
NEW YEAR VISIONING EVENT JANUARY 16th: A Snake Power New Year Visioning with the Marys

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

What Are Miracles? And Can You Cultivate Them?

In the next few days we have two miracle events on the calendar: Mother Mary’s own divine conception by her mother Anne (the original meaning behind the Dec 8 feast of the “immaculate conception”), and Mother Mary’s appearance to Juan Diego of Mexico on Dec 12, leaving her imprint on his tilma.

That’s all well and good for someone of the stature of Mary… but what about us? Can miracles happen in the lives of regular ole’ folks?

Of course you know the answer: Yes.

First of all YOU are a living miracle of bone, DNA, and soul.

And think back on your life… to the remarkable and maybe even uncanny things that have happened to you. Things like:  A dramatic healing for yourself or a loved one. A conception or pregnancy that came to term despite all odds. The sudden change of heart in a person who you were at odds with. The arrival of a beloved into your life. Unexpected money coming to you at a critical time. The glimpse of an extraterrestrial craft. An unusually powerful synchronicity that made you really reflect in a bigger way on how the universe works.

If you’re used to thinking of miracles as huge happenings that are unlikely to happen to you, spend a moment redefining what “miracle” can be for you. The fact is, miracles happen every day. They don’t need to be massive. Think of a tiny miracle that’s happened since you got up this morning. You can find one. Even if it’s “My body kept me alive last night through breathing as I slept. What a wondrous thing.” Or “The sun rose over the horizon.”

Finding the tiny miracles that manifest all the time, recognizing them, is the first step to stirring more of them into your life, through Jesus’ own adage, “Wherever the mind is, there is the treasure.”

Spend a meditation reflecting on miracles that have happened for you or that you’ve witnessed, and begin writing them down. Keep a special journal. You may find that your entire life becomes a symphony of miraculous moments, and that your attitude toward living shifts toward peace and gratitude as a result.

To get a jump start on this process, we hope you’ll join us for our cacao ceremony happening TODAY Dec 8, where we will journey on “Stoking Mary’s Miracle Energy in Your Life!” Yes, the master of miracles will work with us to enhance our miracle-level living just in time for the new year. You can find out more and register HERE.