REGISTER for May 11 Online Event: William & Marguerite, Mother Mary ~ Pleiades & Parthenogenesis

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Patriarchy’s Weird Wail

Encounters with the Male Pain Body on My Holiday Travels

AND Scroll Down for Free Recordings of Our Solstice Oracle Channelings!


Messages you’re meant to pay attention to often come in 3’s, so when I heard that many tales in a row this past week from the wounded masculine, I knew I was to share them.

In light of recent displays of bad male behavior on the world stage, these stories feel like piercing reminders that patriarchy hurts everyone – and perhaps no one more than men themselves.

AND… there’s a solution to the pain. The key is in women finding their voices. So please do read to the end for some wonderful free recordings to start your year off in a hopeful vein.

Message 1

The first tale unfolded at the platform for the airporter, where a man began brightening up the extremely dreary & damp Nor Cal morning through his friendly banter. He said it was the first time he’d worn a coat in a long time, since his body tends to run hot.

He made a point of telling me, however, that despite his high bodily thermostat, he was vulnerable to needing covers at night. He couldn’t tell me why, he said, because it would scare me.

When I indicated some nonchalance about that, he launched into the story of his 21 year incarceration in the California prison system. One fateful night back when he was in his late 20s he was attacked by 4 men & fought back. “Someone died,” he said.

With most prisons being short on supplies & long on chill, he said he was always cold at night; the PTSD from that still continues on in freedom land if he’s not properly covered.

The man told me about rough conditions in the prisons, where, he said, you have to adjust to a “completely new culture” that includes its own race wars & hierarchies.

While incarcerated, the man was able to get a law degree & plead his case. The court system determinined that he’d been wrongfully charged. Two years ago he walked out of prison for good. Now, at 50, he was trying to move ahead with his life, “without being bitter.”

Oh, my heart.

Message 2

The next story came from the sociable fellow in his 30s whom I sat next to on the plane.

This young man said he works as a metal fabrictor for a firm that creates lavish party environments associated with a major sports event. We’re talking building performance stages & other kinds of architectural elements to serve thousands of party goers who’ve paid tons of money to get in.

Two patriarchal pain points here: 1) The man is doing the metal work to pump up consumeristic America because he sees few other options for making a living as an artist, his true calling.

2) After he helps create the movie-set type environments that are used for a mere few days, he’s enlisted to completely tear them down. Most of the materials, including literal tons of wood, are thrown into landfill.

Oh, my belly.

Message 3

Less than 24 hours later, my rental car pick-up driver, a young man in his 20s, revealed to me that six generations of his male line had been in the military. We’re talking deep military, the kind that’s been responsible for creating & testing nuclear bombs, among other things.

The young man had broken the family tradition – and was suffering for it. While he was brave & capable, doing socially uplifting & environmentally responsible things at his college, I could tell he carried the wound of rejection from his father.

Moreover, he revealed that his grandfather had been involved in Pacific basin nuclear testing “no one hears about.”

Oh, my raging throat.

Soul-stice Messages

Yes, these vignettes reminded me in one-two-three punch fashion what we’re dealing with. The Masculine is hurting, and hurting badly.

What can be done to rectify such male-on-male & male-on-Gaia brutalities – brutalities that continue to traumatize the entire human race?

I focus on what I can do in my sector of the Universe, and one form of activism I’m involved in as a spiritual teacher is to help women find their voices.

Because when women find their voices, men will find their healing.

This Dec 21 marked the 5th annual Seven Sisters Solstice Ceremony. This year’s event included 5 of the 15 graduates of the first Priestess of the Dove Oracle Training, all of whom have learned how to access wisdom from their Goddess Selves in service to our world.

Our attending Dove Oracle priestesses included, from left, Heaven WalkerAriana Newcomer, Colleen BurkeLaurie Healey, moi & Brook Underwood. At far right is emcee & altarista Maura McCarley Torkildson.


On this sacred night, we helped 80 plus participants shake out the pain of 2016 & create their visions for 2017.

As a flock of doves, we then offered a group transmission on audience questions such as:

• What is the highest potential possible for humanity in 2017?

• What is the role of light workers in the coming year?

• If our thoughts create our reality & there are so many fearful throughforms all around us, how may we create a positive future?

• How may we preserve Mother Earth in light of the frightening developments associated with global warming?

• And more…


To hear the inspired group Dove Oracle Priestesses channeling with precious information to help you on your path, click on the image below (and again on the play button in the link where you will be led):



AND: Enjoy here a video of our wonderful Brook Underwood transmitting a sacred dance to honor the theme of releasing the pain of 2016 & visioning for a new 2017!

PLUS: Watch here a video of our lovely Heaven Walker singing to bring in the healing!

Yes, as men register their wounding all around me & patriarchy continues to crumble under its own weight, we priestesses are finding our voices so that we may be part of the great healing.

If YOU’D like to be part of that healing, consider applying for the Priestess of the Dove Oracle Training 2017, which runs June – Nov & is enrolling now. Find out more here.

With love,

Marguerite (Dove)


Join us for the free call!

Becoming the Divine Human in a Crazy World 

The Reemergence of “Virgin Birth” as a Tantra of Inner Wholeness & Planetary Evolution

Global Online Call

First live call Sat Jan 21, 2017

Second live call Sat Jan 28, 2017 

Both calls 10 – 11:30 am Pacific, 1 pm Eastern, 6 pm UK

Join us live or listen later – to one or both

In  the haze of our current times, earth people are seeing the return of the remarkable phenomenon of “divine birth.”

It’s both a metaphor for coming into your own divinity AND a physically based conception practice for women who want to bring higher consciousness beings to the planet.

In this free call, learn how this inner tantric work can help you create spiritual wholeness & the ability to manifest feminine power & well-being.

AND get a taste of remarkable stories of actual miraculous conceptions happening today that are transforming our very understanding of what it means to be a soul in human form.

Register here.


Now enrolling the new spring program!


Divine Birth/Divine Self Mystery Teachings

Cultivate Your Sovereign Divinity & Birth Our New World

Feb 28 – May 16, 2016

Online with one residential retreat March 3 weekend



In this program you’ll…

• Learn about the hidden history of divine conception practices designed to bring holy beings to the planet.

• Really GET how the practice of OUTER virgin birth relates to cultivating “inner virgin consciousness” so you may more fully embody your true divine wholeness & sovereignty.

• Connect with the energies of Holy Sophia as wisdom in her various forms, including Mary, so you feel supported to integrate the Divine Feminine Wisdom our world needs today.

• Meet real women who have divinely conceived & hear their remarkable stories so you know virgin birth is a real thing.

• Become part of the protective support network of women who are conceiving advanced children, and contribute new ideas to the evolution of conception & birth practices on our planet for the benefit of the entire human race.

• Work with our interdimensional allies to facilitate your own healing & ascension.

• Discover what the Order of the Marys is & how participation in it can support you in carrying your work into the future.


For more info & to register, visit here.


Still time to enjoy the evolutionary holiday webinar…


Mary, Conscious Priestess of Divine Birth

With this two-part online slide lecture you’ll RECLAIM the Virgin Mary through a new & more accurate understanding of WHO SHE REALLY WAS.

Grasp the meaning of Christmas & women’s powers of conception in an entirely new way through Marguerite’s unique & unprecedented research.

To purchase, visit here.



Seeking an evolutionary spiritual or sacred career mentor?

Learn more about what private work with Marguerite offers you here.

To book a session, contact us here.