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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Hill of Tara: Virgin Birth Portal?

Unveiling Codes of Divine Birth & Sovereign Womb Goddesses in Ireland


Take a look at this image below, the aerial view of Ireland’s famed Hill of Tara, which I visited in person Aug 20. Note the two touching circles that were carved into the land long ago. Do you see what I see: a human cell that has divided into two?

Or, more to the point, a female ovum that has spontaneously become two?

Yes, this is what I see, and, to me, this says that what was being encoded into the land at this critical power spot was the symbol of the Goddess who was parthenogenetic, that is, a being who could reproduce herself miraculously in sovereign fashion. Yes, it is pointing in plain sight to the Virgin Birth power of the Sacred Feminine.

This was a visual code that was replicated elsewhere in Ireland on sacred stones, indicating that this symbol was a BIG DEAL to the ancient Irish. How could pre-modern people have known to depict such a thing? Our ancestors had access to all of this information and more through various channels of knowing, that’s how. It’s not uncommon for ancient artifacts to encode cellular, energetic, atomic, and other seemingly “scientific” phenomena.

Is there other support for the idea that the Hill of Tara represents the sovereignty and virgin self-replicating conception abilities of the Sacred Feminine? Yes, and what follows is some of my research on that, based on my background of archeological study combined with my intuitive oracular impressions.

Tara is considered the mythical and ceremonial “center” of Ireland. In ancient times, it was known as a religious and political “axis mundi,” the center of the world. More specifically, it was known as what archeologists call an “umbilicus.”

Ding, ding, ding! “Umbilicus.” From my own forays into archeology, I know that an earth umbilicus (and there were various such throughout the ancient world) was always considered a very important energetic “navel” point. This means it was/is understood to be an INTERDIMENSIONAL PORTAL, an “umbilical cord” connecting Earth (and its people) to the Inner Dimensions/Stars (and our allies in those domains).

More to the point here, the identification of the Hill of Tara as an “umbilicus” means it is also considered what the Hindu Saint Sri Kaleshwar called the “nada bindu point” of the land. On the human body, the nada bindu is located just below the navel on the human body… so, it is very closely connected with the navel/umbilicus. The nada bindu is the point, a portal, that links the individual to the Womb of their birth Mother ~ and going all the way back through the generations to the very Womb of the Goddess Herself.

What’s more, yes, scholars know that sacred hills were always understood to be “womb mounds.”

Thus what I read here is that the Hill of Tara is a portal for Earth people to connect with the Womb Power of the Great Sovereign Virgin Mother Goddess ~ and with that the Womb Power of all Women.

We hear partial confirmation of this in the legend that the hill of Tara is an entrance to the “otherworld.” And, as my trip guide and sister priestess Zoë Daly pointed out to me, this sacred hill is associated with what are known as the powerful SOVEREIGNTY GODDESSES of Ireland, goddesses who embodied the land and had other supreme powers.

While the name Hill of Tara comes from the Gaelic Teamhair na Rí, which means the “the hill of the king,” let’s face it, this place is redolent of nothing but the Sacred Feminine. As Zoë, our other traveling sister Lisa Espinosa, and I understand it, this power zone BECAME the hill of the king, the place where the supreme king of Ireland was crowned. But it was only called that because the Sovereign Goddess of the land needed to GIVE HER APPROVAL (I propose through her priestesses acting in ritual) about who was to be identified as this special king.

We know from history that this special king was considered the “rightful and most high king” of Ireland ~ not a political patriarch, but, originally, the SACRED king. That is, he was to be a link between the otherworld and humankind.

In that schema, what I know from my research is that such a king was to be nothing less than DIVINELY CONCEIVED by his Sacred Priestess Mother. This could be through a parthenogenetic (virgin/sovereign) conception on her part (the oldest way) or a hieros gamos/sacred marriage conception done in a special rite with a previous king.

And, legends suggest that the Sovereignty Goddess/priestess conferred high kingship on a man by engaging in a sexual ritual with him. Perhaps so. But I feel that, originally, the term SOVEREIGNTY as applied to these goddesses/priestesses meant that they were capable of parthenogenesis, conception without males. That was the supreme aspect of Sovereignty.

As I see it, the rounded womb of the hill, its nature as an umbilicus/nada bindu, and the two spontaneously dividing ova carved into it clearly point to the Divine Birth capacity of the Goddess/priestess. And I contend this revelation is part of the collective unveiling of our time of the Sovereignty/womb power/virgin conception capacity of the Divine Feminine ~ and its implications for HUMAN women and the reclamation of our hijacked powers.

