
NEW YEAR VISIONING EVENT JANUARY 16th: A Snake Power New Year Visioning with the Marys

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Is Your Man “Waking Up”?

How Ascension Is Showing Up in 2025 & Beyond

In working with a client this week, I received an astounding confirmation: The portals are opening such that people who have been ready to pop through the “membrane” into the other realms are doing so.

This has been aided by the sighting of orbs in the sky, which even to the untrained eye look like far more than “drones”… whatever they are, anyway. Whatever, in fact, these flying objects are, they are sparking lots of people, especially men, to awaken to the fact that there’s a lot more out there… and “in here.” It’s leading to all sorts of other curiosities and inquiries.

This may be why some heterosexual women are suddenly seeing their male partners interested in all manner of esoteric stuff they didn’t seem open to before.

I’ve also received that, just as Lisa Renee has been reporting, the template for hieros gamos, or sacred marriage, has finally been restored to the planet.

This also means that it’s more and more possible for us to have those sacred partnerships we’ve been wanting. As people are awakening, the likelihood we’ll find our soulmate is increasing!

Women have been carrying the burden of this awakening, because men have been even more castrated than they realize by the unfriendly forces. They’ve lost their ability to protect the women, so women have had to take up arms. Women have also held the codes of the New Earth. This is why women have been the majority in new consciousness movements for hundreds if not thousands of years.

This is good news for all of us, whatever our sexual orientation. It also suggests that we hold open the possibility that others we know, even reluctant family members, may experience openings and realizations in coming years. It’s important we keep that vision alive even through the “splitting” of worlds.

Along with this, I was shown that the great work for couples even more than ever before is to dissolve the “combat barrier” that many love relationships bump up against repeatedly. This is a kind of “asteroid belt” that’s put around love relationships by unfriendly forces. It carries massive conflict programming related to women and men, including valences of historical oppression.

When our personal trauma and pain from inadequate or abusive parenting is triggered in relating to a love partner, it hits against the belt and amplifies the pain. Often when we argue with one another, we can actually flip out of our personal struggle and into the vast “combat belt,” which carries even larger cultural and historical conflicts between the sexes. So rather than just arguing about a simple matter, we’re arguing about the horrific abuses that have been heaped on one or both genders.

For example, a client recently reported that her partner accused her of being unloving toward another person. But he did so in an unloving way. That sparked a combat session with hurts and accusations flying through the air, each person fighting for their own ground, demanding that the other be more loving. Each party was holding ground against all of the wrongs that have been done to their sex.

Yikes. The negative forces love to inspire that very kind of fight. It provides them with lots of energy to feed off of.

The answer is to apply more love to each situation, each encounter, each argument, each person. More love. More compassion. More understanding.

That is aided by becoming aware of our triggers, our pains, and by taking measures to heal them. Working together with cacao and other mind-opening medicines can assist, as well.

This great work of transforming combat fields between couples will be felt all across the human hologram, and can work back into the healing of our ancestry. As more people dissolve the “combat belt,” more people will be able to have more harmonious relationships.

Start looking for evidence of what’s being presented here. In doing so, you’ll be sending out energies that will allow for more of this healing to happen.

Moving into Different “Worlds”

This combat programming isn’t just restricted to couples. It’s set to get activated when a not-yet-awakening person is in the presence of someone who is raising their consciousness. The higher vibe can be like nails on a chalkboard of someone of a different frequency. This can lead to more frequent arguments, people feeling negative toward one another and choosing not to visit, etc. People are basically responding due in such ways due to programming that’s been set upon humans to encourage conflict. They may also be influenced by unfriendly entities that are attached to them.

This is World Wars 3-6 that are combined right now. Such conflict is being carried out by a very dastardly technologies. It’s a miracle that the world hasn’t blown itself up.

People who live on portals are particularly susceptible to this programming erupting… like in the middle East. Combine high level portals with un-awakened and disregulated people who are carrying negative religious programming and, bam, you got yourself a near permanent state of human instability and cultural-level warfare.

It’s going to take a lot of love, compassion, and focusing on our own healing to move to a better place. But, again, the energies are shifting toward the positive, so… keep going!

If you’ve had similar experiences or realizations, we welcome your comments below.


  1. Carol Flake

    I am absolutely blown away by what you have just said. It exactly describes what I’ve been going through the last four years. I met my soulmate four years ago. Actually, I reconnected with him after 40 years. He was in the same training program focusing on human capacities. Jean Houston led that program. And we were programmed for higher consciousness than. She kept saying do your human homework. He and I spent 40 years doing our human homework. Then we got together during the pandemic and thought we had found the sacred marriage. And we did found the sacred marriage. And yet, these asteroid belts Have been creating major blowups. You have described the whole thing.

    I was in Crete with you 30 years ago, Marguerite. I am so thrilled to see what you are currently doing in the world. We reconnected several times in Boston and in Oakland. And I was led to your YouTube page during the lead up to the election. Love the work you’re doing.

    • Marguerite Rigoglioso

      Hi Carol, wow, this is fascinating to hear and thanks for sharing this! So glad it resonates. Our excursion to Eleusis was a major event in my own awakening all those years ago! So glad to hear from you, and wishing you the best in this healing with your partner. xoxoxo

  2. Amanda

    Thank you for such a clear and focused articulation of the ‘combat belt’ – it explains so much and provides a perfect metaphor and powerful device to see, understand and transmute any and all future situations. Your blog is a perfect companion to yesterdays Portal of Ascension episode – I am still taking it all in with awe and gratitude. 🙏 💚

    • Marguerite Rigoglioso

      You’re welcome, Amanda, and thank you also for your reflection about yesterday’s presentation! So glad you were there. xo


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