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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Deepening into the Mysteries

Time to “look up,” quite literally

This post is a musing on where we are, what might help us & where we may be headed.

Where I Am, Where You Are?
It’s been such an intense 3D time, and I can feel it through the airwaves even though I don’t tune into any media. For me, the last 3 weeks have been particularly strenuous. I’ve been looking at my own faulty personality traits, my needs for healing. I’ve been cringing at areas where I’ve made mistakes with others throughout my life. I’ve been facing feelings of isolation, grief over what I can’t access right now due to the “situation,” disappointment & keen sadness regarding the divisions I’m experiencing with family, friends, folks in my community. And more.

Two months straight of cloudy skies here in the northeastern US have not helped this sunny summer gal, either.

At times I’ve cried inwardly: Mercy!!

Can you relate? I’m hearing from friends of their own travails, of their despondency combined with shocks suddenly hitting them like illnesses, arrests, accusations, and deaths among their own families & communities.

As you may be keenly aware, something’s been rifling through much of humanity, whether it’s been energies kicked up from the astrology, unfriendly forces, light beings, a combination of the above, or some other mysterious agenda. There’s a huge cosmic timing going on as we experience individual & collective dark nights of the soul… which hopefully are leading us all to higher states of consciousness and the New Earth.

I’ve been sensing all along that we’ll see a bit of relief in February, which seems to be echoed by other oracles I’ve been listening to. And that’s just a week away. I’m already feeling OK to come out of my “duck and cover” corner to offer some inspirations that have been emerging of late.

Who’s Here to Help?
All I can say is, thank goddess for Mother Mary. Without my connection to her, I don’t know what I would’ve done these past two months. I experience her as a real intelligence, accessible any time of day or night if I but think on her. I feel her holding me in her arms when I ask, and even allowing me to come into her womb when the maelstrom out here feels particularly intense and I just need protection.

I’ve asked her for healing, for guidance, for elevation, for instruction. I do experience all of these things, and I sense she’s working at deeper subterranean streams in my life & soul that will yield results later on.

I also say thank goddess for my Sidhe guide. Ever since connecting with – or, perhaps, co-conjuring – him years ago, he’s also been available, right there with just a flick of my thought. His wisdom, too, is so helpful.

For example, I asked him what to do about the dreary days of gray & he said: “Access the inner sun.” Ah, yes, the Sol Invictus! Since then, I’ve been exploring receiving the “suntan from within” if the clouds simply won’t part. Light. Inner light. Cosmic consciousness & nourishment. Gold of Sophia.

Thanks to Gaia TV
The release of my interview by Regina Meredith on Gaia TV on Jan 14 has helped, although there were some initial bumps that I had to deal with that set me back emotionally. I suppose that bringing out a message about Mother Mary & Divine Birth that is being seen by thousands all over the planet stirs the ethers such that certain forces will talk back, not always in a friendly way.

Be that as it may, it’s fascinating to see a significant number of visitors from Gaia rolling onto my website, registering for the courses I have available, booking me for sessions, pre-ordering my new book, and emailing with appreciative communications. If that’s you, welcome to Seven Sisters Mystery School!

I am grateful. When you’ve busted your butt as much as I have these past two decades, getting an assist of this nature to get your work out to those who will benefit feels like a huge gift.

And as a perk that goes along with being a guest, I’ve once again been granted a year’s free subscription to all of the fascinating Gaia TV shows, films & other content.

This means I’m back in the saddle watching one of my favorite shows, Cosmic Disclosure. Although the hosts have changed over a couple of times since I last watched, the information is ever more fascinating. Further guests have come out of the military woodwork to tell us about what they know about humanity’s relationship with inter-dimensional beings over the past 80 years.

The Trekkie in me is intrigued. And perhaps so is my inner abductee, if what I’ve been told is true. This information feels right on to me, stimulating what I know deep within.

I’ve also been watching the videos of oracles like Elizabeth April and Jacqueline Hobbs/Oracle Girl. They, too, verify what I’ve been receiving for years: that we’re not alone in the universe, and that we’ve been contacted from the beginning.

To Boldly Go…
Which brings me to you, to us.

I have a deep sense that it’s time to look up to the skies, into the earth & among us. Could it be that humans do not run this planet, after all? Could it be, as these reporters and supposed eye-witnesses are telling us, there are very advanced humanoid plus beings living in our oceans, dwelling underneath our crust & teleporting back & forth from mountains, rock formations, and, at times, thin air? Could it be that some of them are walking the face of the earth, not just in hidden glens, remote locations & caves, but right next to us, be they technologically tweaked lookalikes or human-ET hybrids?

Could it be that all of this has been going on for decades, centuries, millennia even, without it making front-page, or even back-page news?

I once found word of such beings & this hidden stream of reality frightening, but the more I hear, the more exhilarated I am. It puts our great personal & collective travails in perspective, as a kind of planetary drama that is not new to our universe – or multiverse. It suggests that if we but open our eyes, we will indeed awaken. We will step into a Brave New World where we will understand what’s been keeping us down – and what might lift us up.

In learning about our star kin, our inner earth kin, our hidden or masquerading surface dwellers, our own minds & souls will expand. In suddenly seeing how many of the troubles we face have been inculcated into this plane by the unfriendly ones, we will say no, establish our sovereignty & come out of our shackles.

In having the veils come off our heads & the scales come off our eyes, will we not be able to make sense of it all, come to new solutions? Will we not be able to form a new understanding of how Mother Mary & our Sidhe and Faery allies figure into this schema?

Will we not be much more fortified to create the New In-scension Timeline?

I like to think so. And this is what I’m contemplating right now as I also think about divine conception, interdimensional pregnancy & the right use of our Sacred Human Wombs.