Now, let’s talk about the Stone of Destiny. This is the most famous of Tara’s monuments, originally located on this very hill. It was Ireland’s ancient coronation stone, the Lia Fáil. According to the old history of Ireland, the Lia Fáil was brought to Tara by the Tuatha De Danann, the godlike people associated with the goddess Danu.

The Tuatha De Danann! These are the high-level beings that have come to be known as the Sidhe, and they also have association with the Faeries. They are basically the ancient line of Faery that entered through this portal, and who brought their gifts ~ including their DNA ~ to the human race!

The stone was said to roar when sat upon by the rightful king of Tara. The practice of seating the ruler upon a stone is understood by scholars to be a surviving part of what they drearily call “ancient fertility rites.” According to my research, again, this may refer to the “sacred marriage”/sacred sex rite that the priestess engaged with the king as part of this ceremony. This means the ceremony itself originally may have been a divine conception ritual to receive the being who would be the NEXT KING after the one being coronated.

But, again, I sense there was an older, parthenogentic and sovereign method that the priestess used to select/anoint the king. Whatever the precise method, THIS STONE WAS INTIMATELY CONNECTED WITH IT. I have learned through listening to testimonies of individuals who have worked with off-planet technologies (and the Tuatha De Danaan were originally off-planet beings) that STONES, and LARGE ONES, somehow were sophisticated technologies that were capable of doing all sorts of thing.

Thus the Stone of Destiny was some sort of TECHNOLOGY THE GODDESS/PRIESTESS USED to identify and verify the RIGHT king ~ the divinely born one ~ to be the spiritual leader of the island. NO IMPOSTERS NEED APPLY. The Stone would validate who was the correct person, with the Priestess presumably the one who would HEAR THE SACRED SOUND that said: YES, IT IS HE!

Holy, holy, holy mystery!!

What happened to the Stone of Destiny? By one account, it was stolen by the Scottish, who decided to use this technology to crown their own rightful kings. And then… in 1296 King Edward 1 of England stole it and sequestered in Westminster Abbey. It was placed under the coronation throne to crown the kings and queens of England/Britain more or less until it was officially returned to Scotland in 1996, where it resides at Edinburgh Castle. (However, a stone remains in the coronation chair at Westminster, and is still considered the Stone of Destiny.)

Shenanigans, for sure.

When I heard a man at the site validate the history of the stone going from Ireland to Scotland to England, a woman with him said, “I did not know that.” This apparently is the case for most Irish citizens. A major piece of history gone missing from the collective consciousness… yet operating as a source of grief and anger underneath.

What is stealing “Destiny”? Does it not mean stealing and reworking timelines, manipulating who gets to be king? From this perspective, with the theft of nothing less than their “most aligned timeline/Destiny,” the Irish people as well as the Goddess and her priestesses no longer could set the timelines associated with benevolent and proper leadership. As I read the situation, other beings inserted themselves into the workings of the stone like an axe, twisting histories, twisting royal lines, twisting chains of events and outcomes wherever the stone went.

What we see is that the original stone, which was flat, has not only been stolen, but replaced on the hill with a supremely phallic rock that is several feet high. This strikes me as the Masculine inserting itself on the territory of Sovereign Feminine. This phallus is not the lingam integrated into the yoni, as we see in the Yoni/Lingam of India, a symbol of harmonious union between Masculine and Feminine. This stone on Tara, placed directly at the navel of the hill, exerts nothing less than a raping and suppressing energy over the Feminine Womb and the entire land itself.

Even a young girl who was playing at the stone with two young boys as I sat nearby seemed to intuit this. “It feels like this doesn’t belong here,” she said, with a hint of a giggle implying she understood the phallic nature of the object.

As I grapple with all of this, I reflect on the fact that a spiral of energy has been generating itself around the healing of the Womb of the Goddess and the Womb of Women for more than a decade now. And that my work as to the Sovereignty of the Womb in virgin birth is part of it, as are the Holy Womb Chakra Teachings that Sri Kaleshwar brought to light from ancient India, which provide a means of women healing their wombs and recognizing its power.

I realize that the teachings that Xi Earthstar, IndigoAngel and I will be offering in the Healing the Womb 3 weekend Sept 9-12 are also a part of this movement. We will be helping women awaken to remember our roles and duties as “Womb and Stargate” of the incoming Age of Miracles. To remember that we are the divine feminine collective Divine Birthing the second coming of Christ as a Consciousness. To restore Womb Stargates at every level of the hologram, including the human and galactic (at Tara and beyond!). To rebirth ourselves into our original template, and together amplify an ancient yet new planetary grid system hosting the organic Ascension timeline. May you be inspired by what is written here to join us and dive into this mystery.