REGISTER for May 11 Online Event: William & Marguerite, Mother Mary ~ Pleiades & Parthenogenesis

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Communing with the Greats of Our Time

My epic encounter with William Henry & Sacha Stone

A moment in destiny. It happened for me this past January 2024, when my friend Cyndhi Smith handed William Henry, the incredible master of mystery knowledge, a copy of my book The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception. He promptly went into his study, devoured it, and came out announcing that it filled in many significant pieces in his own work.

Fast forward to this past weekend, when I was invited to spend a lot of time with this remarkable man and his power-house partner Julie… in and around the Earth Origins VI conference in Sedona. You get to know a lot about people hanging out with them in PJ’s and talking your heads off, and I was beyond ecstatic to discover the many correspondences among us, personally and spiritually.

Then, there was the orator Sacha Stone, offering his hand to me with elegant grace when he greeted me in the conference lobby. He remembered having interviewed me online for a very bold discussion we had around divine birth back in 2021 when my book came out. This is the strong male voice who helped me keep it together during the “health crisis” of the last few years by speaking what to me and many were laser truths exposing the perfidies underneath it all. It was powerful to feel his acknowledgment of my work, live and in person.

William spoke about “the plasma Universe” and the plasma human… that’s all of us, beings intrinsically made out of light whose awakening to that fact is part of our spiritual initiation. Sacha shared slides of his remarkable work with world leaders over the years to expose and remedy the encroachment of the dark forces over the planet, as well as images of his building projects now in progress that promise to support New Earth living.

Earlier in the day I had spoken about the sexual hijacking of humanity, and what was needed to reverse this… namely a focus on healing and amplifying those very “plasma,” or light bodies that are within us all.

That night, we all sat on a panel with other major pillars who had shared their expertise on the science of plasma, sacred sites, and more, including Freddy Silva, Martin Gray, and Randall Carlson. I was asked to offer a reflection as one the few women speaking at the conference, and I basically used it as an opportunity to thank these amazing men for taking up the masculine role and serving as peaceful warriors for the Great Awakening.

What was extra special was the collegial time over meals ~ and hanging out in Phoenix before and after the conference ~ with William and Julie. It was such a gift to be with people who are at the apex of consciousness exploration through their deep dives into the ancient mysteries, their connection with the Marys and Jesus, and their passionate work to help people apply this wisdom to our lives today in service to our healing and spiritual IN-scension. We got a glimpse of how our work puzzle pieces together, and how we can begin to ease-fully collaborate to create offerings of synergistic value to our world.

We also shared in our own humanity ~ the wounds we’re healing, the challenges we’re dealing with, the tragedies we’ve endured, and our tender hopes for our lives as we progress into the next phase as (hopefully) wise elders.

Most of all, we converged around our keen desire to move our own spiritual needles toward the light of truth, wisdom, and love. To become ourselves the Anthropos, the angelic human with polarities united in compassionate wholeness within. And to carry forth those energies and teachings in fulfillment of our personal missions spanning lifetimes.

As my partner says, it’s very important to have people who inspire you, and to let that inspiration feed your own creative path. I feel so blessed to have William and Julie as those beacons.

May the light of the Sophia-Christos awaken within and guide us all.