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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Are the TWO Marys Really ONE?

Channellings for public dialog

As we move into the Sacred Season, here’s one of my more esoteric – & provocative – posts, in time for the Feasts of the Immaculate Conception (12/8) & Guadalupe (12/12)…

It’s 1999 and I’m  draped in a blue satin cloak. “I am Mary, the one they call Virgin,” I solemnly declare before an audience. I drop the cloak to reveal a red satin dress. “I am Mary, the one they call Harlot.” I continue with my monologue: “I bore god from within. I nursed Him at my breast. I taught Him the Secrets. I chose him as my Beloved….I annointed him with sacred oils in preparation for the sacrifice. I wept at the foot of the Cross & watched…”

In this dramatic portrayal that I’ve written & performed for a grad school project at the California Institute of Integral Studies, I embody Magdalene the “whore” & Mary the “holy one,” entwined. I don’t know where this has come from. But my soul is somehow remembering union.

Fast forward to last Thursday. I’m receiving a profound energy healing from the powerful healer Robert (Shamrock) Holtz & I’m in an expanded state of consciousness. I flash: The two Marys are ONE. I explore the contours of this thought, then delve into its luminous interior and let it fill me. It seems a truth, one that’s been nibbling at the edges of my consciousness. A truth I realize I already knew – 15 years ago when I wrote & performed that monologue – before I knew anything.

As I’ve shared with groups, my revelations over the years have included the idea that there were two priestesshoods: the virgins who gave birth to the Avatars/Masters, and the sacred “prostitutes” – let’s call them tantrikas – who sexually united with the Avatars & generated their lineages on earth. (For more on my work on divine birth, see my books The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece & Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity.) Perhaps it was Claire Heartsong, channeler of the books Anna, Grandmother of Jesus & The Magdalenes, who seeded me with the idea that these priestesshoods initially were not divided. Or it may have been someone else. From somewhere, that idea has been gestating. Now here I am with the revelation that the two Marys are ONE.

What does this mean?

• Does it mean these seemingly two women – Mother Mary & the Magdalene – were really the same individual, one who was both mother & lover of the Avatar Jeshua?

• Or does it mean they were part of the same holy order of female sex rite priestesses who were intially virgins, who reserved their erotic activity for the temple, and who knew how to work their tantric & kundalini energies in profound ways?

• Or does it mean a woman can be virgin in the sense of sexually or emotionally sovereign while being a tantrika at the same time? Does it require a fundamental reconception of the Goddess as BOTH Virgin & Sexual Generative force who engages with the Divine Masculine?

• Or does it mean a tantrika can restore her virgin status, as I’ve written may well have been ritually accomplished in antiquity as well as in certain contemporary cultures, such as among the Kerala of India?

• Or does it mean it’s time to heal & fuse the virgin/whore split within & come to a more profound possession & understanding of our vital power than ever before?

• Or is it some or all of the above? Can you feel it? There’s a Mystery here, profound & deep. An esoteric mystery having to do with women’s powers of sexuality & conception that go far beyond our current understanding. A mystery we haven’t fully fathomed in hundreds, if not thousands, of years. The two Marys are ONE. Close your eyes. Ponder it. Feel into it. Dream into it. Journey on it.

Whatever the case, let’s remember that December is traditionally the month of the birth of the light, the birth of the Divine Child, and that behind all of that is the BIRTHER. Some of us call her Mary. However we conceive her, in the hustle and bustle of gifting, consumption, celebration & family triggering, let’s not forget the Sacred Feminine, the Goddess, who is at the foundation of all that is holy.

With love,



  1. Lisa Young

    Hi Marguerite!
    Love your sharing and channeling and resonate with it deeply. In my experience the 2 Mary’s are of the same CONSCIOUSNESS….but different aspects of One very large consciousness that came to bring and anchor Divine Mother back on the Earth in a profound way. It started 2000 years ago among a few women and is now “splintered” in a way into many , many beings all over the planet bringing this Spirit/Divine Feminine/Divine Mother energy to all of Life here. Quite magnificent.

    Thank you for your powerful Voice and Presence.

    Much Love, Lisa

  2. Deborah Maragopoulos FNP

    It is very clear to me that I have been both in my life…oneness of virginal energy, everythingness of horas energy… I am holy mother bearing the avatar (aren’t each of us who realize that our children are here to teach us, to change the world?) and I am sacred prostitute who heals others by bearing all- body, mind, and soul (isn’t this the way for the most effective healers, teachers, guides to be completely honest with themselves and those they serve and SHARE all they have, all they know, all they are). I wrote this experience in LoveDance: Awakening the Divine Daughter.
    And I expressed this in my article Healing the Divided Goddess seven years ago…
    May each of us heal the Divided Goddess within!

  3. Kaalii Cargill

    Thank you for the invitation to comment. I like your vision of the two Marys as one. I believe it is vitally important to re-member the sacred life-giving power of the feminine. Splitting the “good” and “evil” aspects of the feminine is a patriarchal strategy for diminishing women’s power and the power of the sacred feminine.

    What you write about the two Marys as one resonates with the practices at ancient Locri in Calabria, where Persephone and Aphrodite were honoured together. This combination of the chthonic, the erotic, and the playful seems to have been unique to Locri, but perhaps not . . .

    My post on Feminism and Religion:

    My book: Don’t Take It Lying Down: Life According to the Goddess

  4. Roland

    All the possibilities you mention may be possible. A helpful question would be, what does each possibility lead to? What arises from the various possibilities? I am biased toward the fusion of the virgin/whore dynamic. Whenever there’s a contrasting pair like virgin/whore, mastery comes from an understanding of both from an expansive third position that integrates both — “The two Marys are ONE,” indeed.

  5. Chante Quiett

    Hello Marguerite,
    This is my first email from you and stirred Truth to rise in me. It threw me a bit as well. But the consideration is to allow these 2 ideas, concepts, archetypes to merge not in the thinking, but in the Being. Many false images that I had given my Light to came forward after I allowed this. (jealousies, anger, guilt from polarizing these 2 as they fight for supremacy, which is not even possible) These notions must emerge to be recognized as false data in the hard drive in order to purify the consciousness for the arrival of the Son, to make room in the Inn so to speak. (The INN terior Castle) The decision must be made clear to the mind that we not dabble in concepts born in this world, if we desire to be whole and birth the Son, which is nothing more, nothing less than our Divine Heritage, This Holy Season has so much more depth to it now as i urge myself to give up all things born in separation (illusions) and embrace the true nature of my feminine which only desires to serve and be the carrier of the Divine, God’s Son, which resides within. The trick is not to feel like a failure in this world which splits us up into warring pieces and give those thoughts (our attention) to the invisible which is using it to rearrange our energies so that which we have called forth can emerge through us. The Ma Rays are one in me, no longer projected out on other women! Whew!

  6. Jana Jopson

    I love that Mary, all the Marys, are at heart, a mystery.
    And yet, their energetic essence is eternal, can be
    called upon, and experienced. Perhaps the teachings
    of the Marys are in part, to embrace all aspects of
    the Divine Feminine. That when the Within (essence) is
    sacred, so is the Without (expression).