All. That carries with it not only honor and opportunity, but also tremendous responsibility. This post is intended to help us understand the gravity of this reality and the need to take great care with our hallowed alchemical chamber.

A Rite for Restoring Virginity

Many women around the world are now doing or offering “womb cleansings.” I’m taking this one step further to say that what is really happening is we are restoring virginity – restoring our sovereignty as we cleanse this sacred chamber of our body. The myth that the goddess Hera yearly did so in the Canathus Spring references what I contend was once a practice by priestesses who understood the necessity of this clearing work on an annual basis.

In my Divine Birth Mystery Teachings program in April 2013, I was guided to have the group do a full-out virginity restoration ritual. Joy Reichard (, one of the Sacred Women participating in the program, developed the beautiful rite and led us through it. I intuited that we were to share this information freely with others, and I do so with her permission. We extend an invitation for others to share it, as well. What follows is an amalgam of Joy’s ritual and my own information. The ritual can be done solo, but it is more powerful when done in a group and led by one or two people. Of course, you are encouraged to elaborate or embellish as you see fit

Steps for the Ceremony:

Wear a skirt that can be immersed, and refrain from wearing underwear. Lie down on a blanket. Allow yourself to see or sense any cords, or even harpoons or blades, that may be energetically connected to your uterus from lovers. They may be entering your uterus from all directions. See them being gently dislodged, like seaweed coming off the ocean floor. If they feel stubborn, see them being cut with large scissors. See the cords being dislodged or cut from your lovers, as well. Send them up to a source of gold in the Cosmic Womb/Universe and see them dissolving in that light.

Do the same for cords or harpoons that may be coming to your uterus from anyone who has violated you. Do the same with cords or harpoons coming from children, family members, friends, or those with whom you are in social relations, be they friendly or hostile. The only cords that should be connected are those of any of your own children who are 2 years old or younger.

Now do the same with cords coming from family lines or cultures that carry with them beliefs or programs intended to control your body or sexuality, or limit the capacities of your womb, including the belief that all women must give birth in pain.

Do the same with cords coming into your uterus from addictive sexual fantasies you have developed along the way (maybe even starting in childhood or adolescence) that you know deep down are not healthy for you, or may be getting in the way or authentic connection and pleasure with others.

Finally, do the same regarding cords from any foreign objects you or others have inserted into your vagina, including birth control devices, tampons, vibrators, sex toys, thermometers, enemas, and other wanted or unwanted objects.


Now immerse yourself in a warm body of water – either the ocean, a lake, stream, spring, or even a bathtub or hot tub. The water should be of a comfortable temperature, not too cold. Envision yourself expelling through your uterus (birthing) any “wood” from male lovers or residue of cords or other energies that you do not want there. Ideally, you should be squatting. Singing, chanting, or blessings and cleansing affirmations by you or others can be powerful here.

If you cannot do immersion, you may also use a large bowl of water and pour water on your womb with a cup or cupped hands, or sponge water onto it, and mentally intend the same expelling while you squat.

Affirm out loud or silently that you are fully restoring your virginity, the energetic clarity of your womb, and your sovereignty as a woman.


Again lying down on a blanket, lay a flower over your womb, particularly a white lily, the flower of Hera. Mentally bring golden light into your womb, and send it blessings and prayers. Song, chant, or verbal blessings or affirmations are a good addition here, as well. Stand and drape your womb with a special sash or belt. This is your zone, the ancient Greek word for women’s belt, which was a symbol of womb power, sovereignty, and sexuality. This is something you may want to decorate either before or afterward with shells, jewels, embroidery, and other adornments.

Sit in a chair you have decked out as a throne. Hold your flower as a scepter. Feel yourself Queen of the Universe, and unite with the Cosmos. Affirm that you have restored your Virginity, your Sovereignty, your Wholeness. Step out into your life once more, and observe the subtle energetic difference in your body. Know that you have created a clean slate for yourself, and affirm that anything or anyone that enters your vagina henceforth be of a high level of quality and integrity.

If every woman in the world restored her virginity, particularly in a simultaneous global ritual, we would rid ourselves of the program that “women must give birth in pain”!

I am herein sending forth this meme to the world in the hopes that such collective action may manifest.

Marguerite Rigoglioso
Founding Director
Seven Sisters Mystery School