
DECEMBER CACAO CEREMONY DECEMBER 8th: Stoking Mary’s Miracle Energy in Your Life

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Marguerite’s Dove Visitation!

The afternoon of my online party celebrating the release of my new book The Secret Life of Mother Mary, I went out to my car to head out to my Rock Voices choir rehearsal, and what did I see? Up on the spine of the roof was perched a Dove. She wasn’t even standing, she was sitting, legs tucked under her, just peacefully poised there, unmoving… even as I got out of the car to take the photo.

If you are familiar with what I’ve been teaching about the Dove, you know that this winged creature is deeply connected with both Mother Mary and the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades… known as the Seven Dove Mothers of the World. In fact, the Dove is connected with numerous goddesses of the ancient Mediterranean world and beyond.

The Dove is specifically the totem of the priestess of divine birth. According to the Infancy Gospel of James/Birth of Mary gospel the young Virgin Mary was trained in the temple where she “was fed there like a dove, receiving her food from the hand of a heavenly messenger.” She was being trained to become a Dove, a holy woman who is able to conceive a child parthenogenetically.

In medicine ceremony years ago, I was given the spirit name “Dove” in thanks for the work I’d done to reawaken awareness about the role of the Seven Sisters in seeding large portions of humanity’s DNA through parthenogenesis, and in helping us understand divine birth once more.

The Dove on the roof was such an unusual occurrence ~ I’d never seen any bird perched there, let alone a Dove ~ that I felt inwardly that its appearance was a sign from Mother Mary and the Seven Sisters, saying, “Nice job, my dear. We approve of your book, and, from the realm of the Doves, we overlight and bless you.”

A couple of days later, I noticed that this Dove was not alone… she had a husband, and the two of them flew into the depths of one of the hug fir trees in my backyard. I guess they have taken up residence there… again, I had never noticed them before, and I’m pretty good spotting Doves. Some Dove species mate for life, so this appearance of a Dove couple feels like a good omen for my partner and me, too.

Then this morning I noticed a Dove cooing this morning in some of my other trees. The Doves seem to continue to be blessing me!

This visitation is particularly ripe for sharing given that with we’re getting ready for the Mary & Magdalene Priestess Training ~ because in that program we will be connecting with the Mystery of the Doves’ relationship to the Marys and the Pleiades in real and felt ways to suppor our spiritual advancement. There is great medicine in this for all of us and we hope you will come fly with us!


  1. Christie

    Thank you for sharing this lovely story.

  2. Brian

    the spiritual advancement of the Marys was through their devotion & intention to ‘tone in’ dimensional frequencies embedded with energies of healing & wisdom…sing your truth and the doves will coo with you…smile

  3. Frank Janzad

    What a fascinating story. After reading it I felt compelled to write this. In 1995, I went to Canada to partake in a sacred clown workshop. Unbeknownst to my teacher and I, he introduced me to a point when I later discovered to be the nada bindu point in one of Marguerite’s classes. In that workshop I learned how to surrender to nada bindu that lead to the creation of six two-minute theatrical presentations. My favorite presentation was the one where in a state of semi-trance, I chose a series white garments (from four giant bags, full of worn clothing for clowns to use) and a small piece of narrow tree branch. Dressed all in white, I stood in a standing Zazen (no-form, the nada part of nada bindu), emptying myself and creating the necessary receptivity and space to invite the nada bindu to do her work on me. A process that required my total surrender to the impulses originating from within my body. The first impulse started moving my arms, as if I’m a bird flapping my wings right before the take off. I took flight as a white dove with an olive branch in its mouth. I soar ecstatically in front of the observing classmates, sending them waves of love and compassion with the most genuine and heart-felt smile ever formed on my face. I landed and spit the olive branch to drink some water just like a dove would drink—looking up each time a gulp of water goes down as a gesture of gratitude to the heavens above? Suddenly i make a loud noise that sounded like a gunshot. I get shot in my chest. As I’m falling, I pull out a red tie that was pinned inside my white shirt’ pocket. Lying on my back with a long red tie( blood) over my white shirt, shaking my arms and legs as I take my last breath. I get up limping out of the stage, turning and giving an angry look at the audience. This wounded dove presentation: a symbolic image of my many past lives where I get burned at the stakes.
    It’s no coincidence that take Marguerite’s classes. I’ve been learning and will be learning about how to heal my wounded dove. Thank you Marguerite!

  4. Frank Janzad

    What a fascinating story. After reading it I felt compelled to write this. In 1995, I went to Canada to partake in a sacred clown workshop. Unbeknownst to my teacher and I, he introduced me to a point when I later discovered to be the nada bindu point in one of Marguerite’s classes. In that workshop I learned how to surrender to nada bindu that lead to the creation of six two-minute theatrical presentations. My favorite presentation was the one where in a state of semi-trance, I chose a series white garments (from four giant bags, full of worn clothing for clowns to use) and a small piece of narrow tree branch. Dressed all in white, I stood in a standing Zazen (no-form, the nada part of nada bindu), emptying myself and creating the necessary receptivity and space to invite the nada bindu to do her work on me. A process that required my total surrender to the impulses originating from within my body. The first impulse started moving my arms, as if I’m a bird flapping my wings right before the take off. I took flight as a white dove with an olive branch in its mouth. I soar ecstatically in front of the observing classmates, sending them waves of love and compassion with the most genuine and heart-felt smile ever formed on my face. I landed and spit the olive branch to drink some water just like a dove would drink—looking up each time a gulp of water goes down as a gesture of gratitude to the heavens above? Suddenly i make a loud noise that sounded like a gunshot. I get shot in my chest. As I’m falling, I pull out a red tie that was pinned inside my white shirt’ pocket. Lying on my back with a long red tie( blood) over my white shirt, shaking my arms and legs as I take my last breath. I get up limping out of the stage, turning and giving an angry look at the audience. This wounded dove presentation: a symbolic image of my many past lives where I get burned at the stakes.
    It’s no coincidence that take Marguerite’s classes. I’ve been learning and will be learning about how to heal my wounded dove. Thank you Marguerite!

  5. myrah wize

    Doves, like Ravens….
    Grace us with messages and affirmations…
    Though indeed their sounds differ….
    And oh my when they land on your roof/home….
    You are anointed with all their majik..!!
    Blessed Be that we..You…notice their presence..
    LOVE-ly Marguerite….

  6. Alicia

    I love reading this because I recently had a dove visitation too! I only just discovered you and your new book and started reading it a few days ago, but I’d already been working with Aphrodite and dove spirit for a few months. Hence, I was delighted to read the part of your book where you speak about the priestesses of divine birth being known as “doves”.

    The other day I took my 5 year old son to look at a fountain in our local square and low and behold there was a white dove! I’ve never seen one in all our time living here or in life in general. It was my first white dove ever! Like you, I took it as a powerful omen as I am very conscious of animal messengers, especially birds. I couldn’t stop staring at it and smiling, it felt like such a gift.

    Then to see this post about your dove visitation, I just had to share mine with you too. 🙂 I was so excited to discover you as Mother Mary is very dear to my heart and she has offered me much guidance and healing over the last few years. Reading her story through your book is so magical and heartwarming, thank you so much and congratulations.

    • Marguerite Rigoglioso

      Alicia, what a beautiful sharing, and how affirming of your own experience!

  7. Claire Magdalena Sierra

    Great blessing!! We have quite a lot of doves here where I live, and that’s a first. (Owls often, too) They always make me think of the priestess sisterhoods, and of course, you.