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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

My Oracle Work with a Redwood

In previous posts and on my Facebook video I’ve noted that you can sit at trees to receive personal guidance, prophecy, and hidden histories about the world and cosmos. I offer here some messages I have received while working with a Grandmother Redwood tree with whom I am developing a relationship. The World Tree refers to the oldest original tree on the planet. It was used as a place where people could obtain great information, greater than when sitting by themselves. Actually, there were a number of World Trees at different locations on the planet. The cutting down of the World Trees represented the severing of Gaia’s umbilical cord to the Star Nations, for the tree is a bridge, a pathway, a connector to the wisdom from the galaxies from which human consciousness hails. That severing left humanity stranded and vulnerable. The tree in the film Avatar around which the virtual beings communed is a remembrance of human’s use of the World Tree. Remember.

Redwood Slaughter + Genocide = Severing of Humanity

The Grandmother Redwoods have been around for millions of years, since Earth first had life (go see the petrified Redwood forest in Calistoga for proof). They were decimated in a very short period of time – within one generation. That slaughter corresponded with the genocide of the First Peoples of the North American continent. That unfortunate correspondence of events spelled the loss of important planetary information streams and medicine, and even further severing of humanity from Star Wisdom. This was part of a predatory plan on the part of certain energies who got a toehold here. It’s important not to dwell on that unpleasant possibility, but rather to get busy.

It’s time for everyone to awaken and speak with the Redwoods again, particularly the Old Growth Trees –– and that includes the spirits of those whose stumps can still be seen, because the spirits of those trees are still there, as my colleague Theresa Dintino reminds me. The First Peoples of California understood that Redwoods were magical beings. Julia Butterfly Hill must have known this on some level, too. She risked her life and endured hardship to save them.

Redwoods contain not only their own spirits, but also those of other beings for whom they are willing to serve as a home or haven. In the Grandmother with whom I work, for example, are spirits of at least one Native American chief who fled there during the holocaust of the First Peoples of the region to remain a sentinel. Also embedded is the spirit of a cow, who stands as a witness to the continual cow slaughter occurring on local ranches. There are numerous other elemental beings dwelling within, as well. In many cases, these beings can be seen, as their image may appear in the bark and first layers of the tree. It’s just as those magical storybooks depict…

Theresa Dintino has also received the message that those who develop a psychic relationship with a tree become her “eyes and ears” so that she can learn more about what is going on presently upon the earth and offer further help to humanity. This is why developing a relationship with a tree is important. There is a reciprocal serving that can happen. Sit at a Redwood – or any tree – listen, and heed.

Are You Called to Our Gaia Grid Activation Program?

We’re in the final enrollment week of Seven Sisters Mystery School’s Gaia Grid Activation Program. Part of our work will be to develop oracular relationships with trees: Redwoods, Bays, and Oaks of the SF Bay region. Join diviner Theresa Dintino and me starting Sept. 14 for four daylongs on the land in Marin. Our intention is to take up posts at the ancient portals left by indigenous peoples whose populations were greatly reduced by disease, murder, or starvation as early as 100 years ago. The land needs us to do this work, which involves deep spiritual attunement with elemental spirits and the Star Nations so that we may sync up the local energetic grid once again. This program is preparing us for an activation of the grid on the seven major mountains of the Bay Area when the time is right. The purpose of restoring the grid is to help raise the energetic vibration of the region – which will lead to people functioning at a higher level of consciousness and eventually dwelling with a greater sense of well-being. For more information about the Gaia Grid Activation Program 2013, visit here  Please also feel free to contact me here.

Marguerite Rigoglioso
Founding Director
Seven Sisters Mystery School