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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

What Is a Priestess, Anyway?

At Seven Sisters Mystery School, we’re dedicated to restoring the ancient way of the priestess in service to our world. But what exactly is a priestess in this day and age?

There’s no real standard definition (and each person may define it differently), but I will offer my own:

A PRIESTESS is a woman dedicated to opening up her powers of knowing, clairvoyant sight, healing, and manifestation, as well as her connection with the subtle realms, so that she may help further activate the evolution of human consciousness and the human soul.

She channels wisdom and healing energies to others, and she harnesses divine forces in concert with her own positive intention to help influence the course of reality in ways that serve the greatest good.

How’s THAT for a job description?

The next question might be: How does somebody become a priestess?

And that, precisely, is the question. Particularly when the temples have been destroyed.

Becoming a priestess in some senses has to do with simply recognizing that you were born one. This generally is the result of karma… recalling that You’ve Been in This Role Before.

Some women further develop that role simply by Listening: to their guides, to nature, to intelligences that contact them through sacred trance journeys.

But in terms of training…

Last time I checked, Harvard, Stanford, and Princeton still had not gotten their doctoral and master’s programs in professional priestessing together. Some promising academic spirituality programs might like to go further in this direction, but constantly come up against questions like: Will the accreditation board go for a class like “Clairvoyance 101”?

So, perhaps as it should be, priestess trainings remain outside the academy. And they are few and far between, grassroots, and offering a variety of different types of knowledge and skill building classes, bits here and chunks there. There are also numerous psychic development classes that teach basic to advanced skills that any priestess should have under her zone (womb belt).

The problem is, few programs unite clairvoyant skills with priestessing. And fewer, if any, unite clairvoyant skills, priestessing, and the intellectual/historical/esoteric knowledge that is necessary to ground the rest.

So we are in a grand moment in which we are restoring knowledge of what it means to be a priestess and how we can best cultivate that role. What are the things we need to learn and how can we learn them?

Seven Sisters Mystery School intends to be at the forefront of that movement. Stay tuned…

Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D.
Founding Director
Seven Sisters Mystery School