REGISTER for May 11 Online Event: William & Marguerite, Mother Mary ~ Pleiades & Parthenogenesis

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Divine Birth Mystery Teachings

This program is not currently being offered, but join our mailing list to keep informed on our current projects and email us here if you have questions.


    • Do you long to enter fully into the Mystery as a woman in this lifetime?
    • Do you wish to help reconstruct the greatest female shamanic practice?
    • Do you burn to comprehend the deepest form of Tantra possible?
    • Have you had erotic encounters with gods –– or goddesses?
    • Do you want to fully reclaim your womb power?
  • Are you curious about what it was like to be the holy portal for incarnated divinity?

Join us for a journey to explore women’s highest-level sacred function possible: virgin birth. Learn about the ancient sacred colleges of miraculous conception in Greece, and how their shamanic wisdom was used to draw down oracular information –– and beings ––
from the star realms.

Through this experience, you will recognize deep in your DNA that such knowledge is critical to your stepping more fully into your power as a Sacred Woman and as a
leader of world transformation.

You will clear your womb of unwanted energies and histories, reestablish your wholeness, help restore the precious codes of the divine birth practice for the benefit of all beings, and embrace your destiny as an active force for global healing.

Unveil, unravel, reweave… Conceive!

April 25-28: retreat at Mountain Home Ranch Resort
3400 Mountain Home Ranch Road, Calistoga, CA

Plus Saturdays:
May 25, 10-5
June 8, 3-9
July 6, 10-5
August 3, 10-5

Saturdays held at the Hillside Community Church
1422 Navellier Street, El Cerrito, CA 94530


If you are in an accredited program,
please inquire with your advisor about getting academic credit.

For a downloadable PDF with all of this information included, click here.


For the second year in a row, Dr. Marguerite Rigoglioso offers you a sacred experience that will provide you with “missing link” information to help you integrate your spiritual longings, leanings, and learnings into a coherent understanding –– and help you to establish or refine your own path as a grounded priestess who draws from the authentic Greek spiritual tradition.

With ever greater deepening of her own knowledge, and fresh from Italy, where she has learned that the virgin birth priestesses are reawakening (yes!), Marguerite takes you through the evidence behind her pioneering discovery that at the core of women’s shamanic work was divine birth –– an actual practice considered the most elevated form of spiritual service possible. Its purpose? To bring individuals with elevated consciousness to the planet who could serve as guides and helpers to humanity.

Most people assume that virgin birth was Mary’s alone. But in this remarkable course of study and spiritual unfolding, you will explore Marguerite’s well-grounded research that Mary was just one woman among many who was devoted to this practice in Western antiquity, a priestess who was part of a lineage of holy women who actively sought to attempt miraculous conception. You will find out how such priestesses were used, abused, and “disappeared” over time, how and why the idea of divine birth has been relegated to the realm of pure fantasy or personal “faith.”

The “divine birth” piece allows us to comprehend the full picture of women’s priestessing in the ancient world and make sense of many previously inexplicable and mysterious beliefs and practices. It also lets us see women’s important –– but hidden –– role in Christianity, Judaism, and other world religions with stunning new clarity.

This year, you will also benefit from Marguerite’s planned June 2013 trip to Delphi, where she will be presenting information on the oracles there –– thereby returning to the women of Greece their OWN information so they may be portal openers and guardians of these sites once more!

By embarking on this sacred program, you become a pioneer in restoring the womb mysteries as they relate to women’s visionary and oracular powers. You come to understand how uterine energies may be used for healing, divinatory communication, and sacred transmission. At the far reaches of this study, you become nothing less than a leader in re-opening the portal to divine birth –– women’s greatest form of holy service designed to bring elevated guidance to our world.

The journey will address your longing to See, Know, and Act with the sacred intention and wisdom in the tradition of our ancient Mediterranean foresisters so that we may become holy women birthing the new paradigm of consciousness. This will be a sacred COLLECTIVE process that allows each woman to be both transmitter and learner.


Marguerite’s world-renowned approach is the way of the mystery schools of the ancient Mediterranean world, which united both right and left brain, intellect and intuition, to cultivate the integrated spiritual seeker and leader. She offers a solid grounding in research and the sharing of her spiritual teachings so as to spark your own fascination, “memories,” and information. From there, we enter the mysteries in an experiential way, accessing our own knowing and the guidance available on the inner planes.

The transformative journey will include slide lectures, discussion, intuitive communication, ceremony, guided meditations, healing rites, cultivation of intuitive skills, and movement –– all set in a sacred ceremonial container.

Participants will be invited to bring their insights, skills, and talents in service to the group and the larger energies being invoked. Those with devotions to particular deities and ancestresses being studied will find a place to express that connection in newly inspired ways.

