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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

How to Ride Thru These Rocky Times

Things Intense Lately?
Dance with Eclipses & Get off Media

If you’re (again) having a rocky time, you’re not alone. It’s likely you’re feeling the full gale force of not two but THREE eclipses from July 12 thru Aug 11, COMBINED with Mercury going retro next week WHILE several other planets are retrograde. 

Time to… BREATHE!

Eclipses can shake things up, bring up the need for change, spur sudden reversals, set up conditions for outbursts & more. These things can happen on personal & collective levels. Here I offer some reflections & suggestions for using this period as an opportunity for clearing, strengthening & spiritual growth.

Media Manipulation

One way the eclipses are playing out is with the latest drama on the world stage, which is stirring a deep sense of insecurity for many.

If you watch or read media & it’s leaving you emotionally distraught to the point where you’re depressed, chronically worried or traumatized, feel like you can’t cope, want to throw in the towel, or can’t sleep – then consider going on a (permanent) media fast.

If you’re feeling down at all & you haven’t connected the dots, reflect on whether media is the trigger – even social media.

From the clairvoyant perspective, what I see (& hear from other seers) is that the entities controlling the strings of the media are BUSY CRAFTING & MANIPULATING A TRAUMATIC REALITY so as to sap the vital force energy of humanity & destabilize us so that we are more controllable. This media-based reality is seeping deeply into the collective psyche.
Re-awaken yourself! Don’t let this happen in YOUR reality. This is in large part an opportunity to TUNE OUT THE NOISE and tune into Silence, which is the best connection to Source.

Think about it: What small sliver of reality does the media focus on? What percentage of everything going on globally does that portrayal represent? How much of what’s being said is REAL? How can you really know? How much of the “news” is being “sensationalized” – literally designed to create sensations within you?

I call the “the news” the “olds,” because it’s usually the same old, same old in new garb (though now ratcheted up as much as possible).

Reflect: To what extent are the events being portrayed themselves also being orchestrated & manipulated to engender fear? Use your DEEP SEEING.

And: If the media portrayed only positive & productive news for two weeks, how would your life shift?

Tools for the Evolution

No matter what’s seeming to go on around you, you have the option to maintain your wellbeing. In fact, if you’re a spiritual person, you can help keep the collective ship on an even keel according to how you organize your corner of the deck.

Working through this density & staying in your heart (for yourself & others) is part of your initiation as a spirit worker.

Here are some reminders for riding through these intense times:

• Shift from looking at media to looking at ME-Día: My Day. First thing when you get up, think about what do you want YOUR day to look & feel like.

• Breathe deeply & mindfully throughout the day, ESPECIALLY when you’re on electronic devices.

• Curtail all media consumption for two weeks & see how you feel.

• Then try the fast with social media. Try new (or old-fashioned) ways of connecting with friends, family & community.

• Use your meditation tools daily, as close to first thing in the morning. Meditate until you get to that calm, clear, centered space. This is the place to connect & converse with the Divine, and look at the world & make decisions from. Be scrupulous about this.

• Renew your connection with the Divine through prayer requests for yourself, those you love, and those you hate. Ask that the greatest good be served (the supreme prayer) & that everyone be assisted in their healing, particularly the characters who most trigger you.

• Don’t get hooked by energy beings. If you’re being triggered into rage toward others, you’re getting played. Take time to collect. Breathe, pray. Don’t let these beings hook into you to create division among us.

• Take large chunks of weekends completely off work & devices & get out in nature.

• Play with trees & fairies.

• Arrange for three-day device-free stints whenever possible. Notice how your entire body/mind/spirit unplugs from the matrix & gets calmer.

• Tell yourself “I love you” or put your loving hand on your heart as many times a day as possible.

• Practice gratitude for the little & big things. This gets your energy in an upward swing.

• Get of ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES 2 hours before bed so as to calm your system.

• Take a shower or bath before bed to cleanse your field so you can sleep more restfully.

• Be as kind to yourself & others as possible. This spreads good energy in infinite ways & trumps a truckload of fear & negativity being put out on the media.

• Help out locally, in whatever way you see fit, from offering a hungry person on the street your leftover dinner, to creating a community garden, to getting active with local leadership in some way. The local is the key to the global.

Remember that THIS IS THE MOMENT YOU INCARNATED FOR. Not the glory time, but the gory time. You wanted to test yourself to see how much you could see the play of illusion & still keep your head – and heart.
