REGISTER for May 11 Online Event: William & Marguerite, Mother Mary ~ Pleiades & Parthenogenesis

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Karma, the Eclipse, Politics & Possession

How to Make the Most of Monday’s Solar Event

Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a… Well, you already know that, because if you’re a spirit worker you’ve been preparing for the unfoldment of this wild time for at least the past 5 years if not more.

I had the misfortune recently of inadvertently spending a night in front of Fox News while on vacation, and then being forced to listen to CNN at the airport. It all reminded me precisely why I completely avoid all news media. Because after those two episodes I was nearly ready to join the rest of humanity in thinking that the world had gone to hell in a handbasket.

I’m inviting myself to take a breath. Would you care to join me?

As I reflect on the events of late (be they real or false flags, and these days who really knows), I keep returning to what Kuten La, the medium for the State Oracle of Tibet, reminded his audience about last fall:

The wheel keeps turning. Events come & go; empires rise & fall; mortal enemies become allies. What has us at each other’s throats today could shift in a week, month, year, decade, or century from now.

And if we’re willing to entertain the idea of reincarnation & karma, here’s a thought: What if all of us who have experienced victimization are simply back to learn the consequences of what we set in motion in a previous life – we’re just not awake to this fact? And what if every bully we’ve faced was once an underdog, determined this go ‘round to never be stamped on again – but they’re missing the lesson about true power?

When approached with maturity and compassion (not using it as an excuse for apathy or in a “blaming the victim” kind of way), seeing things from the larger karmic perspective can support us in taking more effective right action, rather than creating more karma.


What’s Got You?

And then there’s this. When tensions are running very high within us, we’re usually possessed. It may be just for an instant, but it’s spirit possession nonetheless. I count myself in that number.

So it may help to ask ourselves: When we’re experiencing intense emotion of any kind, who or what is really running our show?

And when we see others engaging in hate activities, or spouting extreme righteous opinions of any kind (including the far left), rather than getting triggered & hooked into reactivity, can we ask: Who or what is possessing those individuals?

In other words, can we recognize that most of the time we’re being played by forces beyond ourselves? Can we consider that there are huge energies gripping us, prodding us into arguments because it serves as food for them – and the bigger the argument (leading up to warfare & nuclear bombing), the bigger the feast?

Can we entertain the idea that these forces in fact specialize in dividing people, including cooperative coalitions, turning allies into enemies & enemies into worse enemies who are temporarily blinded even to one another’s basic humanity?

And can we choose to not allow that to happen by taking a step back, becoming neutral & seeking other higher vibrational remedies?

Again, I offer these thoughts as a way to help us get a bit more of a bird’s eye view on things so that we can think about our options more clearly.


Light, Shadow & Love

On Aug 7 the moon was obscured. On Mon Aug 21, the sun will be. Light & dark, yin & yang at play, all on a mercury retrograde playground of distorted communications. Yikes.

The good news is this is an opportunity for a massive reset – personally & collectively.

I was talking to my priestess friend Elayne Doughty a few weeks ago, and our conversation surprised me. She’s come to the same conclusion I have: Love is really the only answer to everything, including the demonic.

I’m working on putting this into action, just like everyone else, and sometimes I fail to be loving. But I thought it was worth mentioning.

What else but love can get us out of endless (seemingly justified) conflict, karmic snarls & the generational trauma mill?

Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, that famous priestess of death, is quoted as saying that when our soul leaves our body & the life review takes place, we experience “a kind of hell” when we see all the times we could have been loving & weren’t, all the wasted opportunities in life to partake of the elixir of lovingkindness, missing a greater heaven than we could have imagined.

Even if we can’t fix the cultural & political injustices we perceive on a larger scale, can we start small? Can we put people in our lives (& on our Facebook groups) before philosophy, taking care in our communications? Can we recognize when we may be getting triggered/possessed & take a breath instead?

