REGISTER for May 11 Online Event: William & Marguerite, Mother Mary ~ Pleiades & Parthenogenesis

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

“Compassion with Balls” Or… Where Are the Spiritual Men?

Dear Community,

It’s Sacred Man week! I so loved this recent blog post written by my friend Jose Enciso, poet and workshop leader in Northern CA, that I wanted to run it as a guest article for this week’s post. I know a lot of you will find it refreshing & deeply meaningful… Especially coming from a man. Note also the event that Jose will be offering on Sept 9 below.

If you scroll down, you’ll also see my client Hannah Romanowsky’s fabulous upcoming Shake Your Shakti free workshop, and a reminder about my client Ariana Newcomer’s Reclaiming the Wise Woman Elder online summit!

At bottom, you’ll find a teaser for an article on social activism recently put out by the Shift Network’s Stephen Dinan, another sacred male dynamo I’m also proud to call my friend. In this time of political chaos I find Shift’s “social justice with spirit” approach to offer options for many of us to get involved & be part of the solution in a way that’s aligned with our values.




Sacred Masculinity – Where Are you?
by Jose Enciso

“Where are the men?”

There is a powerful emergence of women stepping into their authority, embracing their leadership in the world, breaking the patriarchal shackles, claiming their untamed wildness and it is freaking awesome!  As women step into their authentic selves, embodying the divine goddess within them, the question arises, “Where are the men to meet these powerful feral women?”  Indeed, where is the complimentary emergence of the sacred masculine?  How can there be a divine union of beloveds when only one comes to the feast?

I believe the emergence of the sacred masculine is happening.  Born out of the mytho-poetic men’s movement, the resurgence of ancient wisdom traditions, the call from the divine feminine for her beloved and the bare necessity of “what now?” as we gaze upon the burning wreckage of wounded masculinity.  Men must find a way out of our desecrated inheritance of power abuse, unbridled consumption and crippling insecurity.  Men must find a way of power informed and guided by love, a way of compassion with balls.  A sacred masculinity which protects, provides and loves deeply.  A sacred masculinity integrated with the flow of nature, wise in the ways of connection and tools.  A sacred masculinity which is neither apologetic nor arrogant of its muscles and grit. A sacred masculinity which can meet and claim his beloved, sweeping her up in his powerful arms and delight in her without compulsion to control or abandon.  A sacred masculinity which is present – wholly.

The journey to sacred masculinity is not easy but absolutely necessary and so worth it!  The tools are here, the teachers are emerging, the next steps becoming clearer.

Men, if they so chose for it is all choice, need to take a good look at all they are with deep self-compassion and the intention of healing their wounds or more specifically the stories and beliefs crafted around their wounds.  We also need to take a critical look at everything we have been taught about what it means to be a man because most of our societal lessons are shit.

Looking at our interior psychology and questioning our conditioning is a start. Reclaiming the lost parts of our psyche cast into the shadows, forming community, learning how to communicate honestly and from the heart are all part of the journey from wounded masculinity to sacred masculinity.

Sacred masculinity means being connected to a larger world including and beyond our awesome incarnate world of the five senses. Sacred masculinity embraces reverent relationship with all beings. A deep reverence for all. We fall madly in love with our selves and all other beings. The emergence of the sacred comes when we step into the vast expanse of the “other” while simultaneously realizing we are inseparable from the “other”. The “other” is us, our friends, our enemies, the spirit beings of nature, the beings of other realms, the beings of the universe. Men walk very differently when they experience the seen and unseen world as living beings to be in relationship with rather than objects to be used.

The wounded masculine can take a few different personas.  One, which I am most familiar with, is the collapsed male, another is the abusive male. Both the collapsed and abusive male have deep insecurities which drive strategies and manipulations to control women and cover up their internal shame. (Please humor me here, I realize we are far more complex than two simple models of wounded masculinity, I am presenting a few concepts to ponder.)

The collapsed male or good boy or pseudo-enlightened castrated man has shamefully absorbed the accurate feminist critique, girlfriend’s and wives’ stories of past sexual and psychological abuse and awareness of objectification, misogyny and patriarchy.  The collapsed male vows to never bring harm to womankind by effectively castrating himself, distancing himself from all those “bad men.” The collapsed male denies his sexual urges, buying into puritanical restrictions, denying his anger or fire or wildness.  He becomes flaccid and apologetic.  Sacred masculinity, brought to the collapsed male, acknowledges the harm done to women, but claims his fire, his strength, his balls infused with deep love, respect, kindness and a zeal for justice and repair. The collapsed male who claims his sacred masculinity rises to meet the world which so needs him.

The abusive male goes on the attack, misusing male power sexually and emotionally.  The abusive male asserts power to control verses the collapsed male who withdraws power to engender pity or rescue.  The abusive male is overtly sexual, drives a big loud car or truck, or works out to pump up his muscles as a show of force.  When sacred masculinity emerges within the abusive male, compassion floods throughout him and the desperate need to cover up insecurities through force gives way to strength infused with love and kindness. Opening to sacred masculinity, the abusive male steps down and brings authentic listening while the collapsed male steps up and brings loving forcefulness.  Both with the grace of sacred masculinity bring compassion, power and authentic presence.  The journey from wounded to sacred masculinity yields worthy beloveds and partners of the divine feminine.

