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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Why Your Womb, Why Now?

In our now moment on the planet, so many of us are swirling with personal and collective challenges, disasters laid over disasters, and more. As I prepare to offer both the Holy Womb Chakra Teachings and the free call on Sept 15, Discovering the Secret of the Holy Womb Chakra, to introduce you more fully to those teachings, I’m thinking a lot about the Sacred Womb & how it relates to what’s going on. I wanted to share those thoughts today.

Why am I talking about the womb now? Because the womb is the woman’s direct conduit to Mother Divine, She who is the feminine Creator of the multiverse. That means the womb is creative power. The womb is healing power. The womb is conscious power. And the womb is love power.

The womb is available for more than bringing children to our planet, although we would agree that this role is very sacred. But beyond pulling souls into incarnation, the womb is a storehouse and a conduit for miracle level interventions, and this is the capacity that has been suppressed from our awareness for millennia. With this veiling, the womb has become an underutilized resource. Yet when we fully awaken it, the womb contains tremendous power for bringing healing & sustenance to our world IN VERY REAL WAYS.

Whatever your gender identity, you have access to this womb portal.

With all that is plaguing us on the planet right now in this time of the great conflagration, we need more awakened wombs that are calling on their power and distributing that power where it is needed. We need YOUR awakened womb.

Your enlivened & healed womb brings balance and fortification to your life. It also serves as a reservoir from which you can draw for conducting Feminine Divine energies into our world for the healing of our families, communities & global collective.

How is this possible? How can the womb do all that? Since 2017 when I was fully introduced to the Holy Womb Chakra Teachings, I have been discovering the answers to this in my own life, and I’ve been seeing how the womb power can operate in the lives of others. It is nothing short of miraculous.

Very ancient practices are now coming to light through this work that I’ve tapped into, practices that allow you to clear & empower your own womb in ways you haven’t dreamed were possible. As I have engaged these practices, I have experienced nothing less than a miracle healing (on my own womb, no less!), the release of a major heartache that was plaguing me, and the strong forward propulsion into the new chapter of my life in the form of a major release of stuck energies & the establishing of my new home.

Who knows precisely what transformations will be in store for you if you partake of this journey!

I warmly invite you to find out more about what the Holy Womb Chakra Teachings offer you by encouraging you to enroll in my free call & read about the course HERE. Your awakened womb consciousness is needed to sustain you at this time of great upheaval, and to empower you as a spirit worker who wishes to help co-create the New Earth reality. Please join us!