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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

How to Be the Blessing – Thanksgiving and Every Day

In my Putting the Sacred Back in Your Holiday webinar, which started this past Tues, I offered 12 ways to make Thanksgiving or other holiday gatherings sacred. One thing I shared was the practice of being the blessing. This was inspired by a guided meditation led by my friend Joie Seldon. Here’s how to do it:

• Sit and close your eyes. Breathe, center & ground for 5 minutes. Keep focusing on your breath & put your attention in your third eye, between your eyes in the center of your head.

• Focus on what you are grateful for. Think of at least 5 things. Really conjure the energy of gratitude in your mind & body.

• Feel the energies of a higher power blessing you. This may be a general sense of the Divine, one or more gods or goddesses, angelic beings, your guides, ascended masters… whoever feels right to you.

Drink their blessings into every fiber of your being. Allow this to fill you for 5 minutes.

• Place your hand on your heart & affirm: I am a blessing to everyone I encounter today, absolutely everyone. I bestow this energy freely & with love. My very presence uplifts others.

• Go about your Thanksgiving (or any other day), consciously remembering to Be the Blessing for everyone, wherever you go.

Walking about with this level of energy signature helps elevate not only your own mood & the energies of those around you, but also the energy level of the entire world. This is the direction that all high-level allies to planet earth would like us to move in. So know that as you are Being the Blessing, you are literally helping to transform our world.

With love,
