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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Opening Our Eyes to the Inner Worlds

Unveiling of Alex Grey’s Entheon Inspires a New Wave of Cosmic Journeyers!

My eyes were wide open with wonder last Sunday as I planted myself in front of each of Alex Grey’s MANY paintings at his newly opened Entheon gallery, featuring his astounding lifetime of psychedelic-inspired art, combined with the geometrically coded work of his wife Allyson… and the amazing visionary paintings of world-class guest artists.

According to the Greys, “Entheon means a place to discover the creator within.” And their new 12,000 square foot “sanctuary” doesn’t disappoint!

The date, June 3, was the anniversary of the massive dose of LSD that Alex and Allyson took in 1976, which opened wide their doors of perception to the “universal mind matrix of love,” and began their work to communicate about the other worlds they’ve accessed through their art. Finally, in 2023, after years of conceiving, designing, fundraising, waiting for the plague to be over, and construction, there it was, nearly complete except for the exterior, which will eventually feature the colossal images (pictured below, courtesy of all over its massive walls. Buddhist temple meets Atlanto-Egypt!

While I’m not a fan of synthetic hallucinogenic compounds, I am a supporter of the plant medicines from which they are extracted, and I’m a huge lover of what Alex and Allyson have done for humanity through not only their individual artwork, but their assiduous efforts to create the destination known as Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, CoSM, which houses the Entheon and other buildings on the 60+ acre land in Wappingers Falls, NY, and is dedicated to helping people awaken.

For me, the most exciting part of my day’s journey there was the evening ceremony in which Alex and Allyson literally opened the portal within the Entheon to the benevolent realms. It was incredibly inspiring to be a participant and cocreator in that monumental moment, helping to establish this spot even more deeply as a place where people can connect with the Divine.

The paintings and sculptures within, many of which are huge, themselves are portals to open the consciousness. Stand beside just one, and you will be altered. Visit each of them one after another, and you will be activated with your own visions well into the next day! These cosmic artistic journeyers have definitely created the bridge by which you can access the Realms, whether you take medicine or not!

The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors and its Entheon sanctuary are a worthwhile destination for anyone coming to the Hudson Valley. They occupy existing buildings that were built on the land of the native Wappinger people, whom Alex and Allison also acknowledged. It’s filled with old growth trees, lawns, and even some sculpture park areas, as well as open spaces for performances and picnicking. They have regular full moon events, as well as other special workshops and performances. The grounds include a few rooms for lodging, as well. And the Entheon is open Friday through Sundays. Definitely worth getting on their email list, and you can check out more of their story in the video HERE.

I honor Alex and Allyson Grey for being the emissaries that they are, helping more and more of us awaken to the reality of the inner planes and higher dimensional consciousness in service to our individual and planetary healing and evolution.

If you would like to gently step onto the path of cosmic expansion by working with mind-opening plant allies, please consider the Sacred Feminine Plant Medicine Academy, which continues to enroll through the end of June 2023. May the pathway open safely and joyfully before you!