REGISTER for May 11 Online Event: William & Marguerite, Mother Mary ~ Pleiades & Parthenogenesis

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Accelerating into 5D Consciousness



As we continue to move through unprecedented times & uncharted territory in our world, you may be feeling ever more acutely that THIS IS THE LONG-AWAITED SHIFT into what some are calling 5th Dimensional Consciousness

You know what it is.

You can feel it.

The 5th Dimension is the reality in which…

• you have expanded powers of perception
• synchronicity is commonplace
• you bridge into your own miracle worker abilities
• paradox abounds to crack open your mind
• love must rule the day
• time feels accelerated, stretched, or non-linear
• past-life memories surface
• manifestation of the positive (& negative) can be immediate
• and yet more weird and wonderful things can happen


5D is not a place or domain outside our world. It’s right here, right now, just a phase shift difference away from what’s been considered “normal” 3D operation. 3D is dense, and the doors are now open for you to go to a lighter (and eventually easier) vibration.

5D is what we’re weaving into this reality to raise us back up to the level we once knew as a species in the epoch of Lemuria. So that means you can release heaviness, challenges, and stuck energies that are no longer needed… while still keeping your body. AND… you can access your own abilities as a miracle manifester and healer.

But this process takes awareness and intention if you really want to move it along.

If you’re game to make this shift to 5D ~ or are already on your way ~ you may be encountering crazy-ass bumps, and you may be wondering: How can I make this transition in the most effective, grace-filled way?


The Accelerating into 5D Consciousness course will help you…

understand what’s happening on social, political, medical, economic & spiritual levels in a mind-opening way that’s attuned to your soul’s evolution
restore your memories of life in our original civilization of Lemuria & bring your information from that time back into this timeline
be grounded to deal with the mind fricks & glitches that will swirl around you in this transition time
 open your ability to make miracles happen
really get the role of love in this awakening & learn tools to amplify your heart energy
receive support from the true new Mother Mary & the subtle beings of nature to move from muck to luck
anchor unity consciousness & the positive timeline for our earth

Be part of this thrilling global shift!


More about the Accelerating into 5D Consciousness course:

In 6 on-demand sessions, you’ll receive high-level transmissions of guidance and energies. We work specifically with Blessed Mother Mary and those known as the Faeries and Sidhe ~ beings already in 5D and beyond on the other side of the veil ~ for special help with our healing & spiritual acceleration.

Expect, too, cameo appearances by Marguerite’s two comedy beings from Long Island in the 5th dimension, Gloria & Sylvia, to help you “keeeeep laughing,” a critical skill to also help you move through this intense time!

And Marguerite Dove offers Cosmic Q&A on previously recorded questions of global and universal significance.

A taste of what you’ll experience in these class modules:

… And bear in mind that Marguerite was channeling continually during the recordings, so expect surprise Divine interventions!


Class 1: Opening to Miracle Abilities and Staying Steady & Protected through the “Shift” Storm

We start by looking from the 5D awakening perspective on what’s going on, why things are ratcheting up on all fronts, and how this is a time of moving back to Lemurian magical capabilities. You’ll be guided in how to “shift perspective” like a ninja to grab the positive timeline, and how to maintain good psychic hygiene.

Class 2:
Turning Fear into an Ally… and Giving It the Finger with Humor

We explore how fears are being massively triggered like never before by unfriendly forces who are also paradoxical teachers. You get a deeper understanding of how and where fear can hook you, and how you can work with it in an advanced way to actually strengthen your inner core as part of your IN-scension.

We also look at the important role of humor and how to use it to shake up, transmute & shift energies… in part with the help of our Faery allies who are already in 5D on the other side of veil!

Class 3: Really Getting the SELF-Love Piece

Self-love, self-love, yeah yeah, blah blah. We’ve heard all about it but how do we really ENGAGE it? In this class session, you learn a quantum self-love technique to apply to any wounded places within, through the assistance of Mother Mary. We work with the Faeries to help us further lighten our load. You’re also guided in establishing a daily 30-minute love practice as a key part of anchoring in our 5D light and sending it through the hologram for the advancement of all beings in all realities.

Class 4: Facing Polarity through Radical Love of Individuals & Humanity

Calling on Blessed Mother, we learn a technique to “rise up” beyond the polarity extremes stirred by the shift to address any person or situation from a place of love. We use the 5D principle of “no-time” to bring healing to moments of the past, apply the technique to a present challenge, and send the vibrations of this practice into any future scenarios.

Class 5: Cavorting with our Faery & Sidhe Allies for Support & Delight

We remember that “we are not alone” and that right here, but a phase shift away, are the most positive friends we could ever image: the Faery races and the Sidhe ancestors. We’re reminded of who they are and what they offer, and we play in their garden for refreshment.

Class 6: What 5D Feels Like, Cosmic Q&A for Moving into 5D Action

Integrate insights from this journey deeper into your 5D Higher Self, experience what 5D feels like in your, and enjoy an oracle from Marguerite in response to previously recorded participant questions.


As a result of this course you will:

• Move more fully into your Divine Love connection
• Be anchored in the Positive New Earth Timeline
• Become skilled in melting away negativity & live the life you’ve always wanted to
• Be more connected to the divine support always available to you



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