REGISTER NOW! June 6th Cacao Ceremony: Expand Your Light thru Solar Rays of Love!

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

S@x, Drugs & Rockin’ Moly

Stunning Revelations on Women’s Sacred Plant History

This week I birthed it, the first class of my Sacred Feminine Plant Medicine Academy. Yeah, it took a big lurching push to get the tribe together for this…and then deliver my inspired talk in which I passionately HANDED WOMEN THEIR HISTORY BACK TO THEM.

Women’s sacred use of plants in ancient Egypt, Greece, Israel & Rome…so much has been lost, but there’s still so much to retrieve from the rubble! My reclamation project on Tuesday included revealing the powerful (and sometimes questionable) use of medicines by the likes of Helen of Troy, Medea, and the Mainads of Dionysus. It’s important to know about this to reclaim our priestess power so we can move forward in this Academy course and our sacred lives with greater wisdom and sovereignty.

Molynepenthekykeon ~ these were just some of the plant-based hallucinogenic potions I talked about that were originally under the management of both the high priestess and the low-class pharmákis (or sorcerer woman) alike.

I described the medicine-induced rites that involved having sex with gods ~ including the rituals conducted by the divine birth priestesses who were conceiving the avatars of the ancient world. And I looked at the high-octane meads, vapors, and fumigations of the oracle priestesses at Delphi, Egypt, and beyond.

Lady Cannabis made an appearance as the sacred plant of the star-bound priestesses of Hera at Argos. Magdalene and Mary were brought to light as holders of the sacred myrrh oils and consciousness-expanding myrrh incense that informed their ministries.

Phew. And then… I laid out the pragmatic steps for creating a sacred ceremony with a plant spirit so as to experience the most beneficial and safe mind-opening journey with it.

Who knew that this girl, who would never ever drink coffee, let along puff a joint… would become a teacher of plant medicines someday? Yet… here I am. Because, thanks to some loving teachers, I’ve experienced the power of plants.

I’ve also witnessed people’s abuses of them, resulting in new layers of trauma, the sucking of people’s energy, and even untimely deaths. Yes. All of that. And I recognize that great care is needed in this realm, and is often the missing ingredient in the cauldron.

The Sacred Feminine Plant Medicine Academy is my love letter to the Devas of the psychotropic realms, and it is my homage to the priestesses of the ancient timelines… which probably included me in quite a few past lives!

These courses always bloom into multiple dimensions, and the Academy class is no exception. Indeed, as we all literally will enter into the Realms together in ceremony, we’ll be accessing and experiencing 5th, 6th, and even higher dimensional consciousness. Not just as a means of playing around, but as a means of expanding our souls and serving as ambassadors to an awakening world.

I’m excited to be part of this great reclaiming on a bold new rung of the spiral.