I’ve been deep in personal healing ceremonies this past week, and I have experienced what I can only call another layer of resurrection. In this, I was given the understanding that Jesus’ resurrection is but a template for our own.
We might call such a process a soul retrieval, but resurrection is an even deeper kind of inner reconstruction process that can be accomplished in deep states of meditation, medicine work, dreamtime states, and more.
You can ask Jesus and the Marys to assist you with this, particularly because, according to Sri Kaleshwar, Mary was the one who resurrected Jesus to begin with. In her previous incarnation as Isis, she did a similar thing, called “collecting the body parts” of Osiris and reconstituting him. “Severed body parts” is a metaphor for the soul fragmentation that can take place through severe and violent trauma to one’s physical and energetic body.
What I have been shown is that as humans on planet Earth, we’ve all been under attack for a very, very long time. Possibly since our inception here. This is why many of us experience life as predominantly suffering. Because for thousands and thousands of years, thousands and thousands of generations, we have been hijacked on many levels, aspects of ourselves being torn apart.
What I’ve also seen, though, is there is perfection in how absolutely everything has gone down in our personal lives and our ancestral lines, and even in the overall hijack of the earth and human realms. When we incarnate, we agree to come into an intricate web in which all of our choices and karma are operating, along with the choices and karma of every other person on the planet. It’s mind boggling. It can be a great soul advancement if we can wake up to the realization of all of this and take measures accordingly.
Saying that everything is perfect doesn’t make any given perfidy or the entire hijack itself right or OK. But it shows us that we can free ourselves of this reincarnational web if we understand that our very suffering has been an agreed-upon form of soul-level learning, and that we are sovereign and can move out of the cycles of all this.
We can call on Jesus’ own soul passage and resurrection as a template to assist us. We can let the Marys help us honor our light and shadow, good and wrongdoing, and come to self-forgiveness.
This is what allows you to energetically throw off the shackles and resurrect your full light body. Sit with this in meditation or in medicine ceremony and let the Marys and Yeshua help orchestrate this reconstitution for you. Let it happen. Feel your particles return, the missing pieces fill in, and the attachments dissolve.
As you do so you move into the positive co-creation of new Le-Maria, the heaven on earth, the new Eden, where love reigns supreme, and creativity and kindness are the order of the day.
If you believe it, they will come.
Oh Marguerite, I love how you worded this so clearly and I believe and I know this is possible. It is what we learned in the Temple of Isis or were learning before that was hijaked….
The hardest part has been getting to my past lives and grappling with how big the so-much-more we are and just right on the cusp of becoming. We can do this because of Mary and Jesus and all our helpers… Amen! I Love you so much
V Ann Somoya Eheia Lani
Vicki, thank you for sharing!
Lemuria Le-maria! How wonderful it is to create harmoniously in our One Being ! Inner Peace makes love possible. I believe that I will awaken, feel, see and be totally completely surrounded by this Love Soon !!!! Now Thank you, Marguerite!
May it be so, Pamela!
Thank you for this. I work with Magdalene and mother Mary, as well as Jesus and I’ve experienced a personal healing.!
Beautiful, Marcia!
Beautiful message ❤️ this absolutely resonates with me! Thank you for sharing these precious gems, Marguerite!
Debbie, you are welcome!