REGISTER for May 11 Online Event: William & Marguerite, Mother Mary ~ Pleiades & Parthenogenesis

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Visitation by White Bull & Medicine Oracle in Wyoming

As the plot unfolds, the mystery deepens. If you were tracking my first cross-country road trip in 2019, you would have seen this miracle, which appeared in front of me on the steep sides of Bear’s Tipi (incorrectly named Devil’s Tower by the authorities) on May 9 that year while I was engaged in a medicine ceremony with Mama Cacao:

The image was clearly that of a great Native American chief in full regalia. I pondered this, wondering who it was. Its appearance felt like a huge gift, an affirmation that I had made it all that way by car from California for a spiritual reason.

I knew that Bear’s Tipi had been visited by great chiefs, like Sitting Bull, who did ceremony and received messages there. And that it was a portal connected with the Pleiades. Lore describes young maidens being pursued in unwanted fashion by some kind of creature (usually identified as a bear, but could it have been something else), and the girls praying to Great Spirit and being lifted up by the land rising where they were standing, making it impossible for the “bear” to reach them.

From there, they became the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. As you many know, I’ve taught a lot about the Pleiades and have received information about them over the years. My school, Seven Sisters, is named after them.

This past Wednesday, July 7, 2021, my birthday, I was back at Bear’s Tipi in Wyoming, this time with friends Renee Stephens, Jessica Zdenek, and Grant Swenson. As we prepared for our own Cacao ceremony, I flipped open the book I’d taken with me, which I’d purchased at the local gift shop two years ago but had never looked at, Devils Tower: Stories in Stone, by Mary Alice Gunderson.

There before me was the photo of White Bull (born 1850), nephew of Sitting Bull and a Minneconjou chief, a man who remembered the days when Sitting Bull and others went to commune with Great Spirit at Bear’s Tipi and who was deeply involved in seeing to the well-being of his people at the time when the reservations were being set up:

I recognized this profile immediately!










Ah, at last! This was a powerful moment for me, this explanation of who had been communicating me ~ a kind of coming full circle on the next rung of the spiral!

You can listen to the profound oracle transmission the four of us received during our Mama Cacao ceremony by clicking the bar below the photo of us at the site. In it, we share powerful insights about the nature of Bear’s Tipi as a portal, the connection with the Pleiades, and the messages of hope and guidance that were coming through:


You might find it interesting to compare it to the oracle I received there on May 9, 2019, which I also shared two years ago on a blog post:


I learned from the book First Encounters: Indian Legends of Devils Tower, by Shirl, that it was common for Native Americans to see messages and prophecies materialize in the rocks of Bears Tipi before people’s eyes.

This gift of the image happened to me when the portal opened back in 2019. The meaning of that apparition was finally delivered in 2021. Interestingly, I could not re-locate the image in the rocks. I feel blessed that I was able to photograph it then.

May its message continue to unfold as I return to Bear’s Tipi again and again. May its message inspire you to listen to your own spiritual hunches and follow your path.