Between class sessions, Marguerite will hold a sacred womb container for group communication and one-on-one integration.

On the spiritual level, you will come away with:

  • knowledge of how to integrate into your life, work, and spiritual practice your sacred female ability to facilitate healing and communicate with the otherworldly realms in mind and body;
  • validation and strengthening of your own inner knowing, intuitions, and “memories”;
  • a clearer sense of your own mission as a spiritual leader and how to manifest it in the world;
  • a community with which to continue the work;
  • official ordainment as a minister (with the legal authority to conduct weddings, baptisms, and funerals) through the Universal Life Church.

On the intellectual level, you will come away with:

  • authority as one of the first individuals with a comprehensive picture of an entire ancient female shamanic practice that has been ignored;
  • an inspired new understanding of the role of virginity, celibacy, and inner tantric use of sexual energies in the realm of spiritual practice;
  • the skill to “read” and uncover similar repressed information in other cultures and times;
  • knowledge about the mystical role of Greek priestesses not taught elsewhere;
  • historical underpinnings for things typically dismissed as “New Age” –– e.g., channeling and psychic skill, humanity’s connection with the Pleiades, etc.

Program includes:

  • Opening retreat in Calistoga
  • Four full Saturday workshops in El Cerrito, CA
  • Four teleseminar group calls for integration (once a month)
  • Three private 15-minute integration sessions by phone with Dr. Rigoglioso, focused on one selected discussion issue
  • One private 30-minute Spiritual Mentoring session with Dr. Rigoglioso in July
  • Email access to Dr. Rigoglioso on specific questions
    that may arise
  • Private class Facebook page for ongoing communication
    and integration
  • A copy of Dr. Rigoglioso’s books The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece and Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity
  • A certificate of completion of The Divine Birth Mystery Teachings, listable in your resume or bio
  • Ordainment as a minister through the Universal Life Church, with the legal authority to conduct baptisms,
    weddings, and funerals

For a downloadable PDF with all of this information included, click here.


Opening retreat weekend
Thurs. April 25 (2 p.m.) through Sun., April 28 (11 a.m.)

Session 1:
The Mysterious Practice of Divine Birth

In this fascinating and provocative discussion, we explore evidence for the existence of priestesshoods dedicated to attempting divine birth throughout ancient Greece. We look at the “rape by gods” and miraculous conception stories from Greek history and myth as evidence of women’s actual shamanic practice. We scan medical views on conception that may have supported such an idea, delve into the role of virginity, trance, and eros in this practice, and trace changes in the practice over time as women’s power was eroded under patriarchy. We also touch upon the science behind virgin birth. Finally, we begin to look at who the Virgin Mary was in relation to all this, a moving exploration that we will take up again in the last session when we finally have the codes to put all the pieces together.

Session 2:
Athena/Neith and Her Divine Birth Priestesshood
–– Foundational Mothers of Athens

To understand how and why divine birth priestesses operated, we must first grasp a hidden piece –– that the goddesses they served originally were considered virgin mothers. In the Greek tradition, Athena –– warrior, inventor of crafts, and source of wisdom –– was the goddess who most famously held the title Parthenos, “Virgin.” Exploring her roots in Africa as the Virgin Mother Neith, we lift Athena out of her sterilized role as “daughter of Zeus” in service to the patriarchy, and behold her in her original, empowered form. We approach myths of her priestesses wrongly engaging in “sexual unions” with gods as clues to the existence of an entire cult of virgins who attempted miraculous birth and established the very foundation of Athens. We delve into evidence that the mythical “Amazons” of North Africa were actual warrior women in service to Athena and divine birth, and we explore Medusa as an historical North African Amazon queen who engaged in this practice.

In the experiential parts of this retreat, we engage in guided journeys, movement, writing, and ritual to intuit further information about virgin birth, cleanse our wombs, help restore the womb grid of the planet, and work to manifest a collective group intention focused on healing or creating a positive probable future related to the awakening of consciousness.

Saturday, May 25
(10 a.m. – 5 p.m.)

Session 3:
Artemis and Her Divine Birth Priestesshood
–– “Amazons,” “Nymphs,” and “Lesbian” Erotics

In ancient Greece, Artemis was known in various forms –– as the twin sister of Apollo, the goddess of the Arcadan “nymphs,” the fierce patroness of Tauris and Brauron, and the nurturing nature goddess of Ephesus. In this discussion, we get underneath such imagery to recover a much older goddess who was, like Athena, a virgin creator deity. We embrace the legendary Amazons of West Asia as historical women devoted to Artemis. We explore the “nymph” as a priestess of divine birth dedicated to Artemis and thought to have special “shapeshifting” powers akin to the “dakini” of the Tibetan tradition, and consider the lesbian eroticism implied in nymph stories as part of the tantric sexuality originally required for virgin birth.

