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Delphi Reactivates! Awaken, Sacred Ones!

The ancient oracular center at Delphi, Greece, is still available as a portal for communication with other realms of consciousness. That portal is now becoming active again in an unprecedented way since its official closure in 381 A.D. Why should anyone care? Most of use would agree that our planet could use some high-level guidance righ1t about now. Providing counsel to king and paupers alike has long been the role of this oracle, where for thousands of years priestesses channeled the wisdom of the gods.

In July 2012, and again in 2013, I led others in activation work at this portal according to guidance I have been receiving over the past two years. Participants over the two trips have included four other Americans (among them Seven Sisters Mystery School chief strategist Kimberly Gibbons), three Greeks, one Italian, one Dutch woman, and an American ex-pat living in Greece. The gist of our work has been to use ourselves as “human acupuncture needles” (a term taken from Leslie Temple-Thurston and Brad Laughlin) so as to conduct high-level consciousness energies from astral sources into the Earth herself.

The energies, we were told, would assist humanity in moving from the collective “third chakra” – the center of power and will – to the collective “fourth chakra” ­­–– the center of love. We also were guided to imbue crystals with these intentions and bury them strategically at the site. I am told that the nature of crystals allows them to retain information and energy, and serve as pulsing transmitters for such energy to and from the earth plane.

Apparently, We’re Picking Up on the Vibe

This work corresponds with insights being received independently from other world teachers, among them Anodea Judith, who is similarly intuiting and advocating for this worldwide movement from power to love. To see more on her work, visit here. It also corresponds with the work of Catherine Ann Clemett, who is being guided to lead what she calls the Thirteen Magdalene Grid Activations at strategic sites around the planet. To find out more information about that work, visit here.  We contend that our work is most likely part of that mission. Recently, we also learned that our work is being validated via similar information coming through channeler James Tyberonn. In a recent post, he writes:

Many points of infinity across the planet are transitioning, rebirthing and redefining themselves in a new potency that enables the Ascension of the Earth to be the instrument of the Ascension of Humanity. This is empowered by the 144 Crystalline Grid, which is now operating at an unimaginable resonance. In 2013 and beyond, for the proceeding 7 years, many power nodes will be reborn, will shift and take on new expanded roles…

One vector containing energy points of great importance is the area you term as Greece. It is a land of incredible energy, and land of time gates. Masters, we tell you that the Golden Age of Illumination, which occurred in Greece, is aligning to the present. That carries implications and advantages that are essential at this time.

It is why we have directed the channel to go there and why so many of you are being called to this area. The mega portals of Greece are rebirthing with vibrancy of light codes and of unimaginable energies of upshift. What differentiates the power nodes within Greece are the creative codes that enhance the aspects of freedom, life expression, aesthetic sensuality, artistic expression, and amplified understanding of sciences. An energy that exudes joy and removes parameters that block the wholesome bliss of the vitality of life is available for download in the mega portals of Greece…

The Acropolis, Meteora, Patmos and Delphi are four mega power sites carrying the energy of renewal and renaissance of the New Earth. Renaissance is indeed the correct description of these sites, for they are reactivating after a dormancy to carry the complete energy of the Golden Age. Those of you that were part of the Golden Age will find a renewed joy of life within these portals; you will discover part of you that has perhaps been lost…

Delphi is one of two umbilical portals of the earth, meaning that life force is streamed directly into the portal located on Mount Parnassius. The life force is coded and is distributed and disseminated axialtonally to other node sites on the planet.

Delphi is an infinity point of creativity and light. It is a planetary center. The light within the Delphi portal is returning to theta coherency after a period of dormancy.

This has stunned me, because in my own channelings I have been receiving the very same information about all of these sites. The guides have been very insistent with me about sharing information about “Eden” and the “Golden Age,” so more of that will come in future posts. It is extremely encouraging when information one receives is validated independently by others. 2

Get Active with Ritual!

As a scholar, I am choosing this time of the grand Neptune-Jupiter-Saturn trine to publicly come out of the closet on these spiritual matters in a bolder way than before because the time is now. The Realms exist, and it does not serve anyone for me to keep quiet on that fact. Moreover, I want to encourage others to understand that conducting private or public ritual and ceremony with intention HAS POWER and REAL EFFECTS in the time/space continuum.

I want to encourage us to join forces the way the virtuals in the film Avatar did around the World Tree. Uniting around the common causes of peace, love, and healing in a spiritual context can have a great influence on our reality. We have simply forgotten, and we are moving too far into our iPhones and Facebook, and too far away from GETTING OUT THERE ON THE LAND.

I will be sharing more information on all this in future posts. Anyone who wishes to correspond with me or work with me privately to support growth work for your spiritual path may contact me here.  

Blessings, Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D.
Founding Director

Seven Sisters Mystery School