When men, with feet firmly on the earth, with heads held high, with muscles flexed with feral power flowing, enter into relationship, a reverent, sacred relationship with the people and world around them, then the gods and goddesses, and all of creation smile saying, “yes, we know this one!”

Doing “our work,” healing our wounds, shedding the lies we were taught are important and the sacred must also be courted.  The sacred masculine must arise. Then, the emerging divine feminine within all these gorgeous awakening women will no longer bemoan, “Where are all the men?” Then we may all meet as allies, partners, beloveds set to heal our world.

Blessed Be, Blessings, May it be so,
– ​Jose


To access Jose’s blog and website, visit here.


And join Jose Enciso for his upcoming afternoon workshop:

Listen To Your Soul Through Your Own Poetry 

Sat, Sept 9, 2017
Doors Open 1:00, Program 1:30 to 5:00pm
The Hall at St. John’s, 530 “C” Street at Sixth, Petaluma
$25 at the door


Poetry is one of the many languages of the soul. Opening to our own poetry can provide a gateway to our soul’s call. Yet so many people don’t consider themselves poets. We’re all are poets, we all have that creative, imaginative spark. We all have our souls aching for us to listen. This afternoon will explore:

• How poetry can provide an avenue to our soul
• What stands in the way between us and writing our own poetry
• Listening to other poetry to get examples of the range of poetry
• Practicing writing our own poems and opportunities to share

• Where do we go from here, how to continue the practice.


No poetry experience necessary. Bring poems you’d like to share, and a journal.



Join us for this FREE afternoon workshop!

Shake your Shakti
Stimulate your Feminine Essence through Soulful Earthy Tribal Rhythms and Dance
Sun Sept 10
Led by Hannah Romanowsky
Get your Shakti shaking!  No prior dance or movement experience needed.
Click HERE for info & to register.


Nonviolence & Positive Social Change

by Stephen Dinan

Shift Network

If we only look to the mainstream news, it will seem like we’ve been pinballing from one crisis to another, with no sign of hope in sight. While it is important to stay abreast of current events, it’s also critical that we take the time to look at the deeper patterns at play and to find constructive ways in which we can all engage.

In my book, Sacred America, Sacred World, I go into great detail about the need to address the shadows in the U.S. and in the world, including the historical wounds from slavery and the genocide of Indigenous people. We also must address the rebalancing of the masculine and feminine after centuries of patriarchal suppression of the feminine.

What we see taking place on the streets in the U.S. has deep roots — and President Trump’s rhetoric and actions are bringing to the surface old woundings. While it’s easy to cast blame on one political person or party, the truth is that we are all part of a larger collective and we all need to play a role in the challenging work of bringing about long-term social healing and transformation.

The good news is there are a lot of exceptional resources available to us.

… To read more and learn about excellent resources to become part of the healing, click HERE



My friend & colleague Ariana Newcomer is a wise woman elder who is dedicated to creating true partnership between men & women, and to reclaiming the status of older women as respected divine feminine elders, mentors & healers.

I’m honored to be a guest speaker for this online event: Reclaiming The Wise Woman Elder – for the healing of Earth Free Online Series! Our interveiw will be featured on Wed Sept 13.

Register HERE


Summer Spirit School!

Our 10 online courses are now available in 2 ways:

• Webinar PLUS hour reading with Marguerite online via Zoom (or in person)

• Webinar alone

The prices are super affordable & the option of webinar plus session gives you the teaching modules plus a private reading for just a bit more than the price of a reading alone!

Webinars include 5-6 previously recorded modules of 90 mins each, immediately viewable & downloadable to any device.

Click HERE for the selection!


Womb Grid Activation Meditation

Received by Marguerite in sacred ceremony, this guided meditation:

• Reconnects you with your womb space with the Womb of Gaia & the Cosmic Sophia

• Links you with Earth, Universal Knowing & the “womb grid” connecting all women.

• Allows you to become a transmitter of higher-level knowledge & frequencies instantly throughout the world.

• Transforms you into a generator of love, compassion & forgiveness to help raise the level of planetary consciousness.


Click HERE for more info & to purchase.


Want a reading, spiritual guidance, or entity clearing with Marguerite?

“In just one session Marguerite helped me uncover information I spent hours in psychotherapy sessions trying to access.”

– Emma Creed, UK

Find out here what working with Marguerite can offer you.



To hear Marguerite’s interview on the oracles of past, present & future, click on the screen below:



  See Marguerite’s Oracle Video Transmission

Marguerite’s 20 minute transmission covers issues such as will there be a solar flash “event,” how to resist the computerization of humanity, how to handle chem trails, and how to work with Gaia.

To access the video, click on the screen below:


Marguerite was recently interviewed by Shima Moore on We’re in the midst of collective transformation & dramatic changes, personally & globally. Many of us are experiencing extreme challenges & extraordinary openings… and, to quote Alice in Wonderland, “Life is getting curious-er and curious-er.”


We can experience validation, support & mystical realms in places never thought possible while feeling the loving embrace of community. Marguerite talks about how can you contribute to global consciousness, the return of the oracles, the Holy Womb Chakra, our awakening to the fairies & more!


Access our interveiw HERE.



Newly published!

Re-visioning Medusa
From Monster to Divine Wisdom

Marguerite has an article in this anthology!

Check out this remarkable collection of essays, poems & art by scholars who have researched Her, artists who have envisioned Her & women who have known Her in their personal story. All have spoken with Her & share something of their communion in this anthology.

Purchase HERE

or on Amazon