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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Cacao as Sacred Medicine – An Oracle Ally for Our Times

With photos from our Priestess of the Dove Oracle Retreat

It is Angela de la Agua, the teaching apprentice for my Priestess of the Dove Oracle Training, who first introduced me to cacao.

Cacao? You mean… chocolate? Cocoa? Coffee? Well, not exactly.

At the Holy Womb Chakra retreat Angela & I attended in July, I watched her reverence eating pieces of solidified cacao paste from Ecuador that she lovingly enfolded into luscious dates. At lunchtime, I observed as she lavished an exotic cacao spread on her bananas.

The final morning of the retreat, Angela, who is not only a certified Dove Oracle Priestess but also a Holy Woman of Sacred Food, offered a group of us a morning “cacao ceremony.”

“You may find that you feel more open & hearted,” Angela told us.

Lo and behold, the portal opened & I received an oracle transmission. I also felt a sense of expansive love that I hadn’t in a long time.

Cacao as Spirit Food

Our Dove Oracle Priestess colleague Brook Underwood followed up by gifting me a bar of high-quality cacao. When I ate a piece during a peckish moment late one afternoon, I found it not only satisfied my hunger, it also gave me a boost of energy that did not lead to a crash. Although I assumed I was eating chocolate candy, I felt sustained, as though I had eaten FOOD.

Angela confirmed: Cacao is a superfood.

Cacao is its own plant, separate from coffee, although it, too, produces the seeds from which pastes & powders can be made. It’s the base of cocoa & chocolate, but it’s much, much more.

Raw wild, jungle-grown cacao contains Anandamide, the chemical that stimulates feelings of well-being. It doesn’t elevate blood sugar or have caffeine, so it will lift you but it doesn’t addict you. It also contains the highest conentration of antioxidants of any food in the world, among other nutritious things.

And, in my experience, Mama Cacao Spirit will show you what you need to heal in your body, mind & spirit, and she’ll help you get there.

What the Oracle Told Me about Cacao

As I began eating small pieces daily, cacao began working on my body, mind & spirit. Then, in medicine ceremony, I received further information about this remarkable substance.

I was shown that the energy of the cacao you eat depends on the quality of the plant it comes from, the soil it’s grown in, the intention of the growers, harvesters, grinder & preparers, the methods of preparation, and the quality of the substances added to it.

During my ceremony, I was led to eat pieces of two different brands of cacao to test this out. I could immediately tell the difference; one was of a much higher vibration than the other.

As I shared this with Angela during the course of my ceremony, she reminded me that this is the reality behind all foods we eat… which means cacao was also provoking in me a reassessment of how I approach food in my life.

I was given to see that it is the respect, awareness & love you have for Cacao Spirit that enhances your experience with it. That experience can range from sated hunger, to feelings of well-being, to open states of consciousness.

I was also shown that those who connect with the bean & spirit of the plant create a virtuous loop with it that supports them even beyond the actual so-called physical properties of the substance.

In short, I was shown that cacao isn’t just a superfood, it’s a SACRED food. It’s subtle yet powerful. Taken into the body in an elevated way, it can lead to a stellar journey experience.

I became aware that chocolate is the adulterated version of cacao. It is filled with substances & programs that create addiction & do more harm for the body than good, although it can retain some of the mood boosting qualities of its base substance.

I realized: People love chocolate because they are unconsciously seeking what we all deeply remember cacao brings.

An Oracular Opening

Given cacao’s gift of gently opening the consciousness, I invited Angela to lead the students in my six-month Priestess of the Dove Oracle training in a cacao ceremony during our retreat over the Sept 8 weekend.


Dove Oracle Priestesses in training at our Sept retreat, in front of Angela’s sacred cacao cauldron.


Angela lovingly prepared the velvety cacao beverage with her high quality paste from Ecuador.

She infused the cacao with prayers and mantras.

She anointed each of our third eyes with the cacao elixir, helping to open our sight.

We drank together.

We sat in meditation. We experienced a soft, mystical opening together.

The cacao amplified the tools we’d been learning to access oracular wisdom & information from our Goddess Selves.




Watching Angela de la Agua commune with food is a spiritual experience, and she has much to teach in this regard. I’m learning about all this simply by being present to her energy, which is full of sacred information. If you’d like to learn more about how to work with cacao & how to eat in sacred ways more broadly, you can contact her here.




I am grateful to have Angela as the teaching apprentice for the Priestess of the Dove Oracle Training. Thank you, Angela!






Webinar of the Week:

Gods We Trust

Dionysus, Aesclepius, Jesus & the Gifts They Bring

We all know the horror stories of masculine deities who have wreaked havoc on the Feminine, on women & on our world. We may have put up barriers to the gods out of a sense of self-protection & anger. Perhaps we’ve traveled a good road with the Goddess, and now sense there’s an integration wanting & waiting to happen.


  • Looking for healthy models of positive male energy?
  • Seeking healing from the Masculine?
  • Want some balance with Goddess veneration?
  • Ready to open to the benevolent face of God?

Gods We Trust is a six-session webinar. With evocative slide presentations & guided journeys, we explore three positive masculine divinities traditionally known to help humanity: Dionysus, the god of sexual healing; Asclepius, the god of psychic and physical healing; and Jeshua/Jesus, the god of soul healing.

Read more HERE



Free Recording of the Week:

Are Gods Real?

Communicating Through the Veil


We’ve all heard about divinities in religious stories & “myths,” but how do we know if they’re “there”?

Is a belief in goddesses & gods a matter of sheer faith (or sheer folly)? Is it more than a construction of the ego in the face of the terror of existence?

What if we embrace a traditional religion but also feel drawn by the thought of other deities?

If you’re seeking information or affirmation about the Realms beyond 3-D & what this may mean to your life, listen in to this recording.


Register HERE



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