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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

The Techno-Abduction of Humanity

Prophetic Warnings

I don’t like to speak of negative probable realities, because 1) they can sound paranoid, 2) I don’t want the focus of my school to be on such things, and 3) I don’t want to be karmically responsible for helping them manifest.

This has been the age-old challenge for the Seer – to speak or not to speak – knowing that you can be an unwitting agent of the darkness by speaking its agenda into form.

I’m speaking anyway. There’s a growing urgency about getting people to lift their veils on this topic, and I’ve seen that bolder I am in sharing what I receive, the more helpful I am to others.

Here’s what I’ve received in ceremony, affirmed again & again though my psychic seeing: 
There’s a nefarious agenda afoot on the part of negative interdimensional beings who are working with human techno wizards to completely capture the human soul in a dead cyber-reality. Some of the techno folks participating in this agenda are aware they’re part of it; some aren’t.

It’s important to look at this not as some sci-fi scenario that’s unlikely to happen, but as a trend that’s already well under way. It requires penetrating through the illusion of normalcy that’s been put on computer usage & behavior to see just how far into this abduction reality we already are.

In speaking about this, I claim my authority as a woman who’s saying no to hypermasculine/ techno agendas, and who’s asserting that we must stay connected to the organic reality of Gaia. I encourage others interested in bringing balance from the Feminine to speak out, as well.
If you’re a light worker, understand that this material can help you make decisions & be mindful so as to AVOID the scenario to be described, not to put your energies on it so as to CREATE it.

“See, get it, redirect, don’t worry, be happy” might be the way to approach what I’m about to share.

How the Soul Capture Will Be Accomplished
Humanity will be captured through the meshing of the computer with the human form.

The first step at this “cyborging” is what’s happening now: the pressure to become dependent on our devices for everything, and and a growing addiction to looking into the screen fostered by emotional surges we get from receiving communications.

The second step is ear budding. Bluetooth & ear buds gets us comfortable with technology in/on our body.

The third step is internet eyeglasses. That gets us comfortable with subsuming all of our senses into an online reality offered right on our faces. I recently saw a spoof of this in Delta airline’s airplane safety video & nearly got hives. Apparently, the first iteration of these glasses hasn’t taken off, but no doubt there will be continued efforts.

The fourth step is sense-around equipment & gaming environments that will get us used to being in a virtual reality that engulfs all of our kinesthetic senses. (The increasing presence of TV monitors at places like airports & gas stations, as well as 3D movie glasses, are setting the stage for this.)

The fifth step is computer contact lenses, some kind of eyeball applique that will allow you selective online access.

The sixth step is computer chipping into the human body. Such chips can both track us & be used to control impulses, thoughts & moods. Apparently some form of chipping is already happening. Why are people agreeing to this?


The seventh step… down the road a ways… is the implanting of a device into the visual cortex that allows us to get online by just a flicker movement of our eyes. It will also allow us to enter into total virtual reality scenarios that can completely subsume us.

People will pretend to speak with one another while in fact simultaneously gaming or multitasking online. Some will get addicted, lying for hours or days experiencing such dramas, and losing touch with the earth plane.

There are many other ways that “apps” & other technology developments are being used to hook humans into detaching from their bodies & intuition. In the name of so-called progress, we’re becoming dependent on machines & devices to tell us everything from what our heart rate is doing & when to rest to what the weather is outside & how to get from A to B.

As one prophet has channeled, GPS systems are the quickest way to Alzheimer’s because they make us lose our brain “muscle.”

Here’s the end game:

Once we’re online & in virtual reality spaces, the door can actually be shut to our getting back into our bodies – and there’s an agenda aiming for all of us to go there. The human soul will be encased in a non-organic, artificial reality being controlled by other intelligences.

Saying NO

Movies like the Matrix & such are already showing us (co-creating?) one version of what’s possible. What we may not be seeing is how we’re being led, step by step, into this reality, unless we SAY NO.

Saying no will mean breaking free of INTERNET ADDICTION. That will be a challenging nut to crack since we see the internet as a way of life now. We’ve largely become so dependent on our machines for every little thing & we’re forced now to have all our business conducted on it.

It’s like connecting our livelihoods to methamphetamine use: You have to shoot up to do your banking.

Facebook & other social media programs add the true element that hooks us: the need to feel we matter. We’re daily now checking ourselves in the mirror, so to speak: Are people paying attention to what I post? Is someone’s life better than mine?

Look at the primal human insecurities, needs, longings & voids that social media plays upon, and reflect. Is this how we want to spend our time? Is this how we want to feel filled?

