PRE-ORDER NOW! The Secret Life of Mother Mary by Marguertie Rigoglioso, Ph.D.

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

A Year of Miraculous Conception

The Journey with My First Mary Book

This 10th birthday year of Seven Sisters Mystery School happens to coincide with the 1st anniversary of the release of my third book, The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception: Mary and the Lineage of Virgin Births, coming up this week on Wednesday, April 6!

This book has been an enormous blessing in my life, and the precious fruit of my own womb. I had been gestating the material about Mary for nearly 20 years, and knowing that it has been born and is cavorting around the earth in its toddlerhood ~ like the baby Mary on the temple steps ~ is a hugely rewarding relief.

We are now proud to report that the Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception has sold about 3000 copies total in print, audio, and ebook formats! It is now also available in Hungarian, and will soon be available in Italian, as well. 

As April 6, 2022, approaches, my team at Seven Sisters Mystery School, which includes my fabulous publicist Roxy Runyan and my wonderful virtual assistant Courtney Harper, and I thought it was a good time to take a breath, look back, and share with you what we’ve co-created over the last year. We hope this will reinforce your own connection with Mother Mary, and, if you have projects of your own that you’re itching to manifest, inspire you to think about getting your work out there and making your mark in the world in bigger ways!

Walking with Mary

Speaking about Mary several times a month over the past year has kept me in intimate contact with her. What has it meant to walk with her by my side, on my mind, and in my heart for this extended period of time?

A year ago, I was gearing up for the global book release event, Mary & the Technology of Divine Birth: A Critical Revelation for Our Times,  for which my beautiful soul sister Dawn DelVecchio served as the moderator. It was momentous to release that material into the ethers, stirring people’s memories about the capacities of the sacred womb that Mary so powerfully embodied. I was elated to feel Mother Mary being reborn, resurrected through this information, which was now far more publicly being made available than in had been in my modestly attended courses.

Roxy and Ashley Kolesnik, the publicist with my publishing house Inner Traditions/Bear & Co, got to work booking me for what has so far been over 50 online interviews or summit appearances, most centering on the new revelations on Mother Mary that I’ve been sharing. You can see most of these HERE.

These interviews have been SO MUCH FUN for me! Through this process, I’ve met incredible people, like Sacha Stone, Tara Love Perry, Rising Phoenix Aurora, and many other prominent and emerging spirit workers who have been lovingly supporting the Great Awakening of humanity. All of these interviews have been inspired conversations that have riffed off the contents of my book about Mother Mary, her mother Anne, & the lineages of divine birth priestesses, going even beyond that to mystical revelations about the Sacred Feminine, the Star Nation allies, the negative forces afoot on the planet, and more.

A bit earlier last year, in January, Gaia TV had released my interview with Regina Meredith on the Open Minds show. Host Regina Meredith and I conversed about Mother Mary’s role with virgin birth and her life as a holy woman who serves as a mentor for us all. (See that clip HERE.) I’ve been incredibly gratified to know that so many people were touched by that interview, and have subsequently joined the Seven Sisters community by taking our classes, working with me privately, joining in on our cacao ceremonies, or simply enjoying our weekly newsletters.

My interviewers have felt the power of Mother Mary reemerging in our world through our discussions. These inquiring minds have also helped me connect the dots about the relevance of her history to our present now. Why Mary? Why now? As I pondered and began to speak about this, I realized that the emergence of this book during a time of global crisis had something of a divine timing associated with it. For this is the precise time we need a great female mentor like Mary to help us to come to awareness and restore our world.

In the process of speaking for close to 70 hours about Mother Mary over the past year, I have grown as a speaker, getting bolder and sassier. Sometimes I know I’m basically in an oracle state transmitting new information in the moment that is the result of a synergy with the host. It’s been a huge grooming process, allowing me to speak with ever greater authority. I say this because I know that many of you in the Seven Sisters community are also eager to do what you love, share what you know, and claim your power, and I say: KEEP GOING! BE BOLD!

Moved by the workings of Mother Mary in my own life over the years, in spring 2021 I offered the Mother Mary Love & Empowerments Circle, in which we called on the presence of the Blessed Mother in online community every week for six weeks in order to heal our hearts, enhance our lives, and support our world. Inspired by requests from participants, this became the MONTHLY Mother Mary Love & Empowerments Circle, which has been going strong since the fall of 2021, on the third Thursday of each month.

Through this process, I’ve been privileged to offer ever more profound transmissions and oracle guidance overlit by Mother Mary. This has supported a huge growth phase for me personally, not only as an oracle, but also as a Sacred Woman who is in her own evolutionary process of coming to a greater embodiment of love.

Recently, we realized that the courses Seven Sisters offers on Mother Mary, Divine Birth, and the Holy Womb Chakra taken together form nothing less than an inspired, comprehensive, and evolutionary educational package on these themes. So we’ve bundled them together in the Mastering Mary’s Holy Womb Mysteries program, for those who want a kind of complete protein on these topics! This supreme mystery school experience offers people incredible riches, along with several roadmaps to deep-level transformation. 

Taken together, the courses amplify the voltage of Mother Mary on the planet as model, teacher and guide. They help you expand, deepen, awaken. This, too, feels like a kind of culmination of my work over the past decade.

Mary of My Heart

This past year, the miracles that I attribute to the presence of the Blessed Mother in my life have been my constant companion. Through my engagement with Mary and with the Holy Womb Chakra teachings, I’ve been able to heal my womb, open my heart, find my new home, teach about and live more from the place of love, and begin a new life where work is far more balanced with the personal.

Mary has told me I can at long last “put down the sword.” While I’m still in some senses the warrior, I have heeded her advice and I’ve softened. 

I know that these last 12 months, which have been some of the most difficult for relating to family and old friends whose views are diverging from mine, have been more bearable with Mother Mary as my new best friend. In the midst of difficult situations or conversations, I’m able to mentally ask, “What would you have me do, what would you have me say, Blessed Mother?” And inevitably, the thought will come to me, the higher-level thought, of how to handle the matter. She’s gotten me out of many a pickle and she’s gotten me to good places.

And as I speak publicly about my book, The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception, I continue to receive more revelations about Mary, about life on planet earth, and about where we are all going and what we need to help us get there. So, as I speak, the book does not remain a static piece of output, but a living thing that continues to be written. That, in and of itself, is a generative miraculous conception, one that keeps me marveling.

What’s up for this year? I am now finishing a second book about Mother Mary, which hopefully you will see in 2023. And exciting new things are coming up, about which we’ll keep you posted.

Please join with me in celebrating the year anniversary of Mother Mary’s big unveiling through The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception on April 6 (if you’re reading this on or before April 5… enter our Facebook & Instagram giveaway!). Thank you for being on this journey with me! May Mother Mary grace your own life!