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Who Are the Dove Priestesses?

A Female Holy Order Reemerges!

It’s time to unveil a secret: In ceremony in fall 2013, I was given my spirit name – Dove.

On Dec 20, 2015, I’ll use this name for the first time publicly at the Seven Sisters Solstice Heart Activation. I hold it lightly, but there’s a lot behind this.


Bird Language Revelations

The naming took place on a sacred mountain in Marin County, CA, as I listened to the chatter of birds. In my expanded state, I was shown how bird language actually works: The sound features a kind of angular geometry that is non-sine wave. It’s something much more complex that allows for interspecies & interdimensional communication.

The sound of birds is a portal that allows for talk between their own kind as well as among humans, birds & the otherworld. That’s why bird songs & calls have long been associated with prophecy. Higher dimensional information can enter our 3D world through them – even simultaneously as birds sing & twitter among themselves. What’s required is a skilled holy person to be able to discern the message.

I was shown that those learning how to prophesize using bird language begin their training by tuning in to the more “chatty” birds. Eventually they progress to the point where they can receive an entire download for their people in the single cry of an eagle.

I was told I was being granted this information & the name “Dove” as a recognition of the work I’ve done to bring awareness to the ancient Dove Priestesses in this lifetime – & of my karmic connection with this lineage in past lives. This moved me to tears.

Dove Priestesses & the Pleiades

In my book The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece & my webinar “Reclaiming Our Starry Origins,” I talk about the fact that at Dodona, the oldest known oracular site in Greece, the priestesses who delivered prophecy were known as Peleiades, that is, “Doves.”

Their title, Peleiades, was interchangeable with the word Pleiades, the name of the star system located in the nape of the neck of Taurus the Bull. The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades were also known as “doves,” and to the Greeks & many indigenous peoples around the world, they were known to be the 7 Mothers of the World. They were understood to have seeded large portions of the human race through their lineages.

Today, many channelers & spiritual teachers reveal the same thing: Humanity in large part owes its form & consciousness to the influence of beings from the Pleiades.

The Peleiades/Dove name & totem of the priestesses of Dodona thus suggest that these holy women were oracular voices for our astral family, the Pleiades. 

Mary, Goddesses & Doves

The dove has long belonged to priestesses & the sacred feminine.  It’s been the symbol of the soul of the human being & the soul of divinity itself, often in its feminine aspects.

The dove was sacred, for example, to the Greek goddesses Aphrodite, Rhea, Demeter, Persephone. In Babylonia it was sacred to Ishtar; in Persia, to Anahata; in Anatolia, to Cybele, in Phoenicia, to Ashtoreth; and in Rome & at Ephesus, to Artemis/Diana.

In the Christian tradition, the dove is depicted as both the herald & agent of Mary’s virginal conception of Jesus. It’s also shown as the “Holy Spirit” that descended on Jesus at his baptism. The dove continued to be a symbol of Mary as Holy Virgin Mother.

The Rosicrucians, who claim to be inheritors of the Greek tradition, conceive of the dove as a “vestal virgin” who is a prophetic priestess.

Black & White Unity

While we generally think of doves as white, the ancient world talked about “black” doves. In fact, the sacred doves that landed & “founded” the oracles at Dodona & Siwa in Libya were said to have come from Egyptian Thebes. And they were said to have been black.

This probably means that the original priestesses who founded these oracles were black-skinned.

Although the Pleiades are depicted in New Age circles as Aryan looking, the Greeks connect the Seven Sisters with Africa. Indeed, I’ve been shown in ceremony that the Pleiades were originally Seven Black Sisters.

Black doves, white doves. The imagery here suggests we’re meant to hold doves as symbols of unity, cooperation & racial harmony. In fact, worldwide, the Pleiades have been invoked to foster unity consciousness. 

A Co-Channelling Clip

Synchronistically, as I was creating publicity for the Solstice event in which I’ll “come out” as Dove, a client of mine, Louise, a Priestess of Avalon, independently revealed that she, too, had been given the name Dove several years ago.

With this, we realized we’re part of the reemergence of the original Priestesshood of the Dove as connected with the Pleiades & belonging to their prophetic priestess representatives on earth.

We received that 7 Dove Priestesses are to tone at 7 sacred sites of the world in one great simultaneous ritual designed to reconnect Earth more strongly with the Pleiades. Who among you is hearing the call?

To join the conversation on this post, please contribute below.

Please also note the wonderful holiday resources for you below.

Love dove, lub dub,

Available once again this year…
Putting the Sacred Back in Your Holidays
4-session online course
This previously recorded webinar has been made available again to help you:

• stay connected to Source during the holiday frenzy

• get support for challenges with familygrief, or loneliness that can arise at this time

• serve others in a sacred way as a beacon of authentic spiritual energy & celebration.

Includes an hour clairvoyant session with Marguerite to support you with your specific needs at this time.

For more info & to register, visit here.

Will be delivered to your inbox for immediate listening.


Want to gift consciously this holiday?
Consider an electronic gift certificate for some of Marguerite’s most popular guided meditations.

To see what’s avaialble for gifting, visit here.


Hear Marguerite’s recent interview on the Farkas Files show!
A fascinating conversation with David Farkas on estoric topics – what is a mystery school, who are the 7 Sisters, psychic protection & ancient mystery initiations.

Available now in replay here.


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