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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

My Magical Mid-Year Mary Moment with You

My Magical Mid-Year Mary Moment with You

Personal reflections, planetary awakenings It’s the time of Revelation, Resurrection of our Angelic Souls, and the Shift of the Ages into Illumination. Even as disturbing events continue to take place in the outer world, the Sacred Sophia-Christos Family is amplifying...

Plasma Light Body Teachings…

Plasma Light Body Teachings…

... from Our June Cacao Ceremony “Your soul consciousness is the meeting of light and matter.” – Marguerite’s Cacao Oracle, June 6, 2024 I just hosted a tremendous Cacao ceremony on 6/6, designed to help our community expand our light through solar rays of love, and...

News from Marguerite’s Desk

News from Marguerite’s Desk

Musings on Inner Traditions, William Henry, Mary & the Pleiades! As spring wakes up the plants and trees at long last here in the northeastern US, so, it seems, some mysterious timing is bringing me out of a year-long slog. A year ago in April, I was more than...

A Mary Take on “Mansplaining”…

A Mary Take on “Mansplaining”…

...And other patriarchal behaviors Something’s come up for clients and friends in recent months, and given that I’ve been talking about relationships a lot lately in the context of accelerating our healing, I’m feeling the need for a public service announcement on it....

The 7 Sisters of the Pleiades… and the 8 Virgins of Mary

The 7 Sisters of the Pleiades… and the 8 Virgins of Mary

By Marguerite Rigoglioso Here at Seven Sisters Mystery School, we have something of a passion for the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, known as the Seven Doves, as well as the Seven Starseed Mothers of Humanity.  They’re part of all of us, literally encoded in our DNA…...

William Henry: My Personal Connection with the Pleiades

William Henry: My Personal Connection with the Pleiades

Guest blog by William Henry My life changed after seeing a documentary about encounters with beings from the Pleiades. It was the summer of 1990. The documentary was about a Swiss man who claimed to have encounters with a beautiful woman from the Pleiades. His photos...

Communing with the Greats of Our Time

Communing with the Greats of Our Time

My epic encounter with William Henry & Sacha Stone A moment in destiny. It happened for me this past January 2024, when my friend Cyndhi Smith handed William Henry, the incredible master of mystery knowledge, a copy of my book The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous...

Eclipsed on the One Hand; Exalted on the Other

Eclipsed on the One Hand; Exalted on the Other

As awe-inspiring as it was to witness, the eclipse didn’t get me to the exalted spiritual state I’d wanted to experience… but it did give me something very useful. I guess it calibrates its energies to your true needs.

Eclipse Heaviness and What to Do

Eclipse Heaviness and What to Do

I don’t know about you, but since the lunar eclipse of March 25, 2024, I’ve been “feelin’ it,” and that’s only increased as we’ve been approaching the biggie, the full-solar eclipse on Monday, April 8. Meaning, feeling energetically both overstimulated and flattened. Out of sorts. Dramatic things coming to the surface. A sense of wanting to burrow inwardly.

If you’re feeling similarly, you’re not alone.

My Relationship Breakthrough

My Relationship Breakthrough

Beware what you teach; you will live it. I know this, and yet I keep going into the intense territories of my courses time and time again. So, when you’re teaching about Sacred Relationship and Sexual Healing, you’re going to be confronted. This has been the case for...

My Journey with Sex & Love ~ Can ya relate?

My Journey with Sex & Love ~ Can ya relate?

It’s been a bit of a road for me with romantic relationships. I’ve experienced the thrill of victory, the flush of flaming desire-filled union, and, like most people in this sexually attacked world, the agony of heartache, disappointment, and disillusionment.