REGISTER for May 11 Online Event: William & Marguerite, Mother Mary ~ Pleiades & Parthenogenesis

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Marguerite Reveals Her Fey Heritage

And hear her channel on what Fairy “Wings” mean

PLUS get Lazaris workshop highlights on Fairy Realms

If you’d like more information and teachings on the fairies, check out Marguerite’s online class Awakening to Our Fairy Kin HERE


“Am I a human-fairy hybrid?” I asked the Fairy realms.

“No one who’s been called to speak on our behalf to the degree you have isn’t,” they said.

I received this stunning message last week during a guided meditation at the “Human & Faerie Co-Creation” workshop led by the great channeler of Lazaris, Jach Pursel.

Indeed, I was told, this is why my name is, synchronistically, Marguerite, which means “daisy,” and Rigoglioso, which, in Italian, means “verdant or blooming,” an adjective generally used to describe vigorous plant life.

So, it’s official: Blooming Daisy is a Human-Fairy hybrid, herself! 

Who knew? I’ve been so busy with virgin birth, oracles, the Pleiades & more, that it’s taken a while to get to my Fey heritage. You’re getting it hot off the presses.

(Incidentally, Kathy Jones told me me she thought I was Fairy 5 years ago but I brushed it aside).

This is how it can be, a slow self-dawning. Maybe that’s happening for some of you, too…?

A Special Channeling

Communication between the two realms is clearly ramping up. Yesterday, in a reading with my client Lisa Schenkleberg, another a human-fairy hybrid who’s working with me to manifest her sacred Fey mission, the following channeling came forth regarding…

  • Can YOU get fairy wings? How?
  • How can the veil between the human & Fairy realms be lifted?


To access the 10 min audio of the channeling, click on the image below:



Lazaris Bridges the Realms

Yet more magic. Having offered 3 articles now on my channeled information from the Fairy realms, it also shouldn’t have surprised me to learn, thanks to my friend Joie Seldon, that Lazaris was hosting the “Human & Faerie Co-Creation” workshop, mentioned above, within driving distance of my home!

I was nevertheless amazed at the timing. What the…?

I immediately registered for the daylong, which preceeded a whole weekend extravaganza. I knew I’d arrived at the right place when I saw human-fairy hybrids walking in. The ballroom, where several hundred of us gathered, was buzzing with such folk, one of whom, named Sandra, agreed to be pictured with me here.

Here are some gems from Lazaris’s extraordinary teachings:


• The human & Fairy realms are 2 different dimensional worlds that inhabit the same space & time on our planet earth.


• There’s much that humans & fairies can learn from each other & heal together, through dialogue. We can participate in co-creative work. This work is at the foundation of a new spirituality & will make the world become new.

• In fact, we can’t do it alone. We need co-creation magic between us.

• Time is more dimensional in the Fairy realm. The Fey are able to move in a nonlinear way & experience more within any given span of our linear time than we can.

• In the Fairy realm, space is defined by the senses, as it is in ours, but it can be seen in different ways. Fairies can experience what’s going to happen & what has happened in the very same space.

• You can bridge the worlds when you establish a relationship with at least one friend in the Fairy realm. When you do, life becomes more fascinating, enchanted & fun. You get a greater sense of the consciousness of the nature realm & can begin to talk to the plants, animals & more. Your destiny expands.

• Choose to meet your fairy friend. Go into meditation & move yourself through a portal between trees. Find your fairy friend there & begin to interact with him or her.

• You can also enter the Fairy realm through various portals in nature. Once you enter, the world looks qualitatively different, with a clarity, sharpness & sense of beauty to the land that is soulful.

• The Fairy realm revels in the free expression of the Feminine as manifested through love, ease, creativity, and the full expressing of soul & spirit. Connecting with the Fey gives you more of that juice.

• When you have rapport with the Fairy realm, you can really have the guts to work magic at a high level.

Are you willing?

Join in the dialog on this post by leaving your comments below.


In Fairy Love,



Exciting Events & Offerings



SoulSong! A Community Celebration

Sat Nov 5, San Rafael, CA

Join Marguerite, Gary Malkin & friends for the 4th in a series of intimate evenings of chant, musical artistry, poetry & ritual where we immerse ourselves in the heart-opening magic that only music can provide.

This one’s themed on GRATITUDE, so we’re presenting a Thanksgiving flavored event with remarkable musical artists, including Jennifer Berezan, Barbara Borden & Kim Rosen.

Get your tickets here.



NOTE NEW DATE – this coming Wed!

Hear Marguerite’s online radio interview…

Sex & Drugs in the Eleusinian Mysteries

WED NOV 9, 2016
6 pm Pacific

(this was moved from Nov 2; sorry!)


Live or listen later HERE

Conscious Living Radio

The Eleusinian Mysteries of ancient Greece were a remarkable event in which thousands were spiritually initiated in a profound underworld journey

In this conversation, Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D., discusses her research on what she believes really went on during these rites. She explores how entheogens/ psychedelics most likely facilitated the experience & how sexuality was incorporated into it. 

She also looks at the role of women & the Feminine in this grand ancient celebration.

Click here to listen live or later to the replay.


Feast of the
Immaculate Conception

Thurs Dec 8, San Francisco: Celebrate with Marguerite, Christy Michaels, Diana & Michael Melchizedek & Heather Angstadt as we honor the fact that Mary herself was divinely born of Anne, and we explore how this relates to knowing ourselves as divine.


Click here for the ticket link. Reserve your spot now; seating is limited to 20!



Seven Sisters Solstice Ceremony 2016!

Mark your calendar for Wed Dec 21, 7 pm, at Rudramandir in Berkeley for our better-than-ever winter solstice event featuring newly graduated Dove Oracle Priestesses! Rest in the arms of the Dark Mother. Hear divine transmissions from our priestesses. Set your intentions & vision for the new year.

Stay tuned for the ticket link but save the date NOW!



Seeking an evolutionary spiritual or sacred career mentor?

Learn more about what private work with Marguerite offers you here.

To book a session, contact us here.