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Evolutionary Activism

How Using Group Meditation Can Shift the Planet

Can meditating for peace –– or anything else –– help foster it in the world?

According to esoteric teachings and even scientific research from the fields of parapsychology & distance healing, as well as from specific research initiatives like the Global Consciousness Project & the “Maharishi Effect,” the answer is YES! Various teachers throughout the ages, including contemporary ones such as Sanaya Roman & Esther Hicks, to name just a couple, all agree that what you put your attention on grows. Many of us are experimenting with this in our personal lives, and finding that we can create a heck of a lot more than we thought we could through what we focus on –– be it positive or negative.

Now it’s time to put our minds and hearts TOGETHER in a new form of social change work called SUBTLE ACTIVISM. By meditating together with unified intentions –– either simultaneously or at different times on the same thought –– we can create powerful fields on the planet to MAKE CHANGE FOR THE GOOD.

It works through the through the quantum principle of nonlocal causality –– the reality that what you think, do, or say on one level can affect aspects of the time/space continuum in non-linear ways because it is all interconnected in what Greg Braden calls the DIVINE MATRIX. As you know, existence is a very malleable illusion, so you may as well craft it to your liking.

Certain intelligences and entities Don’t Want Us to Know This. They keep us hopeless, despairing, and unmotivated because they get food out of those energies.

Get Subtly Busy

RISE UP! WAKE UP! SHAKE UP! Imagine, from the comfort of your own living room or meditation cushion you can create world peace. Sí, se puede!!


More on Subtle Activism

DavidNicolphotoThrough the GaiaField Project, David Nicol has been bringing together dozens of socially engaged American spiritual teachers and thousands of participants for a series of online meditation and prayer events for several years now.

David is one of the wisest, most loving, and principled men I know. Like me, he got his doctorate at the California Institute of Integral Studies. His cutting-edge dissertation on subtle activism will be published as a book with SUNY Press in 2015.

Here’s what he writes in his forthcoming book Subtle Activism: The Inner Dimension of Social and Planetary Transformation: “Subtle activism involves the use of consciousness-based practices like meditation and prayer for the purposes of collective transformation, as in a global meditation intended to support the peaceful resolution to an international conflict. “In straddling the worlds of spirituality and social change, subtle activism represents a bridge between the consciousness movement and the movements for peace, environmental sustainability, and social justice.”


Did You Know?

According to the fascinating research of David Nicol, here are some real examples of subtle activism:

• Indian sage Sri Aurobindo said he successfully wielded advanced yogic powers in psychic warfare with the Nazis from his bedroom in Pondicherry, India.

• Esoteric teacher Dion Fortune led the “Magical Battle of Britain,” project to strengthen the will of the British people during World War II through visualization techniques by a small London-based focalizing group & a wider national network.

Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne and his Sarvodaya network led massive peace meditations in Sri Lanka in the 1990s to help facilitate a peaceful resolution to the Sri Lankan civil war.

• The “Be The Peace” event on September 21, 2013, linked more than 500 meditation gatherings in 59 countries worldwide in shared intention to support a shift to a planetary culture of peace.


In love & peace,