REGISTER for May 11 Online Event: William & Marguerite, Mother Mary ~ Pleiades & Parthenogenesis

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

The Evolution Was Not Being Televised!

PIX & Ponderings from the Amazing Be the Peace Global Hub Event

Mystical peeps, take note! Nearly 3000 callers & people in 1176 locations around the world joined in for the Be the Peace Global meditation on Sept 21. In El Cerrito, CA, where we broadcast the call with co-producer David Nicol, we had nearly 40 Bay Area folks anchoring the event. There was hardly a dry eye or a hair that did not stand on end when our point person in Israel uttered May Peace Prevail” on the line in both Hebrew & Arabic. Hearing the mantra in languages one by one from folks around the planet, we felt we’d entered the “mystical resonant field” of peace that we’d intended, one supported by both seen & unseen Allies in this planetary transformation work. Politics & esoteric spirituality united for the 2.5 hours of our ceremonial event & the hour plus on the live call.

The evolution was being telephoned but it wasn’t being televised!

As we joined hearts in loving meditation for Peace, here was the real, magical work unfolding. We had gone way over the radar into the net of consciousness connecting us all. It was familiar, familial & eerily futuristic all at once. It was subtle activism at some of its best.

Our Ceremony – Uniting Shadow & Light

In our opening ceremony, we took care to honor energies of both Light & Shadow, Peace & Strife, and all seeming opposites. Thus we used the guiding geometry of the Vesica Pisces for our altar: the two circles that intersect. This represented the embrace of duality and the things that seem to separate us. For, as the Guides have shown me, if you want to have a culture of Peace, you must also carefully honor the Energies of War.

The almond that is created by the two circles joining is the place of common ground, of mutual interests. It is where we are united in our humanity, where we may negotiate our needs & view one another with compassion. We also offered living embodiments of the opposites: Samantha Sinclair incorporating the energy of Irene, the Goddess of Peace, and Maura Torkildson putting on the Mantle of the Shadow. We led participants in an alchemical process to balance the Light & Shadow within ourselves. In this way we anchored the energies for the subsequent broadcast!

I was incredibly proud of the ceremonial leadership & creativity offered by those who led the ritual with me: Joy Reichard, Patti O’Luanaigh, Lillie Falco-Adkins, Laura Vitcov Belzer, Charles Flores, Astrid Hutchison, Heidi Chretien, Randy Gale, Maura Torkildson & Samantha Sinclair.
I was also awed by the visionary leadership, hearted presence, mystical understanding & inspired guided meditation of David Nicol, who co-produced the Be the Peace event, and Phillip Hellmich, who coordinated it through the Shift Network, which provided the infrastructure for the broadcast.

Will Our Event Change the World?

I gotta believe yes. When I felt the love & good intentions of all those in the room and on the call who were speaking, listening, writing in, going to the Global Care room & talking about the meditation events they were doing simultaneously around the world, I had a strong sense: This is making a difference. If nothing else, and this is big: It inspired us all to generate Peace in our own hearts. I, for example, was committed to being More Peaceful that day, and I 95 percent succeeded. I relaxed when things weren’t going exactly as I’d planned on any given detail. I was pleasant & present to others. I contributed to our group field in positive ways, and we had beautiful cohesion. I realized more clearly than ever: There’s no real difference between my road rage or rudeness to telemarketers on the one hand, and abusive behavior of parents toward children, neighbors toward neighbors, or countries toward countries on the other. It’s all non-Peaceful. And what we really, really need is Peace.

Plant a “Seed Crystal” for Peace

If you want to make a difference, we recommend you take a crystal & clear it of old energies by embedding it in a pile of salt overnight. Then place it in your hand, transmit into it a prayer or intention for peace (in your heart or personal world, or the world at large) & then plant it in the ground. Given its esoteric properties, which scientists are only beginning to tap, your crystal will serve as a beacon for the peace energies you “program” it with. Let the unseen Allies do the rest. Invoke Peace into your body & life each morning.

In Light & Shadow,