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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Can Your Love Prevent Earthquakes? Join Us on Solstice to Heal Self, Others & Earth Mama

Dear Community,

I recently learned from Clan Mother Hua Anwa, a Metis elder, that San Francisco Bay Area First Nation peoples believe that when we amp up the harmony among us, we can prevent earthquakes.

The esoteric story here revolves around the origin of the mountains down the Pacific coast. According to this coded information, the mountains from Shasta southward were formed above the waters when Creator asked Eagle Man to gather the Seven Turtle Brothers. Despite the fact that the Brothers did not get along and tended to argue, Creator had them line up head to toe, and onto them brought all the plants and creatures, including humans. We Two-Leggeds were instructed always to be calm and at peace. One day, two hunters begin to argue over who owned the spoils of the hunt, eventually drawing the entire community into the conflict. Despite the warnings of the Medicine Man to get along, bad feelings split the community. The land began to quake, and the people became afraid. The Medicine Man said that human discord makes the Seven Turtle Brothers who don’t get along start arguing.

According to Clan Mother Hua, these Turtle Borthers, these Mountains, are sentinels for us. So we must keep them happy, well tended, and listened to. We ourselves must be in harmony. C’mon people now! Smile on each other. Everybody get together, try to love one another.

Marguerite Rigoglioso