
NEW YEAR VISIONING EVENT JANUARY 16th: A Snake Power New Year Visioning with the Marys

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Why Awe Is Key for Your New Year

In the Seven Sisters Cacao Ceremony on Dec 8, a huge message came through about the role of awe in manifesting miracles in your life.

In this ceremony, Mother Mary offered us a true “course in miracles.” She began by helping us see more deeply into what “miracles” actually are, instructing us to look into their components so as to understand how to bring more of them in.

We often see as miracles those things that defy the physics of the material world. We looked, for example, at Jesus’ miracles of walking on water, and turning water into wine.

What we saw is that Jesus had cultivated a certain mastery of the elements… water being the key one here. And what we were reminded of, as Jesus told us, is that such mastery is possible for all of us. In other words, we can all develop what are known as sidhic powers, the ability to work with earth, air, fire, and water in dramatic ways. In fact, the late Hindu saint Sri Kaleshwar taught mantras that help one cultivate just such powers ~ a process that is now taught by the Divine Mother Center.

In short, we were shown that many things we now consider to be miraculous are simply “the way things can be” as we develop our abilities. And we were given to understand that as we normalize such things, we can conjure more of them into our lives.

So… what are the qualities and abilities that you need to develop to generate more miracle abilities in your life? Break them down and consider how you may acquire them.

In the ceremony, we were also led to understand that the first step toward mastery is allowing for awe and wonder. We were shown that awe brings us into a vibration that is a direct invitation for synchronicity and miracles to come into our lives.

What I received is that humans can experience awe and wonder in ways that even higher dimensional beings can’t, because of our unique confluence of body/mind/spirit in the 3D realm. This opportunity to experience awe at such levels inspires some non-embodied beings to want to come into 3D to experience it. Yes, that’s a great gift of being in 3D, to experience awe and wonder.

So, I invite you to do what Mother Mary guided us to do in our ceremony: commit to carrying out three things in the next month that inspire awe within you. Something simple, something that requires a bit more time and effort, and then an even larger-scale activity.

Awe is a wonderful return of the energy you are putting out there as a spirit worker and helps keep you on your ministry. It’s the elixir that supports you in co-creating the New Earth.

As you head into the new year, may this “awe-some” approach to life help you manifest your best 2025!


  1. Jacqueline Brulotte

    Thanks for the message

    Is the Divine Mother Center, you reffered to in India?

    • Marguerite Rigoglioso

      Jacqueline there’s one in Penukonda, India, but another in Laytonville, CA.

  2. Kathryn

    This is excellent! Thank you. It is practical and do-able for many people who may not think they are spiritual enough. When ever I witness something that brings me to awe, wonder, or a sense of compassion, I draw a heart around it. That seems to increase the frequencies of honor and reverence. Yes!

  3. Heidi Gabrielsen

    Thank you Marguerite❤️

    I start to help those who cant speak, and it will spread Joy!
    A friend tells me that the seven sisters are supporting me!

    Blessings and Joy
    From Heidi in Norway

  4. Ongralea ~ Pamela

    Thank you for all of the expressions of love that you share, Marguerite! Love naturally brings forth miracles, which supply more Love to the giver and the receiver! Miracles undo the past and release us from the future. I know that this is how nature works and how healing occurs. Two become One. Miracles occur between equals! We are all equal parts, of – in the One. Awe is a feeling I have for my Creator. (I did not create myself.) (My) creations have always been and could never be separate, from (my) creator. Illusions (of separation) are not real, and there is no hierarchy amongst them, and so all judgement, fear and rage is for naught. Mother Mary is the same as Jesus and, like you, I respect them deeply ! With Inner Knowing, and the practice of Forgiveness, my intention is to develop Clear Vision … in the Here and Now !

  5. Gina Anderson

    Hi Marguerite, I recently took your class in November at Circles of Wisdom and that is how I have come to learn about your writings. I was in “Awe” of this post because I recently created a painting and post describing how the Nordic “Symbol of Awe” has been showing up for me – and others – recently.

    Thank you for sharing what you learned during the Cacao ceremony. I am in deep gratitude and am taking on the three level challenge you describe above – although it will likely take more than a month – but who knows 🙂 All the best, Gina

    • Marguerite Rigoglioso

      Gina, thank you for writing in! I will take a look at this painting. Hope to see you in March in Circles of Wisdom… in person cacao ceremony!


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