REGISTER for May 11 Online Event: William & Marguerite, Mother Mary ~ Pleiades & Parthenogenesis

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Medusa’s Head Has Been Restored; Your Participation Is Needed

On March 22, 2012, Medusa’s head was reattached in ceremony. From the esoteric perspective, this event was real and has had ripple effects throughout the time/space hologram.

You are invited to participate in and reinforce this critical re-membering through what follows. Your own actions will similarly have real effects that will contribute to the healing of the Feminine and the entire fabric of world reality. The invitation is open to people of all genders.

The setting for this event was my Divine Birth Mystery Teachings program, held that Thursday evening in El Cerrito, CA. For nearly a decade now, I had felt called to perform this sacred act in concert with other women, and my module on Athena seemed the right time. The ritual was created by Kathy Stanley and assisted by Elizabeth Fogge, with participation from all of the women in the program. Kathy had designed a cloth effigy of Medusa, had ritually beheaded her in her own private ceremony, and had brought the pieces and laid them out before us on an altar. Then, she invited each of us to come up, take the needle and thread, and offer several stitches to reattach her head at the neck, as everyone chanted, drummed, and rattled. At the end, we collectively uttered ululations, also known as the ololugué in ancient Greek, or the Arabic zagarit — a trilling cry made with the tongue that was part of the worship of Athena. The deed was (un)done. At last.

The Significance of the Be/Re-Heading
Many of us have been absolutely horrified by the story of Medusa’s head being cut off by the so-called hero Perseus, and then buried in the marketplace at Argos. We know there is something here that is terribly pernicious for women. Much has been written about it, and I won’t go into detail except to say that through my own careful research I have come to the conclusion that Medusa was a living historical warrior priestess/queen of the tribe known as the Gorgons in North Africa.

I provide all of the textual support for that assertion in my book The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece, in the chapter on Athena. I have also come to the conclusion that Medusa was a priestess of divine birth in dedication to Athena, and that this is what the story about her “rape” by the god Poseidon in Athena’s temple, and her subsequent pregnancy with Pegasus and Chrysaor, is really all about…

So, in Medusa’s beheading we are dealing with the tremendous disempowerment of one of our most potent ancestors, a living high holy ruler who was brought to shattering and humiliating defeat at the hands of the encroaching patriarchal establishment. The shockwaves of that story have continued to be felt for millennia. And the act has been perpetrated and re-perpetrated in numerous stories and films, re-enlivening what amounts to the beheading of all women, over and over again, through verbal and visual repetition. Beware such tales and films on the energetic level.

But women have now literally taken the matter into their own hands. With the enactment of this reparatory ritual on March 22, we have set in motion the re-memberment of this ancestor, and thus the reversal of her story. With that, we have set into motion the reversal of the story of all women’s disempowerment. Take that in for a moment…  

How You Can Help with the Cosmic “Do Over” and Future Seeding
At Seven Sisters Mystery School, we are putting out the call for a global “Medusa Re-Memberment Activation.” This means we are inviting people all over the world to enact your own Medusa re-heading rituals so as to energetically reinforce and affirm this “do-over” of history. We envision this activity as a new kind of “Vagina Monolgues” for the post-2012 rebirth era. We inspire you to create pageants, performance art, and social action around such rituals.

We are also inviting you to engage in a periodic three-minute meditation that is very simple: Close your eyes, and see Medusa before you. Visualize her kundalini track being fully restored from her yoni all the way up and out to the tips of her snakey hair, strengthened like a nerve being restored. The effect is magnified if you do it in a group.

In reinforcing this vision, you participate not only in re-membering Medusa, but also in restoring the kundalini circuit among the chakras for yourself and ALL women. And that means you join in the great worldwide project to help women reintegrate mind and body, sexuality and spirituality, heaven and earth.

It’s 2012, and it’s time to get busy. Don’t sit idly by merely lamenting the abuses of patriarchy. Close your eyes and create the change through the incredible power of your visioning mind. Your efforts WILL positively influence our future.  

Marguerite Rigoglioso
Founding Director, Seven Sisters Mystery School