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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

My Brush With Death

Over the holy days, I had what I would call an extended near-death experience. I won’t go into details, but let’s just say that it put me in touch with my mortality in a very real way. Going through this passage has ended up being an unexpected initiation into a deeper embrace of the preciousness of life.

I realized through this experience that I’d been taking my earth walk a bit for granted. I’d been getting unnecessarily cranky and seeing the glass half empty as a kind of knee-jerk habit way more than I needed to. Being in such a “big transition” in every area of my life, I’d even occasionally had the thought: Hm, am I done with this incarnation?

This near-death experience allowed me to fully answer that with: NO! As I spent time looking over the precipice I realized, I still have life to live. I still have sunsets to glory in, simple pleasures to enjoy, people’s lives to touch. I still have love to give and receive. I have books to write, things to say, and places to go. I have a tremendous amount to appreciate about where I’ve been, and much to look forward to.

I’ve come out of it like Scrooge on Christmas, grateful, relieved, and determined to renew my vows to living.

At this New Year’s time, I thought I’d share this medicine with others. Here are some questions for you to ponder; this is a great way to start out 2020:

* What percentage of the time are you looking at the glass as half empty? What one thing can you do to bump that percentage up ten points?

* What’s the simplest pleasure you enjoy? How can you do more of that in the next week?

* What ten things are you grateful for? Write each one down on a post-it note, and put them around your desk, office, or room. Make a commitment to expressing gratitude by embracing one of them a day for the next ten days, really calling it to mind several times that day or engaging with it more deeply.

* Pick one person you love who may benefit from hearing your appreciation for them. What one thing can you do to express your love for that person today?

* Write down five things you’ve accomplished in your life that you’re proud of. Spend a few minutes really celebrating yourself for those things. Think of one healthy way you could reward yourself about that this month… perhaps a nice dinner out, splurging on a special performance, buying a new piece of jewelry that will remain a symbol of your celebration… or something else you come up with.

* Put out a prayer to connect more strongly with the Divine who is all around you to assist you in having things to look forward to in 2020.

With love,