Think about how you used to be creative. Perhaps you used to write, paint, read & what have you. Now, where has your time gone? Online.

We’re not thinking nearly as much any more. We’re parading for attention or jealously coveting others’ lives. We may also be carrying out relationships via the detached media of text, instagram & whatever’s coming next.

Coming at Us from the Other End: AI

On the other end, we’ve got artificial intelligence turning machines into humanoids. Take a look at what Wiki has to say on the topic. There’s far more to this, and even well-meaning shamanic types are getting seduced into it.
I’m seeing holy men & women who are tapped into other planes receiving information & translating it into techno applications without thinking about the ramifications. To them, science & technology are to advance at all costs.

Eventually cyborg & AI will meet, and we humans will become totally confused as to who we really are. Atlantis, anyone? We’ve been here before. Remember… remember?

What to Do?

The answer is to be organic. Stay connected to genuine biological material. Don’t buy the argument that we need technology to clean up our problems – problems technology & the disconnected mindset created to being with. We don’t. We need to work with Gaia. She knows.

Enhance your psychic abilities. Go into your own mind or meditative states instead of cyber reality. Cultivate telepathy. Experiment with “text reprieves” & send telepathic messages instead. Get quiet to become aware of the information coming to you.

Tune into the light grids around the planet rather than Facebook to learn what people are feeling & doing. Contribute to those grids in a more productive way than pasting images of what you ate for breakfast. Send thoughts to the grid of the wholesome things you’d like to see manifest on planet earth.

Note to artists: Beware of creating these scenarios through your work (novels, film, etc.); there will be karma involved, and we’re all trying to RELEASE karma now, not accrue more. It’s best to focus on portraying positive probable realities, not negative ones, because your works have tremendous power to create many unforeseen things in the 3D world.

Note to tekkies: If you’re working to promote products that are leading down this road, think carefully about what you’re doing. You may not realize you’re a cog in a very big machine that you actually don’t want to be a part of. If there’s a different dream you have of how you’d like to be spending your life, the time to pursue it is now.

Here’s a resource to help: If you want to develop your psychic ability so you can see what’s going on, master your space & help the world handle things in a different way, there are still a few spots left in my Clairvoyant Skills Development Level 1 class, starting Thurs Jan 21.

Join the discussion on this post below & contribute your suggestions on how to keep technology from overtaking us.

With love,
Marguerite (Dove)




Clairvoyant Skills Development 
Level 1

– with optional private mentoring

6 Thurs, Jan 21 – Feb 25, 2016
6:45 – 9:30 pm

In person in Marin County, CA

Learn how to:

• Regularly clear, cleanse & open your energetic field to your Guides.

• Read others ethically.

• Raise your energy signature to receive the highest-level guidance possible.

• Protect yourself psychically.

• Use light & receive empowerments from allied forces.

For more info, visit here.



Bless Your Year Meditation

– with Cosmic Q&A by Dove

Sun Jan 24, 2016
10 am – noon

Temple of 1000 Arms, 40 Cowper Ave., Kensington, CA 94707
Give your year a blessing & get intentional about what you’re intitiating in this beautiful guided journey. Relax, enjoy & dream with ease.

Then bring your cosmic questions to Marguerite’s priestess persona, Dove, and find out what the Universe has to reveal to you!

Bring a potluck dish to share.

Please RSVP (& get directions) by contacting host Bob Beban here.

“Initiation” Brigid Ritual,
Sunday Services
& Private Readings with Marguerite
Goddess Temple of Orange County
17905 Sky Park Circle #A
Irvine CA 92614

Ritual: Jan 30, 2016 • 6:30 – 9 pm (bring potluck)  •  $25

Sunday Services: Jan 31 • 11 am

6 Private Readings available with Marguerite
 at the Goddess Temple:
 Sat Jan 30 & Sun Jan 31 in the afternoon

Join Marguerite, Vajra Ma & Ava Park for a synergistic evening ritual to vision & energize your new year’s dream as the wheel turns & the light begins to return.

All 3 then channel cosmic wisdom!

Get a bolt of inspiration at Sunday services.

Meanwhile enjoy a private clairvoyant reading with Marguerite to receive guidance, clarity & empowerments for you life or sacred career.

To schedule an in-person reading with Marguerite in Irvine, contact us here.


Red Tent 3rd Annual Online Summit

Starts Feb 1

DeAnna L’am offers us another fabulous year of inspiring short videos by visionary women, this year talking about the power of Menopause!

Learn how to move TOWARDS or THROUGH this potent time of your life with greater consciousness, choices & clarity.