Session 4:
Hera and Her Divine Birth Priestesshood
–– Producing the “Heroes” and the Olympic Games

Like Athena and Artemis, the great goddess Hera also mysteriously bore the elevated title Parthenos, “Virgin,” despite being yoked in marriage to the god Zeus. In this discussion, we see that Hera was once goddess of the sky, earth, and underworld who had no male consort. We recognize Heracles’ “twelve labors” and the “Judgment of Paris” (that famous apple contest!) as attempts to dismantle divine birth priestesshoods. We untangle legends at Samos and Argos suggesting the presence of lineages of divine birth priestesses dedicated to Hera, and identify the legendary Io as an actual historical priestess who was conscripted into sexual rites with the god Zeus to produce an Egyptian king. We also come to the startling realization that the famed Olympic Games originated in earlier virgin footraces founded by holy women dedicated to divine birth!

In the experiential parts of this day, participants test their priestess wings in creating a healing or manifesting ritual related to the themes under study.

Saturday, June 8
(3 p.m. to 9 p.m.):

Session 5:
Demeter and Persephone, Double Goddess of Heaven, Earth, and Hell –– and Their Thesmophoria Mystery Rite

In the Olympian pantheon, Demeter was the goddess of the grain; Kore or Persephone was her daughter, the maiden goddess of the springtime and the underworld. In this discussion, we uncover evidence that Demeter and Persephone were originally husbandless Virgin Mothers. We consider the possibility that Persephone was interrupted in her own task of virgin birth by a male god who “used” her to create his own “double,” and we understand this event as symbolically marking for the Greeks the “moment” when patriarchy took over planet. We also reinterpret the Thesmophoria dedicated to these goddesses as a matriarchal mystery rite that originally celebrated the Feminine capacity for virgin birth.

Session 6:
The Eleusinian Mysteries –– Apologizing to the Raped Virgin, Birthing Children of the Gods

The Eleusinian Mysteries celebrated Demeter and Persephone and forever transformed the lives of initiates, making them unafraid of death. Scholars have puzzled for more than a century over “what really happened” in these famous rites, which participants were sworn not to discuss. Dr. Rigoglioso offers a vision –– based on the missing “piece” of divine birth –– that makes sense of them at long last, exposing surprising yet well-grounded findings. In this provocative discussion, we consider the theory that initiates of the Eleusinian Mysteries experienced a ritualized “rape/abduction” of Persephone into the underworld. We learn that medicines and special implements shocking to the Christian fathers were used to facilitate the experience, and we understand that men had to “become” women to enter into the sacred knowledge of Demeter and Persephone. We also make sense of the culminating ritual as a divine birth sex rite between the priestess and a god, one designed to incarnate a “new” Dionysus who would become the future king.

In the experiential part of this day, we create a ritual to reverse the UNIVERSAL PSYCHIC and PHYISCAL RAPE of the feminine through a combination of naming, grieving, reconciling, forgiving, healing, and moving into authentic empowerment by taking stock of our own Shadow.

Saturday, July 6
(10 a.m. to 5 p.m.):

Session 7:
Starry “Origins” in the Seven Sisters –– and the Divine Birth Priestesshood at Dodona as a Pleiadian Outpost

To the Greeks and many others, the Pleiades were highly important stars conceived as Seven Sisters and doves. In this discussion, we learn that the Pleiades were considered by the Greeks to be Virgin Mothers of deities, kings, and “the larger part of the entire human race.” We recognize their parallel stories worldwide as a record of an astral history of female leadership and empowerment related to planet earth that was usurped. We explore the Pleiades’ relationship in Greek lore to both Troy and Atlantis, and consider the mystical implications of this. We piece together the relationship between the Pleiades and the oracular site of Dodona, thereby identifying Dodona as a location of a divine birth priestesshood. We also evaluate contemporary “channelings” related to the Pleiades in light of this more ancient information.

Session 8:
The Divine Birth Priestesshood at Delphi –– From Conceiving Daughters of the Earth to
Bearing Sons of the Sun

In ancient Greece, priestesses delivered the wisdom of the deities to guide individuals, kings, and countries in their personal and political affairs. Nowhere was this carried out more famously than at Delphi. In this discussion, we explore the most comprehensive information to date on functions of the Delphic priestess. We learn about her use of sacred medicines to induce trance, and intuit how she used sound vibrations and light as part of her work. We tease out the mystery behind why such women were called both “bee” and “snake.” We identify the connection between women’s oracular and virgin birth abilities, and explore evidence that Delphi was thus also the site of a divine birth priestesshood where women served as “wives of Apollo.” Finally, we consider what the demise of the honeybee might be “prophesying” today.

In the experiential part of this day, we learn about various ways of entering into trance to receive oracular information, and we invite others in the group with experience and knowledge to add their wisdom in this regard. We engage in a moving ceremony to connect with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades.