Can we give the benefit of the doubt across seeming dividing lines? Can we work more compassionately with our allies instead of fracturing into factions? And I’m talking here about those of us who feel like we’re marginalized or disenfranchised, too. How can we work through love instead of through energies that only alienate those we want to awaken?

Yes, I’m working on this like everyone else, and perhaps even more so because of my own karmic transgressions. But I thought it was worth mentioning.


How to Work with Monday’s Eclipse

I recently received the following from David Nicol’s Gaiafield Project newsletter, and I offer it here:

Join in on the Gaiafield 3 Minute Resonance Practice ~ Mon Aug 21

Monday’s solar eclipse is regarded by many as a marker of huge change & a profound opportunity to reset, both personally & collectively. The eclipse will be observable for several hours in most parts of the US, with the total eclipse lasting for about 2 minutes.

The Gaiafield Project is inviting everyone to come together at 10:15 am US Pacific Time for a 3 min global meditation (the exact moment of totality of the eclipse in Oregon).

To participate, follow these steps:

1.    Set your phone alarm for 10:10 am US Pacific on Mon Aug 21
2.    Go HERE 
3.    At 10:15 am Pacific, click on the Youtube video on that webpage & meditate!


Here’s more info from The Power Path School of Shamanism about the significance of the Eclipse:

New Moon & total Solar Eclipse is Mon Aug 21. This is the big one we have all been talking about. Some of you are determined to be in a place where you can see and witness the totality and many of you will simply be in its energy or see a partial view. It really does not matter energetically, only psychologically.

But with that said, this is definitely a time to honor a marker of huge change and the agent of a massive reset. Even if you have been working with these energies now for the past weeks, it is always good to honor the exact time frame around this event.

What can you do?

Be aware, through a list or a mental awareness, of what you are resetting. Do something that symbolizes coming into a still point, an unplugging, a dropping into the void.

Acknowledge the absence of the sun and solar energy as it is eclipsed from the earth for those few moments as symbolizing the absence of what has been feeding old patterns and beliefs for you these past years and maybe your whole lifetime.

As the eclipse recedes and the sun comes back, imagine that it is feeding and nourishing and energizing a new you, one that has been reset to a new vibration, a new consciousness, a new frequency.



Summer Spirit School!

We’ve recently opened up 10 online courses to be available in 2 ways:

• Webinar PLUS hour reading with Marguerite online via Zoom (or in person)

• Webinar alone

The prices are super affordable & the option of webinar plus session gives you the teaching modules plus a private reading for just a bit more than the price of a reading alone!

Webinars include 5-6 previously recorded modules of 90 mins each, immediately viewable & downloadable to any device.

Click HERE for the selection!


Would you like a reading, spiritual guidance, or entity clearing with Marguerite?

“In just one session Marguerite helped me uncover information I spent hours in psychotherapy sessions trying to access.”

– Emma Creed, UK

Find out here what working with Marguerite can offer you.




To hear Marguerite’s interview on the oracles of past, present & future, click on the screen below:



  See Marguerite’s Oracle Video Transmission

Marguerite’s 20 minute transmission covers issues such as will there be a solar flash “event,” how to resist the computerization of humanity, how to handle chem trails, and how to work with Gaia.

To access the video, click on the screen below:




Marguerite was recently interviewed by Shima Moore on We’re in the midst of collective transformation & dramatic changes, personally & globally. Many of us are experiencing extreme challenges & extraordinary openings… and, to quote Alice in Wonderland, “Life is getting curious-er and curious-er.”


We can experience validation, support & mystical realms in places never thought possible while feeling the loving embrace of community. Marguerite talks about how can you contribute to global consciousness, the return of the oracles, the Holy Womb Chakra, our awakening to the fairies & more!


Access our interveiw HERE.



Newly published!

Re-visioning Medusa
From Monster to Divine Wisdom

Marguerite has an article in this anthology!

Check out this remarkable collection of essays, poems & art by scholars who have researched Her, artists who have envisioned Her & women who have known Her in their personal story. All have spoken with Her & share something of their communion in this anthology.

Purchase HERE

or on Amazon