REGISTER for May 11 Online Event: William & Marguerite, Mother Mary ~ Pleiades & Parthenogenesis

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

What Is Your Power?

Try this for a few moments: When did you feel your most genuinely powerful? What was happening? How did you feel? What contributed to that? Close your eyes & really get into it.

Chances are, you felt heardseenhonored, helpful on the planet, in full possession & expression of your gifts, compassionate, magnanimous, clear & lots more good stuff. You were probably not simply manipulating to get your own way, throwing your heft around, demanding something, or violating another. Yes, for the past several thousand years women have experienced violations & repressions of all sorts, many of which are still going on. So addressing the larger social issues is important.

But, as I see it, the place to start getting more powerful is with yourself. Because until that happens, you’ll be putting someone else’s life mask on first & you won’t be able to breathe.

I’m reminded of this on days when I throw myself into my teaching or healing work before I eat or meditate. I’m reminded when I see women doing back-breaking social justice work while they’re inwardly depleted, fighting with one another & scrambling for scraps of money for themselves or their causes.

POWER. Power is ultimately about self-mastery. The ability to not get triggered –– or to manage it when it happens. The ability have good boundaries so you’re neither being violated, nor stepping over another, nor over-giving. The ability to walk with simple confidence in the world. And self-mastery is all about inner healing.

None of us can go it alone.

We need our sisters in this work. And we need help from the Unseen Allies –– especially the Divine Female in her many forms. Truly. Human engine power is not enough, and if you’re a spiritual person you probably already know that.

With love & blessings,