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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Next-Level New Earth: Our Unicorn Allies

Did you know that Mother Mary was intimately connected with the Unicorns? Yes, the mystical art of the medieval period in Europe affirms this.

What was this connection all about? This was our primary exploration in January’s learning modules in The Mary & Magdalene Priestess Training.

In our medicine ceremony last Tuesday, we were led to none other than… the Eden realms. Yes, you might call it Lemuria, 5D Earth, or New Earth, but that’s where we journeyed, led by Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene.

We saw that the beings known as the Unicorns are at the very center of the deepest-dimensional Earth (where they dwell near a lake of crystalline waters) and are extraordinary white light creatures. Being essentially angelic “animals,” they serve as the bridge between 3D earth and the star realms.

This is why our most elevated earth priestesses, those dedicated to bringing avatars into incarnation (Mother Mary being the prime example), are close allies with these beings. The Divine Birth Priestesses function by nature at the meeting place of Earth and Cosmos. And they and the Unicorns share as a mission the healing and awakening of humanity to our True Angelic Nature.

Unicorns may be called on for assistance with your personal healing and spiritual advancement, so if you are feeling inclined, meditate to connect with your particular ally. It has long been known that Unicorn horns can purify and heal waters. Since you are more than 50 percent water, you may touch your Unicorn’s horn for this healing.

If you’d like to hear more information about these Earth angelics, check out my Lady Cannabis Oracle on Dragon & Unicorn Consciousness.

And to learn much more about the Unicorns, the Faeries, and their connection to Mother Mary, take a look at Chapter 7 of my most recent book, The Secret Life of Mother Mary.

Magic and mystery await you as you open the door of your consciousness to this ultra level of Earth reality.


  1. Jeffrey

    Unicorns. I recall… it must have been at least 22 years ago, I was listening to Coast to Coast AM. I think George Noory was then the new nightly host. He interviewed a British lady from the UK. She even said that unicorns indeed exist, but they are on a higher dimensional plane, much like the archangels. Is it true? I don’t know, but I never forgot that.

  2. Sue Pattinson

    I had my first encounter with my personal Unicorn guide many years ago when I was doing an Energy medicine workshop on connecting with horses and how to heal their trauma and our own mutually! Such a special moment & so lovely to be re- minded of it by your sharing! Thank you, always for the wonderful work you are doing!


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