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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Using Trees as Oracles: Get Vertical, Get Quiet, Get in Touch

Priestesses, Authentic Priests & World Servers: There is a long tradition of women and men sitting at trees – particularly large Grandmothers – to obtain oracular information. Think the prophetesses of Dodona at the Great Oak, Abraham at the Terebinth, St. Anne at the Laurel, Buddha at the Bodhi. Eve at the Apple. I have been working with several, particularly one Grandmother Redwood I was introduced to by a friend. Anyone can do this practice, and it is encouraged by Gaia herself, especially now in these times of continued environmental decimation.

Find an old spectacular tree.

The larger and gnarlier, the better. She should impress you in some way, for she is old and wise. Make offerings to her at her base: libations like milk, honey, water, wine, or small food substances like nuts and fruits. Hibiscus tea also – its red recalling (menstrual) blood but being consummately ethical. To see a one-minute video of me describing this process, visit here 

Merge with the Tree

Sit with your back against her trunk. Spend some time in silence, breathing, feeling into her. Open your awareness. Feel your admiration for her and for the beauty of the natural world around you. Let that love flow forth, bathing you in its energy. You are creating a reciprocal communication pathway with nature and the elemental realms in this way. At some point, see yourself merging with the Grandmother tree. Allow yourself to enter her consciousness and her to enter yours. Sense how she experiences the world differently from you. Let the impressions filter into you –– about her and all she has to tell you.

Trees are conduits for the consciousness of Gaia as well as the Star Nations. They offer you information on many levels: personal, planetary, astral. If you go with a friend, compare notes. Write down or record what is received. Share it with others. Return again and again. Developing a relationship with a tree is like developing a relationship with a human. It grows over time. It brings joy and comfort. But unlike humans, trees are always unconditional.

Marguerite Rigoglioso
Founding Director
Seven Sisters Mystery School