Marguerite joins Brooke Medicine Eagle, Susan Weed, ALisa Starkweather, & many other fabulous wise women as speakers.

Receive videos daily for 3 weeks starting Feb 1, by registering for the Summit here.


Would you love to have an evolutionary spiritual or sacred career mentor?

Learn what sessions with Marguerite offer you here.

Contact us here to book a reduced rate first-time session.



  1. Chickie

    Thanks MR and it IS OUT OF CONTROLl! On a physical level for me with one eye and chronic sciatica, as a dancer…I must hang upside down on my inversion table everyday to stay in alignment. My ophthalmologist is forever reminding me to blink more and use eye drops and go out and look at “far” images. So on that level it’s constant paying attention to my body stance. I have a mother to care for so I need to work at home.

    However as far as your spiritual perspective here, I do try to keep it in check and utterly aware of far too much connection. We must make an effort to stay connected with the earthly plane….I’m near a mountain and after my run everyday I end up at her feet and say…..HELP PLEASE!!! I have a dove, a baby bird, crows and ravens who follow me during my run and I say….WRAP YOUR WINGS AROUND ME AND KEEP ME SAFE TODAY!

    Bottom line PAY ATTENTION!

    Thanks again for all your work!

    • Marguerite Rigoglioso

      Chickie, I know, it is so taxing on the body and eyes, not to mention energy system, to be working in front of the computer so much. Keep going out in nature! It’s the only way to reverse this.

  2. Dana Lundin

    You are so right on about the perils of technology! They are hijaking and diminishing us on so many levels. In the late1960’s, teachers in Germany noticed that their students had deteriorating leearning patterns compared to their students in earlier years. The German Psychological Association joined in to see if this shift could be quanified, and research conducted at the University of Thubingen found studying 4000 subjects in their late teens and early twenties over a 20 year period found in this summary:

    “Our sensitivity to stimuli is deacresing at a rate of about 1 percent a year. Delicate sensation are simply being filtered out of our consciousness.” In order for out brains to register it, …”especially strong stimuli are required. (the translation of the German reads that in order for our brains to register it, “brutal thrill” stimuli are neccessary.)
    From The Biology of Transcendence by Joseph Chilton Peacre

    In many ways, our technology is a parasitic meme. We would do well to monitor our use and need of it!

    • Marguerite Rigoglioso

      Yes, it is parasitic, Dana. We must monitor it so as not to be swept away! Thanks for this interesting, if disturbing, piece of information.

  3. Rob

    Hi, Interesting thoughts. I tend to agree. Its amazing how in such a short time nearly all of us are addicted to screens and the internet. I have a daughter who is 14 and in just her short life, half a generation, the world seems completely and radically different. And I question if its not for the worse?
    I often dream of taking a wi-fi, cell phone and complete internet fast…And wonder if I could do it? I am 50 years old and so the majority of my life was lived prior to all the microwave radiating devices and screed addictions. Which I feel very thankful for. I realize my daughter’s generation is the first group born into it and fully immersed and saturated in it all from conception on. And as amazing, mesmerizing and convenient and entertaining it all can be, I feel it is mostly a toxic nightmare further accelerating our demise. And yet, our daughter has an iPhone (spell check even corrects iPhone spelling!!!) and so do we. And she went to a Waldorf school for 10 years where most kids eventually got a phone! And though we limit exposure and don’t have a “Smart” meter on our house, we do have wifi and cell phones.
    I believe strongly that the evidence supports these devices are toxic on every level. Yet I have one, am using one now to share this and wonder if I could now live without it all? Scary stuff!
    And for the younger people that have no concept of life without all the technological distractions what odds do they have of ever disconnecting from it all? As they were born smack into it all.
    Not feeling super optimistic for the longevity of humanity as we collectively seem to just accelerate toward suicidal insanity. And death’s inevitable and perhaps so is the 6th mass extinction. As I ponder how perfect and pristine the entire earth and all its ecosystems would be to this day if humans had never arrived here. All the air, water, oceans, plants, animals would be clear and free of any toxins if humans hadn’t soiled the entire nest in a really short span of time relative to the age of the earth. Or even the hundreds of millions of years since the last purported mass extinction.

    • Marguerite Rigoglioso

      Rob, I know it’s bleak, but we must get conscious and break the spell. I will do another zine on this. Thanks for writing.

  4. Pam, Seattle, WA

    Wow, I can’t believe I’ve received this today. I need it so badly. I have all the signs, and have been feeling increasingly desperate to understand what is happening to me and how to make it stop. I have read parts 1 and 2 of this topic. Thank you so much.

    • Marguerite Rigoglioso

      Thank for sharing, Pam!