PRE-ORDER NOW! The Secret Life of Mother Mary by Marguertie Rigoglioso, Ph.D.

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Moving from Being Right to Being Love

I’ve been a warrior my whole life, and one way that’s manifested is by making strong arguments through my writing & teaching. I’ve been deeply concerned about the injustices that have been perpetrated on humanity by all sorts of negative forces; I’ve also been fiercely angry about wrongs humans have perpetrated on one another.

I’ve been shouting my views and oracularly received information from the rooftops, crying into the wind, bellowing into the earth. Sometimes I feel I’m heard, sometimes not.

I’ve conducted most of this activity from my former 20-year perch in California, where my family on the East Coast was somewhat buffered from the gale force winds of my views by distance.

Now… I’m back. Back to the region of my origin on this earth. Back to a part of the United States where evolutionary spirituality is not on every street corner. Back where my family is all kinds of different from me when it comes to beliefs & practices.

All this in a time when views on life & death, right & wrong have become acutely polarized.

I notice how judgmental I am of people I believe are thinking & acting “wrong.” This includes people I love. I’m watching them implode, panic, get depressed, become chronically ill & basically take a deep dive into the dark night of their souls at what I see is a time of the shifting of dimensions on earth.

If only they’d see it this way, my way, they’d be so much better off.

I’ve noticed that my conversations to “witness” them include an element of withhold on my end. I’m “um hmm-ing” semi-sympathetically but in the back of my mind I’m thinking: DO THIS DIFFERENTLY!

That is, my love is conditional. I’m tolerating, sighing, complaining to friends who get it.

When I truly get in my heart, assisted always through meditation and, when in ceremony, through Mama Cacao, I receive the same message: Just love. Really love. Don’t feel you need to fix or change anyone’s beliefs or behavior. YOUR soul lesson is to love unconditionally. That’s the teaching of Mother Mary and the instruction you are meant to absorb & embody at this time. Release the need to solve the world’s problems & just LOVE.

This was reiterated by an oracle sister who was herself in ceremony this past week, to whom I brought this question about “my family & being on the East Coast.” Just love. That’s all.

That’s all. But it’s a big all. How can we remain caretakers of the earth at a time of great travail & injustice, while being love? Ah, yes, that is the question, and the answer we each come up with is the level at which our soul will IN-volve, E-volve, accelerate.

Some Q&A with Mother Mary

Mother Mary, are you saying I should put down the sword and pick up the feather, I ask? Yes, She says. The Dove feather. The Dove is not just the Oracle, she is the harbinger of Peace. Uniting those, integrating those aspects, is your task.

Is everyone meant to put down the sword? She says: There are some who know how to wield the sword with love. That is the true warrior. That is the true feat. That is the true evolution. Uniting war & peace within. That is what leads to the transformation into 5th dimensional consciousness & the new earth.

Wow, Blessed Mother, I feel somewhat far from that ability. She says: You are closer than you think. You have gone back into the land you feared to tread & you’re enacting the great change within yourself. You’re doing it by getting yourself situated with a home base you love & taking care of yourself. Taking care of yourself is the first step, not acting from a drained vessel. Act from a full vessel. Even if things take more time than you thought was right, make time every day to fill the vessel. Slow down. Become quiet.

These are the basics you know, my daughter. Just do what it takes to keep getting back to them.

But Blessed Mother, aren’t I supposed to be giving oracles about “what’s really going on?” She says: There are many “what’s really going ons,” and leave the heavy lifting to others right now. You are shifting your way to embody more of me now. It’s OK to leave your post as siren sounder right now. Calm your system. Be the love. This is now the true Feminine stretch of your path.

But, but, I say… What if the world goes to heck in a handbasket! I must be vigilant & vocal!

She says: The world lessens its pathway to hell the more you & others love wisely. It is a great paradox. This is the teaching of the heart & the womb, not the mind.

Thank you, Blessed Mother. I’ll do my best. Just keep checking in with me, She says. I’m here & you now have ready access to me.

OK, thank you.

You are most welcome, my daughter.