REGISTER NOW! June 6th Cacao Ceremony: Expand Your Light thru Solar Rays of Love!

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Activating Your Magdalene Frequencies

This Is the Time of Your Wholly Communion

Take Your Place in the Circle of the Magdalenes

As I write this, I’m still part way in my ceremonial space with Lady Cannabis (see the YouTube video here for the replay of that profound transmission).

That ceremony truly surprised me because I thought I was going simply to serve as the mouthpiece for Magdalene –– relaying information. Instead, she had me embody her. That’s the headline there.

When I balked a bit at her invitation, she said that I need not worry, because I was going to be inviting EVERY woman watching to embody the Magdalene.

I’m now being led to more fully realize that this is the ultimate purpose of my Seven Mysteries of Magdalene course starting this week on Tuesday, February 21. It is to use the seeds of the information we can find in the various gospels to get a picture of this Mary ~ and then do what’s even MORE important: co-create her renewed form within us, and, in doing so, jump to a whole new level of soul existence.

Magdalene indicated today that once you invite her into yourself, she can serve as a switch to your own Source Creator light body and reality ~ while still allowing you to maintain your sovereign identity. That incorporation can be inspired by learning more about her not only from source texts, but also from the Akashic records.

And accessing a whole lot more of that is what we’ll be about in the course so that we can more intelligently bring Magdalene into our bodies, minds, and spirits for that great activation. She is available!

I highly recommend watching that YouTube transmission, and the teachings that came through to empower you to become what Mary/Magdalene and Jesus talked about a lot: your living Anthropos, your Divine Human self.

Come discover, through the Seven Mysteries of the course, new facets of the Magdalene crystal that so many of us are now accessing and co-creating globally. You will use these aspects, elements, and tools to bring medicine to your life.

Magdalene’s main message today was: YOU ARE THE AUTHORITY about who she is! If you’d like support in activating her vibration within you in so as to move forward in your soul’s evolution in a significant way in this exciting lifetime, we hope you’ll join the other Magdalenes who are gathering on Feb 21!