REGISTER NOW! June 6th Cacao Ceremony: Expand Your Light thru Solar Rays of Love!

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Drink the Milky Way and Be Born of Her Black Hole

If you surf claims about the meaning of galactic alignments on December 21, 2012, you’ll quickly get ensnarled in difficult-to-grasp facts, contradictory claims, and debunkings. So let me cut to the chase and just say: Whatever’s “really happening out there” doesn’t matter as much as what’s happening “in here.”

What’s important on the inner planes is the cast of characters: the Milky Way, the great black hole that scientists have discovered at the center of it, the Winter Solstice, the Sun, the Earth––and YOU.

The Greeks understood the band of stars we call the Milky Way to be the breast milk of the Great Celestial Goddess Hera. Scientist are coming to understand black holes to be womb portals for the creation of universes. The Winter Solstice is understood to be the time of the awakening on every plane of the seed of light in the time of the greatest darkness. The Sun is a massive, mysterious source of energy, whose esoteric import we understood when we were Egyptians but have since forgotten. Earth is our school. YOU are a portal to infinity.

Whatever is being said about the physical relationship of all of these elements on or near 12/21/12, the point is: You know what’s going on. Because you’re creating what’s going on. Because you deeply crave this transformation.

So… as we move into this Solstice period, allow yourself to drink of Hera’s nourishing milk. Allow yourself to align with her womb and be reborn through it into the dark light of awakening. Place your attention on the stars, whence we’ve come, and give yourself entry into infinity.

Join Our Healing Celebration

At the Seven Sisters Stellar Solstice Ceremony on December 21, 2012, we will join in an experiment of unity consciousness and group healing through the remarkably powerful Panacea ritual that I’ve been empowered to conduct by the female Siberian shaman, Ladamira. In this rite, we create a potent circle to send out healing energies for ourselves, those we love, our communities, and the entire planet.

If you saw the film Avatar and were deeply touched by the scene in which the beleaguered community circled together to nourish themselves, recuperate, and heal, you need long no more. Step into that reality with us to understand what 2012 is all about.
More here

Receive the Pleiades

During the ceremony, Sacred Women will embody the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. Far from being a piece of New Age fluff, the Pleiades have been foundational to the cosmologies of peoples around the entire world, including the ancient Greeks. In Sparta, young maidens dressed as the Pleiades in the form of doves as part of ancient rites. To our knowledge, the embodiment of these beings, who are widely considered to be the Virgin Mothers of the World, has not been undertaken ritually since then.

Many thanks to Seven Sisters Mystery School executive assistant Kimberly Gibbons for having “heard” the request for this evolutionary enactment. The important thing for you is that these Sacred Women will be transmitting great energies: love, joy, humor, compassion, and more. You will be able to visit each one at her altar and experience these energies being radiated to you.

If there is time, I will step forth publicly to experiment with Cosmic Q&A, transmitting higher-level information relevant to our times. You will emerge reborn. Let December 2012 be all it can be for you.

Blessings, Marguerite Rigoglioso Founding Director, Seven Sisters Mystery School


  1. Nancy Vedder-Shults

    Marguerite, I hope you will be writing about this celestial time (12/21/12) and perhaps your ritual experience. I would love to hear more about the dragon as the protectress of the oracles. But of course, I’m in the Midwest, not in the Bay Area.

    • Marguerite Rigoglioso

      Hi Nancy: As a teaser, Delphi was protected by Python, originally named Dephyne, before she was “slain” by Apollo.

  2. Valerie Aliberti

    Dear Marguerite,
    i am an Italian girl and i was at your workshop in Torino. (wow!!!!! i hope you come back soon!!!!!)
    I really really love this meditation. It’s so powerful….
    I want to ask you the permission to translate this post and put it, with all link at this page and at your person, on my website in italian….Can I?
    Thank you and sorry for my terrible english!!!!!!!

    With Love
