REGISTER for May 11 Online Event: William & Marguerite, Mother Mary ~ Pleiades & Parthenogenesis

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Psychic Attack as Initiation – My Story

Or… How to Create Your Sparkling Post-2012 Life

A lot of you evolutionary souls feel safer staying small, behind closed doors, or otherwise hidden. And no wonder. When you begin stepping out with your deeper knowing, you may encounter pushback from your family, colleagues, friends, the medical, financial & religious establishments, and basically the world at-large.

When you go little further & get above the shamanic radar, you can start encountering stronger opposition from forces that don’t want your consciousness-raising information out there. This can come in the form of downturns & misfortunes affecting your health, livelihood, or family.

When I began stepping into my power as an author & teacher, for example, things began to get far more serious than I ever expected.

I was shown that I was the target of negative magic on the part of specific people I’d inadvertently triggered who were coming from their own pain body. Then, as I launched Seven Sisters Mystery School I saw various “whack” energies on the astral plane, largely unconscious, that were coming from others’ insecurity & sense of lack.

I began feeling the effects of other more subtle energies directed toward me, as well.

In England, after having re-opened a major portal at Canterbury Cathedral with two other priestesses, a deafeningly loud helicopter flew directly over the little cottage where I was staying at three in the morning. I had learned previously that black helicopters were part of a psychic surveillance corps that operates to deliver threat messages.

After doing portal opening work at Delphi, the site of the ancient oracle where women’s womb wisdom reigned supreme before it was co-opted, I learned I had a health condition that was directly affecting my own womb. My life began to fall apart in other regards, as well.

I sensed (& had confirmed by seers) that this was coming from interdimensional forces that wanted to suppress me, and it was frightening not knowing just where all of this would end.

This is certainly not what I’d expected from following my bliss. I began to question whether I wanted to be here. The spiritual work was just too hard.

Enough of the Bullshit

I had to get busy & educate myself. The first thing I needed to do was move deeper into my own healing. Because I learned that negative energies can only hook you where your own wounds, weaknesses & shadow proliferate. Often that is why they visit you to begin with – you’ve got something to resolve.

At the same time, I worked with practitioners who had varying protection technologies, and I tried them out, things like making offerings to appease certain spirits, conducting rituals, calling on protective forces, creating visualizations & filters in & around my space, and so forth.

I also learned the power of the love energy in dispelling negative energies through being at a vibration uninhabitable to them.

One of the main paradigm shifts I experienced during that time was the understanding that humans are peers with interdimensional beings, no matter how powerful they seem. That means we can say no. So I learned how to formally assert sovereignty in my space.

In short, “battling” the demons for me was an initiation. Done properly, it can be for anyone. That’s why I’m teaching about this now.

Coming into the Beauty Way

As I continue to climb out of the pit, both my own & the collective control paradigm, I’m now looking at what’s next. Because psychic protection is not just about constantly setting up shields. Its about linking & allying with the positive energies & moving into a new kind of existence.

This new, wholesome, beautiful way of being is our original template & our birthright. How it looks is to be co-determined as we co-create it.

How am I experiencing it? I’m feeling a new level of opening in my work as more people come to experience readings & mentoring with me. I feel a surge of creativity that’s allowing me to write more boldly & teach new things. I’m being invited to speak on more stages to share the message of conscious awakening.

All in all, I feel safer & more secure in what I’m doing, and less fearful. I’m feeling sovereign in my life. Even as I continue my healing, I know I’m infinitely more supported.

I think I’m also a better person for having been through this ordeal. Coming from a more mature, compassionate place means I’m not instigating attack energies as much, on human or interdimensional levels.

Want to Create Your Sparkling New Life?

I’ve heard stories from quite a few of you evolutionary spiritual world servers & whistle blowers over the years about your own experiences with psychic attack, ranging from the mild to the horrific. I’ve also worked on the issue in numerous sessions with clients.

I even know of several people who have taken it upon themselves to do battle on the inner planes on a regular basis to help humanity fend off the oppressive interdimensional forces at large.

The time for going it alone is over. It’s time for us to name what’s going on, come out of the shadows of shame & fear, and learn what we must do individually & collectively to halt the phenomenon of spirit workers being shut down by bullying energies.

I’m inviting you to join my webinar Protection for Spirit Workers & Awakening Souls so I can share what I know & what I’ll continue to receive through channeling to help all of us in the transformation & awakening process.

The goal by the end of the webinar is to help you move out of battle mode. It’s to help you wisely co-create & partake of the light grids of feminine energy that are available to envelop our planet on a new evolutionary rung.

I’ll tell you secret: In this work I need you as much as you need me. We all need each other. I’m eager to see who’s ready, willing & able to show up with the courage to see some of the scarier things that are happening, the wisdom to know you’re more powerful than anything, and the energy to set boundaries & birth your real life with joy.

The fruits of this work will be beyond your wildest dreams.

For more info & to register for the webinar, visit here.



TODAY, Nov 8!

Join us for the…

Seven Sisters Rain Prayer Ceremony for CA & the Pacific Northwest

Nov 8, 2015

2:45 pm sharp to 5 pm
RAIN OR SHINE Stafford Lake Park
Novato, CA

Led by spirit workers including Mbali Creazzo, we’ll connect with the spirits of water & rain to help mitigate our drought.

FREE but you must register here.


Now enrolling…

Protection for Spirit Workers 
& Awakening Souls

How to See, Speak & Carry Out Your Truth with Psychic Safety

5-Part Global Webinar with Optional Group Reading Calls


Live calls each Tues
Nov 10 – Dec 8, 2015

10–11:30 am Pacific; 1 pm Eastern; 6 pm UK

Or listen later, any time.

(accessible worldwide via phone or Web)

For more info & to register, visit here.

Save the date!

Seven Sisters Solstice 2015
Heart Activation & Soul Replenishment
with channeling by Marguerite’s higher self, “Dove”
Sun Dec 20, 2015
7:30 – 9:15 pm

Berkeley, CA

More info to come!


Get the support you need to be an evolutionary spirit worker

Contact me here to book a reduced rate first-time session.

Connect with your true power source & knowing without getting whacked.
The world NEEDS your seeing.

For more on what spiritual mentoring & readings with me offer you, visit here.

Your event here?
1 – 2 spots available weekly for advertising your sacred event on our ezine & blog.

Contact us here.