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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

What’s Your True Pot of Gold?

The Leprechauns have long told me that if you want to solve financial problems, contact them. Yes, they’re all about the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And what better day than St. Patty’s to share a process to help you do that!

Last week, I opened the Novato, CA, FEM Talks event with a powerful movement meditation to help you work with the Leprechaun beings to draw energies of abundance into your body.

Click the play bar below to hear that audio & connect with your true wealth through play with the Subtle Worlds of the Leprechauns:


And… Announcing Marguerite’s Writing Pilgrimage Support Fund!

Marguerite has released most of her worldly possessions so as to dive deeply in service to what’s next. We warmly welcome your contributions of ANY amount to help defray the costs of her travel through our special PayPal link, which you may access HERE.

Here are some of the things Marguerite has purchased to prep for her trip, toward which your donations will contribute:

• Thule car roof racks & cargo box
• Nokian all-weather tires
• Tire cables for snowy conditions
• Emergency car & roadside assist items

Happily, we’ve already had several wonderful donations, for which we’re greatly appreciative:

• Recently-certified Level 2 Dove Oracle Priestess Joanna Kelly contributed to Marguerite’s writing pilgrimage by funding one full scholarship for the Gold Light Level of our Soul-Dive Series!

The spunky & spirited Joanna lives in a hobbit-like home in a lovely English village just outside London – where she was also gracious enough to arrange for us to hold our Level 2 European retreat in Sept. She was drawn to Seven Sisters Mystery School after a spiritual awakening in 2017 that activated her desire to follow in the path of the ancient high priestesses & open up to embodying the Divine Feminine.

By day, Joanna works in the private sector & is also chair of a women’s domestic violence charity. Her ambition (which we support immensely!) is to write a series of children’s fantasy novels about connecting with our galactic star family & our ascension into 5th dimensional consciousness. If you’d like to know more about Joanna, you can read her blog HERE.

• We also wish to acknowledge the following Seven Sisters supporters for their generous financial contributions: Daniel L., Barbara Allen & Trina Swerdlow. Thank you all!

Honoring Seven Sisters Teaching Apprentices!

It’s also time to recognize the women who have given generously of their time, energy, wisdom & love to make the Priestess of the Dove Oracle Training a huge success over the past 3 years:

Ariana Newcomer, a certified Level 4 Dove Oracle Priestess, served as our very first Priestess of the Dove Oracle Training in 2016, when we were just figuring out what that role could be! She specializes in healing the soul’s voice to joyfully express its divine purpose.

An intuitive healer, energy worker & voice healer since 1984, Ariana is a Harvard grad, massage therapist, SoulCollage® facilitator & former professional opera singer. She is an internationally published best-selling author, mom of 2 & the creator of The Wise Woman Immersion group program, which weaves together wisdom teachings from her 4-decade personal journey, spiritual activism & channeled guidance for deep healing & transformation of self & world.

Ariana says: “Being a Teaching Intern was a rich & rewarding experience of being in service. I helped make it easier for Marguerite to be in her brilliance by handling some of the administrative matters. This role also allowed me to create deeper connections with my sisters in the training. And I learned a lot about the back-end of leading courses & retreats, which has been invaluable as I’ve developed my own business. I’ve received so much over the years from Marguerite – it was a beautiful way to give back.”

Visit Ariana’s website HERE.


Angela de la Agua, became our second intern in 2017–18 after gaining certification as a Dove Oracle Priestess the year before. This marked a new stage in the internship program whereby the intern now had the skills to hold the psychic container for the class during sessions.

Angela’s solitary life in the desert is where she first discovered her abilities to channel divine energies to bring forth healing & transformation to the world through sacred nourishment, yogic arts, healing work & laughter. Through her deep devotions & spiritual practices over the years, she has come to be known as The Golden Oracle, a highly purified channel for the Divine Feminine. Angela offers herself as a ceremonialist, healer & teacher for her local desert community & beyond.

Anglela says: “My experience as Marguerite’s Teaching Intern blessed me with expanded confidence in cultivating my greater work in the world. Working closely with Marguerite in this capacity strengthened my abilities to hold space for groups & helped me truly embody my sacred gifts in a structured way. I am so grateful for how she’s helped me truly know the value of my voice in the world, and for her continuous support of me every step of the way.”

Visit Angela’s website, The Golden Oracle, HERE.


Nicola D’Alonzo served as our most recent Oracle Training intern for Levels 1 & 2 in 2018–19 after earning her own certification as a Level 2 Dove Oracle Priestess. She is now developing a private practice whereby she brings her experience & knowledge in several esoteric arts to create a unique experience in her intuitive readings for clients. She is also serving as a public oracle for group events. Nicola is a Karuna & Usui Reiki Master & has eight years of dedicated Kriya Yoga meditation under her belt.

Nicola says: “Interning for the Priestess of the Dove Oracle classes brought me to a new level of understanding of what’s possible in the Oracle state. By holding protective space for the class, I received many intriguing cosmic & personal truths meant to benefit everyone in the class & beyond.”


Carmen Nash is our current intern for the Seven Sister Soul-Dive Series live calls. She is an anointing priestess healer who works with people individually & in group settings to help them dissolve fear & find sovereignty so they may embody more balance, joy & unconditional love in their lives.

As a Certified Level 2 Dove Oracle Priestess, Carmen receives information for & transmits healing energy to people. She also practices Raindrop – a technique rooted in Tibetan & Lakota wisdom that integrates the use of essential oils with Reconnective Healing – a modality that connects people to their inner wisdom & empowerment.

Carmen says: “I’m very honored to serve as the teaching intern for Marguerite’s Soul-Dive series. I feel Grace enter when I hold space for the class, and Bliss when sharing insights that come to me through the Divine Mother & the Fairies, which Marguerite invokes in our monthly sessions.”

Read more about Carmen & her energy healing practice HERE.

We also wish to acknowledge Jessica Zdenek, for the support services she provided to Marguerite’s Divine Birth/Divine Self Mystery Teachings program several years ago. Thank you, Jessica!