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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

How the Faeries Are Healing Me

On Oct 1, I sat in meditation & told our Faery allies in the subtle realms that I was making a commitment to be in service to bridging our worlds. I also burned my contracts with the Underworld, with which I’d been closely associated for decades now as a priestess. Little did I know this would spell a nearly immediate, huge & positive change in my life.

I’d just come back from Findhorn, where I’d attended the weeklong conference extravaganza, Co-Creative Spirituality: Shaping Our Future with the Unseen Worlds. There, hundreds from the human, subtle & spiritual realms had gathered in a field of intention that the famous Findhorn has built over the past 55 years on their land.

Marguerite at the entry to Dorothy Maclean’s original garden at Findhorn

For the love of Gaia, we collaborated with the subtle & spiritual allies known as the Faeries, Sidhe, nature spirits, elementals, Devas & more in talks, walks, visualizations, prayers, meals & personal sharing. We drew on Findhorn’s magical field to help bring about a quantum leap in collective consciousness – and I personally feel we succeeded.

Certainly I brought about this leap in my own world. I was incredibly inspired by the presence & sharings of Sidhe luminaries such as David Spangler, Judy McAllister, Jeremy Berg, Mary Inglis – and, through her video presence, the Sacred Oracle Dorothy Maclean, whose transmissions opened the modern Western world’s consciousness back up to the reality of the Faeries & Devas six decades ago.

A Move Toward Personal Joy (at Last)!

It was enormously affirming to be among grounded, intelligent & gifted Seers who were validating many of the things I’ve been receiving about the Fae for several years now. I was able to relax into the reality of what I’ve been perceiving, with fewer concerns about whether I was “making it all up.”

This is what inspired me to commit to this path when I returned home. I thought: OK, this realm is not just a fringy woo distraction that I can tap into as a lark. It’s where our planet truly, madly, deeply needs to go – for our wellbeing & even our survival.

Plus it’s a heck of a lot more fun than what I’ve been involved with previously (enter Gloria & Sylvia: “My Gawd, she’s been lookin’ at demonic fawces, the dawk side…!”).

I’ve indeed needed to explore the Shadow aspects of reality as part of my karmic Soul Path, and I bless those realms. But now, as Pluto moves out of opposition with my Sun, new vistas are emerging. I’ve realized: The Faeries need to be my serious occupation now.

This is particularly great for a serious gal, because by definition the Fae automatically bring in levity, joy, & pleasure to everything – even (& especially) the mission to save the world.

In medicine ceremony last week, the Faery allies told me their mantra is: “We’ve got a lot of PLAY to do.”

Play doesn’t mean frivolity. It means bringing an aspect of delight to everything you do, finding the blessing in even the mundane or the seemingly tragic.

This is some of the Faery medicine that has been coming to me in the past week. And suddenly, lo and behold… I’m starting to feel much, much better after what feels like nearly YEARS in grief & anxiety.

The Faeries are teaching me how to relax, lighten up & feel more peaceful. They’re helping me to train my mind away from obsessive thoughts. I feel blessed to be in communication with them, something I can access 24/7 with just the flip of my attention.

There’s much more to be said about the Faery world, and in upcoming blog posts I’ll share more.

For now, I will conclude here with a hug of gratitude to these allies on the other side, and a strong encouragement for you, too, to consider putting out the welcome mat to your own Faery friends.

With love,