SATURDAY, August 3
(10 a.m. to 5 p.m.):

Session 9:
The Virgin Mary: Trained Lineage Priestess of Divine Birth

Our program comes together in this final day, when we take all we have learned in service to a new and empowered reclaiming of one of the most significant female figures of all times: the Virgin Mary. Moving beyond doctrine, dogma, and the confines of “religion,” we reclaim the Virgin Mary for all women by understanding her to have been part of a lineage of sophisticated shamanic practitioners whose work to incarnate avatars was deliberate, not passive or accidental. We recognize her mother Anne as having given birth to her miraculously, and uncover signs in her childhood story of her own training as a holy virgin of divine birth. We see signs in Mary’s story of miraculous birth as a sacred rite involving the light/matter interface. We conclude by considering new possibilities about the role of Mary Magdalene in this sacred program.

Session 10:
Commitment Ceremony

In this last session, we draw together as a group to honor what we have learned in a self-created ceremony. We reflect on how women’s sacred womb capacities –– particularly the practice of virgin birth –– may be restored in service to our beleaguered world. With others as witnesses, we also make a personal vow of commitment or dedication to our own sacred service. Finally, we honor one another as formal ministers, with the legal authority to officiate at weddings, baptisms, and funerals.

For a downloadable PDF with all of this information included, click here.

Here’s what people said about last year’s program:

“Marguerite’s Divine Birth Mystery Teachings training gave me the confidence to claim the titles ‘Priestess’ and ‘Oracle.’ I had already been doing this kind of work for a number of years as a healer, intuitive guide and ritualist, however, I never felt quite comfortable with calling myself a Priestess or claiming that I was an Oracle.

Working with Marguerite and the fabulous group of women that she attracted into the circle helped me to hone my skills and settle more deeply into this work in a supportive, nurturing and collaborative environment. I now feel much more adept at stepping up to the plate and leading, knowing I have the support and guidance of my sister priestesses along the way. I am not doing this alone!”

–– Megan Rose Woolever, Ph.D. candidate,
California Institute of Integral Studies

“During the Divine Birth Mystery Teachings, Marguerite Rigoglioso deeply touched my soul and profoundly expanded my understanding about Goddesses and the Divine Birth Mysteries. Before I attended her class, I knew nothing about Greek Mythology, nothing about ancient Goddesses, sacred rituals or even about oracles. Marguerite awakened in me a sense of an inner knowing, a shamanic reconnecting to some lost wisdom.”

–– Astrid Cheney, school teacher

“Marguerite’s course in Divine Birth Mystery teachings employs the kind of rigorous scholarship that I have not encountered since my days at Bryn Mawr College. I found the topic fascinating, a great complement to my study of and interest in art and archaeology as well as the new spirituality emerging from the unearthing of long-lost mysteries tied to the sacred rites of the Goddess and her priestesses. This work is profound and so needed in this age of unbalanced masculine hierarchies and regimes. Personally, since my involvement with the Seven Sisters Mystery School, my own sacred work has has been immeasurably renewed and reinvigorated.”

–– Jais Booth, Creativity Mentor

“My experience at the Seven Sisters Mystery School has been magical, healing, and spiritually uplifting! Participating in the sacred circle of wise women, co-creating vision, spiritual authenticity, and celebrating the Divine Feminine has been a blessing and a joy. I offer the highest praise for Marguerite –– she is an inspiring luminary of the highest integrity who is masterful at creating a safe container for priestesses to flourish together. As a result of taking this course, I now feel inspired to claim the priestesshood as my rightful calling.”

–– Samantha Catalina Sinclair, Resident Muse at Creatrix Studios

About Marguerite

Irene Young Photography,

Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D., is the founding director of Seven Sisters Mystery School and a scholar/practitioner of the ancient Mediterranean mystery traditions.

Marguerite combines lifelong study of the religious history of the ancient Mediterranean world and beyond with her own spiritual growth work and intuitional skills, which have been developed through years of ceremonial practice as well as intensive study at the Foundation for Spiritual Development in San Rafael, CA. She also teaches unique, leading-edge courses on the sacred feminine and women’s spiritual leadership at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) and the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology/Sofia University.

An experienced entrepreneur who has created her own businesses as a writer and mysteries teacher, she mentors women and men to help them cultivate their spiritual knowledge and bring their sacred calling to fruition.

She is the author of The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece and Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity, pioneering volumes that explore women’s shamanic abilities in a (r)evolutionary new light.

Marguerite holds a doctorate in humanities and a master’s in philosophy and religion from CIIS, and a bachelor’s in psychology from Vassar College. For more on Marguerite or her work, visit ABOUT MARGUERITE

For a downloadable PDF with all of this information included, click here.

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