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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Jeshua’s Gift of Inner Peace

Let It In

When I was teaching the recent course on Mary Magdalene, I was struck in various gospels by how many times Jesus /Jeshua said to his followers: “My peace be with you.”

Being brought up Catholic, this whole “peace” business felt like another empty platitude. Kind of boring, kind of meaningless, and who really cared. I also found the “sign of peace” handshake that we would obediently give one another on the priest’s signal to be rather two-dimensional as well.

But as a person in the process of healing, and as someone who assists other people with their healing journeys, I am now realizing just how golden peace is. It is absolutely critical for emotional and physical health, and for the ability to love.

So, in fact, by offering to stir the promise of peace within others, Master Jeshua was giving a very great gift, indeed.

I’ve written previously about Peace as a goddess in the Greek tradition named Eirene, or Irene. She IS this very quality of inner equanimity, relaxation, and well-being itself. Seems Mother Mary’s son was great pals with her.

At this critical stage in our human story, we will all benefit by palling around with her more. Because…I’m noticing a lot of high anxiety lately, are you? Or maybe it’s the same level of anxiety we’ve always been dealing with, but I’m just more aware of it now as things ratchet up… Like with another eclipse coming up this week.

Lately, I’ve been facing some stressful situations that are requiring stamina. But when I meditate, I realize that, more than stamina, what’s most helpful to me is coming to the peaceful, relaxed place, and addressing whatever is going on from there.

And how does one do that? That is the key. Of course, many of us are involved in meditations and other tools to help with this, and it’s a great time to amplify all of that.

But in our April 20 Mary and Magdalene Empowerments Circle, we will be experiencing something extra special: We’ll be invoking the gifted peace energy of Jeshua to help with this very thing. We will also be calling on the light bodies of Mother Mary and Magdalene to calm ourselves every level and regulate our nervous systems.

If you are feeling the call for greater peace in your life, we hope you will join us for our circle, which you can do HERE.

A peaceful soul is not only the greatest gift you can give to yourself, it’s the greatest gift you can give to our world. Peace engenders more peace. She is a very generative goddess. Let’s call on her, and let’s let Jeshua assist!