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Signs of Cyber-Addiction & What to Do About It

Breaking Free of Techno Control

This is a big topic, bigger than most of us realize. Electronic devices & cyber realities are beginning to change our neural pathways and run our lives in major ways, and this is as much a spiritual issue as it is a health issue.

Because of the deeper esoteric aspect of what’s going on, in my ceremonial & intuitive works I’ve been shown that spirit allies are calling on us to awaken to what’s going on so we can control IT rather than having IT control US.

A good friend who worked at a major tech company back when computers were first being used as personal devices said everyone there knew they were dealing with something very powerful that absolutely required HUMAN AWARENESS if we were not going to be overrun by it.

The issue is the tech companies have done little to foster human awareness – and everything to foster human addiction to electronic devices. Again, on the estoric level, this has been by design.

The Hidden Agenda Behind Computer Tech

What I’m sharing here is a part 2 to my post The Techno-Abduction of Humanity from Jan 2016. There, I wrote: There’s a nefarious agenda afoot on the part of negative interdimensional beings who are working with human techno wizards to completely capture the human soul in a dead cyber-reality. Some of the techno folks participating in this agenda are aware they’re part of it; some aren’t.

It’s worth checking out that post for the warnings issued, as well as the advice. Computer tech devices are entraining us to have a parallel reality on the cyber plane. That’s the first step to luring us into being there all the time through direct brain plugs.

Yes, that is what I’m shown, and take a look at what’s already happening by dipping back into that previous post.

Computers & devices send out energies & they steal yours. They beckon & seduce. They addict. Think you’re not addicted? Then check out the following:

Signs You’re Already Cyber-Addicted

Take a deep breath…

• The first impulse upon awakening is to reach for your phone to check texts… followed by email and/or social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.).

• You’re at a work meeting & you feel like you must get back to your REAL work on email.

• You’re at a gathering & you’re aware of the tug of texting or social media. You sneak a look in the hallway, bathroom, outside, or even in the midst of the crowd. You somehow feel that this cyber world is as important – or, creepingly – more so than where you are at any given moment.

• Electronic surfing is your “go to” whenever you get a little bored.

• You’re sitting among family or a group & more than one person is checking their phone, so you succumb to the pull, too. You’re sitting in silence in cyber reality rather than present reality.

• You must go to Facebook to find out what your children or the rest of your family are doing. You must post there to get any attention from them.

• You find yourself more & more living your life in with one eye on what or when to post, and you start orchestrating events, moments, or photo opps so as to capture them for social media broadcast.

• You can’t figure out how much time you spend on email & social media because it’s all wound in with your work time.

• You wonder where your time has gone.

• You haven’t read a book in months or years.

• You used to write, paint, sculpt, or create in some form & that’s gone by the wayside.

• You check social media more than twice a day. (Yes, more than that & you’re addicted! Take a breath…)

• You look to social media to feel connected to humanity, fill an emotional void, or find out how people with “real” lives live.

• You swear you’ll look at social media only once a day or once every few days & only for a few minutes, but you find yourself succumbing to looking daily, then several times a day, then for a half hour or more scrolling… and you can’t really control this compulsion.

• In short, you can’t even calculate how much time you’ve spent on social media.

• You’re surfing the Internet for all sorts of topics & your time there turns into a vortex.

• You know you’re ready for bed but you get online & it jacks you up & you end up hitting the sack well after you should have.

• You tell people to “email you” that information instead of writing it down.

• You find synchronistic ads for issues you’re dealing with in your life appearing on sites you read or social media & you don’t realize artificial intelligence software has been surveilling you. You also don’t realize this AI intelligence uses methods far deeper than you know to affect your moods & behavior.

• You sleep with your mobile phone in the room & you keep it no more than two feet away from you all day.

• You feel panicked when you’ve left your phone at home.

• You can’t get from A to B without a GPS because you have no maps & you haven’t been paying attention to where GPS has been leading you.

• You don’t have any of your important phone numbers memorized; they’re all in your phone.

Tips for Gaining Control of Your Reality

• Have a computer you don’t hook up to the Internet at all & work on that for any writing. You’ll find it to be a completely different experience to work on that computer.

• See cyber interference as it exists on the astral: like an octopus with tentacles into your computers, your devices & YOU. Visualize that image detaching from you & going into the sun to be burned.

• Ground yourself & put around you a bubble of golden light surrounded by an eggshell of silver white light every time you get on your computer or phone. This will filter out energies you don’t want.

• Install in your auric field (simply by visualizing it) an old-fashioned alarm clock image with the bells in it, and intend that it ring every time you start interacting with an electronic device. That signals you to become conscious that you’re interacting with the device & it will signal a choice point as to whether you really want to.

• If you choose to to interact check whether this is a compulsive feeling. Just begin noticing this for a week. Then begin to create a gap between you and the computer at that choice point by literally visualizing your energy field detaching from the computer’s field.

• Eventually you can make agreements with yourself about when you will be on a device & for how much time. Set a timer.

• Go on a vacation & don’t take your computer. Make an agreement that you won’t email or use social media on your phone except maybe once a day, before dinner. It takes 7 days completely off devices to detach & detox. The less you use it, the less you need it. This is an energetic fact.

• Refrain from holding phones in your hand, because they emit a frequency that disturbs the natural electromagnetic healing energy that comes from your hands.

• Make an agreement with yourself that you won’t check anything on your phone when driving – even at stoplights.

• Make agreements with others that your lunch or dinner will be device free. Have everyone put their phone on night or airplane mode so as to not even hear buzzing.

• Make an agreement to yourself take earbuds out when you’re in public places & INTERACT with people & nature.

• Make agreements about device use with any children in your life, and stick to it. If need be, collect devices and remove cords to ensure compliance.

This is only the beginning, but it is highly recommended that you start here. The road to being released from addiction beings with AWARENESS.

To join the conversation on this post, offer your comment below. Or, better yet, start talking to your friends & family about it in person!

With love,
Marguerite (Dove)


Are you being called?
Priestess of the Dove Training

Reclaiming Yourself as a Sacred Oracle

led by Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D.

June – Nov 2016

Online with 2 residential weekends in Northern CA

You’ll learn how to:

• Connect with Divine Feminine Intelligence to powerfully establish your personal guidance system in this very challenging world.

• Become an Oracle of sacred wisdom & elevated transmissions for yourself, others & our planet, through inspired word, art, work, or projects reflecting your soul’s particular calling.

For more info visit here

AND To hear Marguerite’s inspired sharings about our oracle heritage & learn more about the training, listen to the TWO free previously recorded calls,
 Oracle Priestessing as an Accelerated Spritual Path & Why You’re Needed, here.



Feed your soul with 2 telesummits that are still accessible:

Inner Warrior Summit

Free online

Marguerite joins Katherine Woodward Thomas, Brooke Medicine Eagle, John Gray & other pathfinders offering tools, practices & guidance to empower & transform your life “from the inside out” this year.

Register here to receive inspiring free recordings & valuable gifts.


Kim Wilbourn’s
Guardian Ancestors Telesummit

Now available in replay

A multi-speaker event that will show you how to connect with your Guardian Ancestors to enrich your life & express your soul purpose.

Hear Marguerite’s conversation with Kim on Reclaiming the Pleaides: Our Starry An-Sisters!

Register here.



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