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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

My Relationship Breakthrough

Beware what you teach; you will live it.

I know this, and yet I keep going into the intense territories of my courses time and time again.

So, when you’re teaching about Sacred Relationship and Sexual Healing, you’re going to be confronted.

This has been the case for several weeks now, which has led to me feeling like I’m somehow failing… not only as a sacred partner but as a teacher of all this “relationship stuff.”

It’s humble pie once again, but I’ve realized that the energies and tools of my own course are actually helping me.

The fact is, Magdalene and Jesus have shone the light on the places in my relationship where the wounding is still arising and leading to conflict. Yeah, what ELSE did I expect to happen?!

Can you relate? The conflict sometimes feels unsolvable.

But with continued prayer and good tools and a really good therapist, you can get to a new level. I recently had just such a breakthrough. It was quite stunning. We had to speak uncomfortable truths and dig in at a new level. Our therapist offered a glinting new angle of understanding that we hadn’t heard about or know of before and it changed everything. I feel fortified with new approaches and tools once again. Ah! Productive. Positive. Renewed hope. Renewed heart.

I know this “difficult point” is typically reached for most couples, often again and again and again. We’re all dealing with so much trauma that it sometimes feels like a miracle when people can stay together. Many couples, loving couples, sometimes do not make it to shore and get busted up in the waves.

This is why, as I’ve been saying for weeks now, we need a good dose of divine intervention.

I am thanking Magdalene and Jesus… and our therapist and the willing hearts of my partner and myself… for providing us with the healings and tools to return to love.

These are the kinds of resources we’ll be looking at as the Sacred Relationship & Sexual Healing with Magdalene & Jesus course progresses through the end of April. If you’re wanting to improve a good and loving relationship that just needs the kind of help most relationships need, or if you want to feel confident about embarking on a new relationship, then please join us. The lifebuoy is here for you!