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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Cacao: The Answer to a Warring Planet?

My Own Journey with the Divine Medicine

The first time I drank the Food of the Gods known as Ix Cacao, Mama Cacao, I was about to head to a lecture that would change my life.

It was July 2017, and I was in the sweet tent that my friend Angela de la Agua had set up at the Divine Mother Center ashram in Laytonville, CA. She lovingly poured the thick brown liquid into rustic cups and served them to me and several other priestess colleagues who were there for the Holy Womb Chakra System workshop being taught by Cindy Lindsay.

The drink was bitter and earthy, a kind of gritty chocolate “espresso.” I drank as much as I could, maybe half or three quarters of the cup, and then we all parted for Cindy’s morning lecture on Mother Mary’s relationship to the Holy Womb teachings.

It’s taken me all this time, and a nudge from Angela in a recent conversation, to realize that what I experienced at that lecture on Mother Mary was the perfect orchestration of both the Blessed Mother and Ix Cacao herself. For, Cacao Spirit is the great opener of heart, mind, and womb.

So when Cindy shared the stories of the late Hindu saint Sri Kaleshwar about Mother Mary at the Greatest Master who ever walked the planet, I not only heard the information, I was penetrated by it to my core. And I understood it to be a profound truth that would alter the course not only of my own teaching and writing, but of my soul’s growth.

Thank you, Mother Mary. Thank you, Mother Cacao.

That began my close relationship with this great plant ally, whom I’ve come to understand and experience as a guide who assists us with our emotional healing, our heart expansion, and our deep knowing. Through the substance of her inner seed, she offers a food and an elixir that assists us in the awakening of our consciousness through love.

Cacao as Food Medicine

I invited Angela, who had become certified as a Dove Oracle Priestess in my Level 2 training and who subsequently served as my teaching intern for the 2017-18 program, to bring a cacao ceremony to class retreat that September. As we sat together in ceremony the final morning of the retreat, I quickly realized that Mama Cacao was truly a great companion and teacher for those looking to expand their oracle state and increase their perception of knowledge from the Akashic Records.

Since that time, Mama Cacao has become my preferred medicine for journeying, replacing Santa Maria, or Cannabis. This is because she does not facilitate the kind of psychic overwhelm, underworldly experiences, and encounters with negative forces that were a necessary part of my spiritual education through Cannabis, but with which I now feel finished. Rather than sending my consciousness flying into the ethers, Mama Cacao grounds me into my body and into Mother Earth.

And because her work is always to teach us what it means to be in a state of peace and love, she helps me to understand all of my earthly challenges and our global and cosmic situations and problems from that perspective.

So Mama Cacao is a highly aligned teacher for our times, in which we are moving from the density of the 3rd dimension into the light of the 5th dimension. For, the 5th dimension is truly all about love, and to be in that state, one must heal the inner wounds that plague the emotional body. Mama Cacao helps with all that by showing us what we need to grieve, how we can bring tenderness to it, whom we need to forgive, and how we may do that in an authentic way.

She shows us what it means to live from the place of Divine Love, more and more of the time.

When I am in the depths of a Cacao ceremony, I realize: If we all operated from this place, war would cease overnight. My understanding is that the original peoples of Central and South America served Cacao regularly, and particularly before council meetings in which great decisions would be made.

Perhaps the best thing in war time would be for leaders to drink of her seed before acting and striking, to understand what’s really at core, what’s really at stake, and what really needs to happen, from a place of LOVE.

Cacao has been a wonderful facilitator to teaching Oracle skills to others, as well. She assists participants in opening their third eye with less effort. In this way, people can begin to entrain themselves to the vibration of Seeing so that they can reach it more and more easily even without the plant spirit in them.

This is why I’m now working with people one-on-one in a new Become the Ceremonial Cacao Priestess or Priest mentoring program, to help you both expand your Heartful Seeing capacity and assist others in doing so.

Cacao, mindfully engaged with, is the gift that keeps on giving.

When I work with Cacao and teach about her to others, I always acknowledge the lineage from which it has come to me: Angela de la Agua; her teachers (the late) Paola Garcia and Gustavo Ix (who have instructed that Cacao be freely shared), their teachers the Mayan ancestors; and the lineage beyond, which I consider to be Cacao Spirit herself, Mother Earth, and, beyond that, the Pleiades, whom I intuit are connected to this gift on the planet.

I encourage others to do the same when they commune with Cacao. In doing so, we ethically work with her in a way that honors the traditions behind it.

I offer online and in person Cacao ceremonies several times a year. The next one is May 1, 2022, and the theme will help us explore not only the heart and mind, but also something else Cacao assists with, which is our sensuality. You may find out more and register HERE, and if you order your Cacao TODAY April 24, you may be able to get it in time for the ceremony. If not, the Navitas brand at health food stores can work in a pinch.