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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

The Last 4 Frickin Years: Time to Spiritually Regroup

As IndigoAngel & I prepare for our Goddess Spirit Warrioress Bootcamp starting Feb 1, 2024, I’m feeling it’s important that I offer a few messages here on why we’re doing this and how important it is to all of us.

One of the most striking things I can say is that the last four years have been a massive spiritual psychotronic war that we’re all emerging from.

We need new levels of understandings about how the roll-out that just reamed our lives and world is just one example of things going on at much deeper levels ~ and we need more sharpened psychic awareness to say NO to the energies that are trying to have their way with us.

While we’re out of the acute crisis and we have a moment of relative pause at the start of 2024, it’s important that we uses courses and trainings like the ones Indie and I are offering to help us regroup so that we are fully empowered to never consent to any ops like this in future.

Where were we hoodwinked? Where were we taken for a ride? How did we fall into sleep paralysis through the action of fears being driven through us?

Can we awaken to the mind-control that twisted our arms into choices? Are we aware of the repercussions of those choices?

Did we feel devastated by the “divide and conquer” psy op, and are we enraged that we couldn’t do more to stop the train?

What were our spiritual initiations during this time? Which ones did we pass, and which ones did we fail?

What psychic tools did we use to protect ourselves during this onslaught? What tools do we need to know about should anything like this be played on us again, in whatever guise?

Personal and collective suffering is not a factor of individual weaknesses and “the human condition.” Earth is meant to be an Eden. We need to reclaim this.

But to do so, we must go through a rung of initiation into further understanding how the reality of the archonic energies that have been among and within us operate, and what we need to reclaim our SOVEREIGNTY as humans.

HERE you’ll find a highly activating and informative video that IndigoAngel and I filmed that takes us into these realms of understanding and empowerment.

And check out our Goddess Spirit Warrioress Bootcamp and what kind of mastery it will offer you to help you address the personal and collective onslaught that continues in many big and small ways as a part of our IN-scension initiation.

We begin the Bootcamp Feb 1 and we hope you’ll use it as an opportunity to go deeper and take up your inner sword of truth. Now is the time to look, listen, be aware, and feel the safety there is in being part of an awakening human race.

With love,
Marguerite Mary Ajandra Dove