REGISTER for May 11 Online Event: William & Marguerite, Mother Mary ~ Pleiades & Parthenogenesis

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

YOU as Magdalene Mary Sophia

Keep your date with destiny

What does it mean to be a Sophia? A Mary? A Magdalene?

In writing my next book about Mother Mary, I’ve recently completed a fascinating section on her relationship with Magdalene. In doing this deep dive, guess what? I’ve cracked the code of Magdalene as “Sophia”… and as a tantric priestess of… yes, divine conception! Among many other things, of course.

Whoah, Magdalene as a priestess of divine conception!

I’m going to share all that in my new course on Mary Magdalene, but here I want to focus on what it means to BE Sophia, to BE Magdalene, to BE Mary, and what this means for all of us on the pathway to IN-scension ~ whatever your sex.

Why? Because this triple-power composite is but a reflection of WHO YOU ARE (becoming).

As a Magdalene, you are able to access your divine heat within. Your kama/desire is smoldering. You are embodied sensuality combined with heart, combined with wisdom.

As a Mary, you are a conduit of Divine Love. Your heart is expansive, compassionate, and neutral. You are embodied love combined with womb power, combined with keen intelligence.

As a Sophia, you are a radiant force of knowing and wise action. Your wisdom incorporates the totality of the Akashic Records and the Halls of Amenti. You are integrated knowledge of good and evil combined with loving-kindness, combined with the creative Holy Womb Chakra powers of all of creation.

Yes, take it in. This is where you are, deep down, and this is where you are going. Just by reading these words you are activating more and more of this power.

Magdalene embodied this Sophianic self-sovereign being-ness, and she is a teacher of this for us on the inner planes.

This is part of her mystery, and this is what we will be accessing through the new course The Seven Mysteries of Magdalene.

Your passionate inner Feminine Knowing is what you’ve come here to embody at this time on earth. It’s what’s needed to help us release the grip of the Archons and turn our planet toward evolutionary Lemuria New Earth.

We hope you will join us for your date with destiny.